My dear lord, you are truly insane if you believe this. It pains me to think you are espousing truth, rather then psychotic ramblings. I will pray for you my son!
2007-04-03 14:12:15
answer #1
answered by Boston Bluefish 6
Palm Sunday comes first in order. The central feature of the service proper to this day, as it was in the time of Ãtheria, is the procession of palms.
The only other noteworthy feature of the present Palm Sunday service is the reading of the Gospel of the Passion.
Maundy Thursday:
The day commemorates the Last Supper of Christ and his 12 Apostles and the institution of the Eucharist.
On Maundy Thursday, the celebrant often celebrates the rite of the washing of the feet.
During the day, bishops celebrate the Chrism Mass, where they bless the oils for Confirmation, the Anointing of the Sick and the Catechumens.
The hosts not distributed in Communion on Maundy Thursday are reserved and distributed on Good Friday, when no Mass is celebrated.
After the Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession to an "altar of repose". Then all altars except that one are stripped.
Good Friday:
There is no Mass; the Eucharist is not consecrated. Communion takes place with the hosts left over from Holy Thursday.
The church remains stripped on this day of ornate objects, including the altar cloth and candles, as a sign of respect.
Holy water fonts are emptied.
On this day, the stations of the Cross are often prayed either in the church or outside.
Celebration of the liturgy of the Lord’s Passion occurs in the afternoon.
The liturgy consists of three parts in the Roman Rite:
the Liturgy of the Word,
the Veneration of the Cross,
and Holy Communion.
Holy Saturday:
A day of silence and prayer which commemorates the dead Christ in the tomb. No Mass is celebrated.
The Tabernacle is left empty and open. The lamp or candle usually situated next to the Tabernacle denoting the Presence of Christ is put out, and the Eucharist is kept elsewhere, usually the sacristy, with a lamp or candle burning before it.
Easter Vigil
Takes place during the night, either on the eve of Easter or early in the morning on Easter Sunday.
The Gospel reminds us to have our lamps ready, to be like men waiting for the Lord’s return so that when He arrives He will find us wide awake and will seat us at His table.
Night vigil is arranged in four parts:
A brief service of light;
Liturgy of the word;
Liturgy of baptism;
Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday
2007-04-02 13:55:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Daniel 9:27 - Misconception of the False Prophet and a Seven-Year Covenant -
The beast/false prophet (Re.13:11) will not be on the world scene seven years prior to the Seventh Trumpet (1 Thess.4:16-17) ascension to be able make a seven-year covenant.
The beast/false prophet will ascend from the bottomless pit (Re.9:1-2) 1335 days (3 yrs., 8 mo., 15 days) prior to the ascension.
The beast/false prophet will ascend from the bottomless pit AFTER the beast of Revelation 13:1.
The beast of Revelation 13:1 will be allowed to then CONTINUE (Re.13:5) with the beast/false prophet (Re.13:11) once the beast/false prophet has ascended from the bottomless pit.
The day that saints of the most High are blessed to come to the 1335 days (Dan.12:12 below) coincides with the beast/false prophet (Re.13:11) ascending from the bottomless pit (Re.9:1-2)
BOTH these beasts will then come against those blessed who have come to the 1335 days prior to the Seventh TRUMPET ascension.
A misunderstanding of Daniel 9:27 (below) occurs when we look at that Scripture as referring to the false prophet.
A misunderstanding of that Scripture also occurs when we look at the time frame of that Scripture as years instead of DAYS, as it is written.
Daniel 9:25 speaks of Messiah the Prince.
Daniel 9:26 breaks the continuity of thought between Daniel 9:25 and Daniel 9:27, so that the “he” referenced at Daniel 9:27 refers back up to Daniel 9:25, Messiah the Prince.
Messiah the Prince is the Prince of princes/Jesus Christ (Dan.9:25 below).
Messiah is the false prophet (Dan.9:26 below).
He (Dan.9:27 below) refers to Messiah the Prince (Dan.9:25 below).
ONE WEEK (Dan.9:27 below) prior to the Seventh Trumpet ascension (1 Thess.4:16-17), Messiah the Prince (Jesus) will confirm the covenant with many. The many during that last week will be the 144,000.
With the slaying of the two prophets (Re.11:8-12), Messiah the Prince (Jesus) will cause the sacrifice and the oblation of the saints of the most High to cease (Matt.24:9, Dan.7:21, Dan.7:25, Dan.8:24, Re.12:17, Re.13:7, Re.13:15, Re.16:6, Re.17:6, Dan.12:6-7). The slaying of the two prophets ends the "tribulation" except for the 144,000 who will endure to be those who are alive and remain at the ascension.
For the overspreading of abominations that have occurred (Dan.9:27 below), Messiah the Prince (Jesus) shall make the earth desolate, even to the consummation and that determined (the seven last plagues - Re.16:1), will be poured out upon the desolate (Gentiles - 1 Thess.4:5, Eph.2:12) remaining upon the earth after the ascension.
Dan.12:12 BLESSED (Re.14:12-13) is he that waiteth, and cometh to the THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIVE AND THIRTY DAYS (1335 days).
Dan. 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince (Jesus) shall be SEVEN WEEKS (49 days), and THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS (62 weeks, or 1 year, 2 months, 14 days): the street shall be built again, AND THE WALL, even in troublous times.
Dan. 9:26 And after THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS (62 weeks, or 1 year, 2 months, 14 days) shall Messiah (the false prophet - Dan.7:20, Dan.7:24, Dan.7:25, Dan.8:9, Dan.8:11, Dan.8:24-25, Dan.11:36, Dan.11:37-38, 2 Thess.2:4, Re.13:11-17, Re.17:8) be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince (Satan) that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Dan. 9:27 And he (Dan.9:25 above) shall confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK: and IN THE MIDST OF THE WEEK he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Pat (ndbpsa ©)
2007-03-28 20:34:00
answer #3
answered by BibleProphecyOnTheWeb 5
Daniel 9:24-27 probably does refer to the coming of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God but not the end of the covenant with the Jewish people.
The Catholic Church teaches about Judaism:
"The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ"; "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.
God does not break His promises nor His covenants.
With love in Christ.
2007-03-30 00:19:34
answer #4
answered by imacatholic2 7
I have been taught that the end of the week that you refer to was the stoning of Stephen. He was a prophet & israel was given to that time to repent, because up to that time the treatment of prophet by the nation of israel was horrible, then god would open up his covenet with the gentiles. All of which was fulfilled, and one of the people at that stoning was paul who became saul. but it has been along time since i was that familiar with daniel. so iam now going back to brush up so to speak.
2007-04-04 06:36:38
answer #5
answered by ozraikat 4
"massacre of palestinians by Israel"?
There is no massacre that they didn't start because of an important reason and really there is really no massacre at all, The wars have usually been started by the other middle eastern nations and not the "evil israel" and that's why we protect them.
2007-03-27 14:32:42
answer #6
answered by Pirate! 2