Many Christians are closed minded because they think they know what the Bible says about being gay. But when you read and study the Bible for yourself, you discover that what the Bible actually says and what it is presumed to teach are two different things.
Many Christians commit the sin of stereotyping all gay people. They project the worst sinful stereotype onto gay Christians, assuming the worst about us instead of the best.
There are some homosexuals who live sinful, lust-filled lives just like there are some heterosexuals who live sinful, lust-filled lives.
But it would be wrong to condemn all heterosexuals because some heterosexuals refuse to live a Christian life.
Just so, it is wrong to condemn all homosexuals because some refuse to live a Christian life.
There is a lot of information about gay Christians on the Net. I suggest you do a Yahoo Search for gay Christians.
I also recommend this website.
Especially check out this interesting page.
God bless you!
2007-03-30 14:54:08
answer #1
answered by barthbus 1
Because you are stereotyping Christians, you are being no better than these "gay-bashing" ones you speak of.
Do not say that our bible is used as a tool of hate and fear, because it isn't. You read into it what you wish.
I'm a Christian. I believe homosexuality is wrong, but who am I to judge? People will do what they want. A real Christian is supposed to care about everyone- whether they have the same views or not. I have gay friends. Because they like the same sex does not change the person on the inside. I don't "bash" them, I simply don't agree with their views.
Not all Christians "can't accept other views from their own." Quit shoving us into a group.
2007-03-30 18:04:41
answer #2
answered by ♥BR♥ 4
Johnny, it sounds as though you've had a couple of bad experiences. Sorry to hear that. Your question certainly expresses a lot of anguish.
Let me see if I can help you out.
A true Christian doesn't bash the person but stands firm against the act. Christ taught us to love everyone and to leave the judgments to God. But we were also told to help each other turn from sin, and homosexuality is clearly defined in the Book of Leviticus as a sin. So try to understand that Christians can't overlook homosexuality because it is a sin.
You are right about something. Often the Bible is misinterpreted and used as a tool. There is no misinterpretation, however, regarding homosexuality. The texts involved are clear and literal. But there is no reason for anyone to be hateful to you. I would encourage you to fight those urges with no less zeal than I would warn my neighbor that he should not be sleeping around on his wife. I would be tactful and candid. But I will not budge in my opposition of that lifestyle.
The final point I want to bring to your attention is this: It is not OUR way or no way. It is God's way or no way. We only want to help you. If you choose not to listen, then it is your choice for God gave you free will, but our Lord has commanded us to be persistent and we intend to obey. In the end, it is to Him you will answer.
2007-03-28 05:44:52
answer #3
answered by sparc77 7
Excuse me, gay bashing? I have yet to read a single comment by any Christian bashing homosexuals. To say that homosexuals are everything but human is wrong and does not display the compassion of Christ for humanity. This is not what Christians do. We do declare what the Bible says about homosexuality as a life-style and are in titled to that. Why can't you and your Christian bashing friends here on R&S accept that our views are different from yours. I have two sisters who are current practicing homosexuals. They know how I feel about this and they respect that. We all still get along just fine, as a matter of fact I play basketball with my younger sister and the issue never comes up. She knows what the Bible says about her life style but she simply chooses to do her own thing right now. The best thing I can do for her is to pray for her, but she knows that I will not change my views on this issue because I am a firm believer in the Word of the Lord. So be more like her and get over it.
2007-03-27 07:31:23
answer #4
answered by Jimbo 2
I am a devout Christian so do not lump me in with all of the Christians. Some christians are vocal in their beliefs and gives the whole religion a bad name.I think the reason is people( and it is not just christians) Like to have a scapegoat and someone to judge when the reality of it is that people should just mind their own business. The biggest thing in the Bible that is constantly touched upon is judging others yet it is the thing that so many people are guilty of.I do not believe Jesus would spread such hatred of homosexuals.I think we should all love each other and leave the private lives private.
2007-03-27 07:20:14
answer #5
answered by Lori O 3
Hun, fact of the matter is that insecure people will always find someone to bash and something to validate it so they can sleep at night. Hell, a hundred years ago my kind was burned, drowned, hanged and crushed in the good ole US of A. I cant walk down the street w/o getting a dirty look for wearing my pentacle and this is 2007!
Bottom line is this: Are these people really important? In the great big grand scheme of things are you going to let some holier than thou piece of human waste dictate how you should feel or how you should live your life? I hope the answer is a resounding "NO!".
In all honesty, the bashing cannot be segregated to any one group, religious or otherwise. Granted, there are many christians who use the bible for their own gain...misinterpreting text, taking it out of context, what have you....but believe it or not, I have come across some christians who are tolerant of gays and even pagans like myself. It is those with whom I have had the most interesting debates and discussions on religion and personal beliefs.
It has long been my opinion that if someone is to frightened to step out of the shadow they have put themselves willingly and are content to live in the darkness of others' perceptions, ideas and beliefs (plz notice that there is a difference between believing in christianity on your own terms vs believing because it is how you were raised, dont know any different and dont want to buck the system.), they are not worth my time or my energy. I am a complete live and let live personality and if others cannot see past their narrow perspective to do the same...oh well. Not my problem. They are on their own path and must travel where it leads, for better or worse. If they choose to change, that is their decision, and their decision alone.
Best wishes and here's big hopes that you will be able to make your peace with the matter and leave it up to a higher power (be that "God", Gaia, the oversoul, the christ consciousness, Allah, whatever). Dont let someone elses closemindedness haunt or harm you. You are much better than that.
2007-03-27 07:23:07
answer #6
answered by seanachaipriestess 3
Man on man relations and woman on woman relations are contrary to reason, order, logic, nature, conceptualization, experience, history, rationalization, laws and principlesof knowledge, non-conradiction, excluded middle, balance, geometry, the tao, the yin and the yang, and this is to be revealed in due time. This puts Christianity in good company and backs it up with many witnesses, it is not alone, it is that "modern" man has lost his way and been cut off from the root of truth and fights against every restriction even reality itself. It is not religion they fight against but reason itself.
Why do so many people erroneously equate disapproval with bashing?
Is it simply an attempt to silence all disapproval by nominally associating it with something that makes it sound bad but is clearly inaccurate? If you diapprove or reject of something, let us say for instance a child's behavior and wish to correct him or point him or her to some alternative or you hating or bashing? I do not think so. I find a relevant proverb to this,
How do you interpret this in daily life?
Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult. Whoever rebukes a wicked person incurs abuse. Do not rebuke a mocker or they will hate you. Rebuke a wise person and they will love you. Proverbs 9:7-8
2007-03-27 19:28:41
answer #7
answered by Socinian F 3
I don't think the Bible is misinterpreted. I'm sure the men who wrote it hated gay people. Not all Christians are gay-bashers, some of them think for themselves and don't blindly follow what the Bible says.
I think it's horrible when people throw the Bible at you for why they disagree with homosexuality. The Bible also advocates slavery. Do these same people think slavery is OK? No, they're using it to justify their own intolerance and hate.
2007-03-27 07:15:33
answer #8
answered by ....... 4
I am tired of Christian bashing by people pretending they are tired of gay bashing. I have run into several others extremely negative views on homosexuality besides Christians... Religion did not invent gay bashing...homophobia did...mostly MALE homophobia.
(Disclaimer: Christians who bash gays are committing a sin against the second most important commandment of Jesus Christ...and do not tell me what PAUL one says the way to God is through Paul...sorry.
BTW...what these fanatic people do not want you to know is that some RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS believe Paul was a non active homosexual).
The Skeptical Christian, JPO
Grace and Peace
2007-03-27 07:13:46
answer #9
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
Why don't we accept your interpretation? You said it yourself:
"...can't they understand that their bible is misinterpreted and used as a tool to cause hate and fear?"
The answer to your question is, "yes", we know that it can be misinterpreted, and we assume that it what you are doing.
If you are not Christian, then why do you care how we interpret our scriptures anyway? It seems obvious that you are not an objective interpreter, but are apparently trying to manulipulate our beliefs to get us to support what you want us to support, and to do what you want us to do.
2007-03-27 07:16:45
answer #10
answered by Randy G 7