The Bible and dinosaurs. There are biblical references to unknown animals. For instance, a creature called "behemoth" is described in Job 40: 15-24. Behemoth (gigantic, Hebrew) is a massive animal. Some have attempted to say the elephant or hippopotamus is meant. However, the elephant and hippopotamus do not have a tail "like a cedar" (vs. 17). The book of Job is an ancient book, about 4000 years old. Behemoth could have been what scientists call Diplodocus, a huge plant-eater. Another apparently extinct animal is described in Job 41. It is called Leviathan (vs. 1). The description fits what scientists call Kronosaurus, one of the greatest animals to ever swim the seas. Leviathan was still around as late as the time of Psalms 104 (see vs. 26). Leviathan is said to have been in the oceans where the ships traveled (the alligator or crocodile does not satisfy the description of Leviathan).
The fossil record is in harmony with the Bible, not Darwinian evolution. The suddenness of the destruction apparently by huge amounts of water, the often missing consistent layers of stratum, and the absence of transitional forms in the fossil evidence all support the Bible and present serious problems for evolutionists.
The Bible doesn't actually use the term "caveman" or "Neanderthals," and according to the Bible there is no such thing as "prehistoric" man. The term "prehistoric" means "belonging to the era before recorded history" ( It presupposes that the Biblical account is merely a fabrication because the Book of Genesis purports to record events which precede the creation of man (namely, the first five days of creation - man was created on the sixth day).
With that said, the Bible does describe a period of traumatic upheaval (the Flood – Genesis chapters 6-9) upon the earth during which time civilization was utterly destroyed and men were forced to start over. It is in this historical context that some scholars believe that men lived in caves and made use of stone tools. These men were not primitive; they were simply destitute. And they certainly weren't half ape. The fossil evidence is quite clear: cavemen were human (hence the term cave-"men," men who lived in caves).
There are some fossilized ape remains which Darwinian paleo-anthropologists interpret as being some sort of transition between ape and men. Most people seem to think of these interpretations when they imagine cavemen. They picture furry half-men half-ape crouched in a cave next to a fire, drawing on the walls with their newly developed stone tools. This is a common misconception. And as far as Darwinian paleo-anthropology goes, please keep in mind that these interpretations reflect a peculiar worldview. They are not necessarily the clear leading of the evidence. In fact, not only is there major opposition to these interpretations within the academic community, the Darwinists themselves don't entirely agree with each other on the details.
I hope this has answered your questions...If you have any other questions about the Bible please feel free to email me
2007-03-27 06:16:32
answer #1
answered by Theresa B 2
First off, the Bible is not meant to be a scientific account of the times in history. God inspired word deals mostly with relationship and others things that had an impact on Christianity.
So, the Bible doesn't give us a specific understanding of how the earth was created. Was a day 24 hours like we consider a day or was it longer? Our day is based on the revolution of the Sun. God didn't create that until the 4th day, so that gives credit to those days actually being longer. Obviously, God has the ability to create the world we live in. How He did it will remain unclear until we are able to hear the answers in heaven. Another thing to consider. Recently scientist were asked to use the same technology that they use to date artifacts and the creation of the earth to date the existance of a small area of canyons. I can't remember the actual figures, but they came up with a very large number of years. In actuallity the canyons were formed in the not to distant past by earthquakes. The point that was being made is that the alteration to the environment caused by natural disasters can be so intense that it affects carbon dating.
Dinosaurs; just because they weren't mentioned doesn't mean that they didn't exist. It just means that it wasn't relavent at the time. The meteor hitting causing an ice age is a theory. Another theory is that dinosuars became exstinct because of a global flood. Again a fact that we'll learn more about in heaven. Obviously they existed, the Bible just didn't refer to them. It did mention a "Leviathan" which may have been a type of dinosaur that we call something else.
The people we refer to as cave people were the beginnings of the human race. So, it would only be logical to assume that they would be the more recent decendants of Adam and Eve.
2007-03-27 06:27:53
answer #2
answered by Rick D 4
If there is a God (which I have no way of knowing, yea or nay), He didn't see fit to give me any "faith". Only He would know the reason why.
I attended many Bible classes, but I got kicked out for asking too many questions.
I would say there are some very good answers here about the people who wrote the Bible, and what it is for. Use these answers to help you find the truth in your heart, not in the (very fallible)Bible, which is nothing more than the heavily translated, (mistranslated?) and abridged written word that has managed to survive all the challenges up to this very day.
Also, do not let anyone try to tell you that (if there is a God) these historical documents are the only 'word' of God.
I, so far, have not found enough evidence or feelings or faith to 'believe' that God is anymore than a fairy tale that some people need to force them to behave. However, I also do not see where it makes any sense to deny that such a being could exist, and probably still tries to make people 'see' the truth.
2007-03-27 14:23:38
answer #3
answered by Yarnlady_needsyarn 7
Read Genesis 1:! which says that in the beginning God created the earth - that was probably many millions of years ago. Then the creative "days" of the Bible made the earth habitable as God did various things like create land, etc. The Hebrew word which is translated as "day" means a period of time, much the same as we would say "in our Father's day" - it doesn't mean 24 hours, but means a period of time. We don't know how long each creative day is, the Bible doesn't tell us, but we do know in the Bible it tells us that one day is like a thousand years to God - so he uses a day to illustrate a time period and not to be taken literally. As for dinosaurs - maybe they died before man was created - as we don't know how long they were created before Adam was. Also, don't take carbon dating too literally - don't forget that before the flood the earth had a canopy of water enveloping it, this would affect the way dating works today - i.e. they could easily get it wrong!!! Hope this in some way helps.
2007-03-27 05:49:13
answer #4
answered by north_lights20 3
Calm down........The BIBLE doesn't say the world is 6,000yrs old , PEOPLE say that. Your are right Job chapter 40 describes an animal referred to as Behemoth which is a dinosaur. Job was a man who lived in that time. Those with discernment under stand this. It is not for everybody to know. That's why Christ once said " I will utter things that have been hidden since the foundation of the world" . I will explain briefly . We were all on the earth .everyone was happy. Satan started his sh-t, then god ended Satan's crap by taking every body to some other location then he flooded the whole earth.
Ask any geologist and they will tell you that there is evidence of global flooding some 23,000 + years ago. Noah's was just regional. Then he started putting the spirits from his new location(heaven) into flesh bodies on this earth to test us. Who will we follow , Satan or God. That is why we are here. You can take this info and make what you want of it. Like I said it is not for everybody to know. or accept at THIS time.
can be emailed for more info. btw god's "days " are actually 1,000 yr periods. 2nd Peter 3 verse 8
2007-03-27 07:32:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The bible doesn't say that dinos aren't real. It mentions the beast of the field. And as for cave people who say's that when Adam and Eve left the garden they didn't live in caves at first. The bible doesn't cover every tribe of people on Earth. There were probably lots of people who lived in caves. But for some reason the Hebrews and Egyptians choose not to. The bible say's seek thee first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Don't get side tracked with petty questions that the heathen use to try and trip us up. You have enough to do to try and live up to His holy standard. If you have doubt in your heart pray and God will reveal Himself to you.
2007-03-27 06:40:45
answer #6
answered by crystalonyx3 3
The bible is a cultural record, not a history or science book.
It is a story of faith journeys and not literal but teaching metaphors and parables.
At least you know that the bibleis the word of God and NOT the Word of God as so many people put it.
The Word of God (living and breathing was Jesus) so at least you are off to a good start to understanding the truths are metaphorical and ethical not temporal.
2007-03-27 05:44:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oshihana has it to a 'T'...the bible was written by men with good intentions, to try to instill some order in a chaotic world.
When people grasp at straws to legitimize the stories in the bible, that should send off alarms.
Genesis says that God created in the earth in six people are going to say "Uhh...a 'day' doesn't mean 'a day' means 'a period of time'? WTF? God doesn't know how long a day is?!
I have heard people claim that God put dinosaur bones in the ground 'to test our faith'?
That's the scientific part of
I wasn't there, so I don't know what exactly went down!
Good luck!
2007-03-27 06:31:33
answer #8
answered by a kinder, gentler me 7
Okay, check me out.
Those who interpret literally assume that the earth was created in only 6 (24hr) days, which would mean that it really is only about 6000 years old. However, the Bible says that the earth was created "in the beginning"; the six day period was the time it took for him to prepare it for human habitation, and logical deduction would lead one to believe that these days were likely thousands of years in duration. Genesis 1:20,21 allows a vast period of time for the dinosaurs to be created, walk the earth, and go into extinction. 6000 years is only to be measured from the time of Adam's creation down to our day.
2007-03-27 05:49:33
answer #9
answered by DwayneWayne 4
As far as I know there has been 6,000 years since Adam.
The earth is billions of years old.
God rested on the 7th day, which I believe is 7,000 years long, and we have about 1,000 to go, the reign of Christ. The Bible talks about the rest day like it is still continuing. So if each creation day is 7,000 years long, as the word day has different meanings, then that means the first day of this 'week' was started 48,000 years ago.
2007-03-27 06:10:01
answer #10
answered by tienna 3