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5 answers

I don't know of any doctor who will prescribe you an injection for coccyx pain unless he does it himself. These injections into inflamed areas are very uncomfortable around the bone. However, why not take an anti-inflammatory (with food) like aspirin or ibuprophen and stay off of your butt for a while? Yea, I know it hurts (been there); however, it will take a while to go away. Call your doc and tell him you're having pain and get a donut to sit on. Lay on your side with a pillow between your legs/ankles to relieve stress on the hips and spine. Rest and time will help you. Godloveya.

2007-03-27 05:35:08 · answer #1 · answered by Sassy OLD Broad 7 · 0 0

Coccydynia is a medical term meaning pain in the coccyx or tailbone area.

[edit] Synonyms
Coccydynia is also known as coccygodynia, coccygeal pain, coccyx pain, or (in layperson's terms) simply tailbone pain.

[edit] Natural History
In many cases the exact cause is not known.

Coccydynia is often reported following a fall or after childbirth. In some cases, persistent pressure from activities like bicycling may cause the onset of coccyx pain. [1] Coccydynia due to these causes usually is not permanent, but it may become very persistent and chronic if not controlled.

Rarely, coccydynia is due to the undiagnosed presence of a sacrococcygeal teratoma or other tumor in the vicinity of the coccyx. In these cases, appropriate treatment usually involves surgery and/or chemotherapy.

[edit] Clinical Features
Activities that put pressure on the affected area are bicycling, horseback riding, and other activities such as increased sitting that put direct stress on the coccyx. The medical condition is often characterized by pain that worsens with constipation and may be relieved with bowel movement. Rarely, sexual intercourse can even aggravate symptoms.

[edit] Non-Surgical Treatment
Since sitting on the affected area may aggravate the condition, proper padding (or a donut cushion) is recommended. If there is tailbone pain with bowel movements, then stool softeners and increased fiber in the diet may help. For prolonged cases, anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving drugs may be prescribed. The use of anti-depressants such as Elavil (amiltriptyline) may help alleviate constant pain. Local nerve blocks are often beneficial. Tailbone pain doctors specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at New Jersey Medical School have published that sometimes even just a single local nerve block injection at the ganglion impar can give 100% relief of coccydynia when performed under fluoroscopic guidance. Reference Foye 2006

[edit] Surgical Treatment
In rare cases, surgery to remove the coccyx (coccygectomy) may be required.

[edit] See also
Ganglion impar
Coccyx (tailbone)

[edit] External links
Free, online medical review article on coccydynia (coccyx pain, tailbone pain) at eMedicine

[edit] References
^ Foye P, Buttaci C, Stitik T, Yonclas P (2006). "Successful injection for coccyx pain.". Am J Phys Med Rehabil 85 (9): 783-4. PMID 16924191.

2007-03-27 06:07:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In coccydynia if other measure to cure pain do not work one should go for local injection of long acting steroid (eg Wycort;Kennacort) is being injected along with long acting local anaesthetic agent i,e sensorcain both injections are loaded in syring (dose vary person to person &doctor to doctor) .By all aseptic precaution the most tender point is located &at this site prefilled steroid+local anaesthetic agent is injected if patient feel almost immedeat relief means our injection has gone to right site ;the immedeat relief is obtained by local anaesthesia &longer relief would be by antiinflamatory action of steroid.one shoud noted that this procedure must have to be repeated dependes upone duration of relief. 2 The second choice is implemented if pt. did not get relief after many of such injection here the nerve branch wich supply to coccyx is destroyed rather blocked by some chemical substances like ;injection of Alcohol at the nerve site by this one will get almost permanent reliefe but in some cases this procedure has to be reapeted.

2007-03-27 06:03:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mum has suffered from consistent soreness for a number of years now, she used to take an outstanding form of drugs (28 pillsfor soreness and different circumstances)on a daily basis besides the indisputable fact that it almost destroyed her abdomen lining, a lot only so that they have got positioned her on a ingredient called a soreness Patch, and that's operating really properly. It appears like a nicotine patch, yet includes painkiller (in my mums case a low dose of morphine), it really works by technique of slowly liberating the drugs by the floor into her gadget.

2016-12-02 21:48:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Usually a doctor will order a corticosteroid injection (usually Cortisone). They will inject the medication into the tissue surrounding the coccyx or into the joint areas. You can find more information here: http://www.coccyx.org/treatmen/inflamm.htm

Good luck and get to feeling better!

2007-03-27 05:34:04 · answer #5 · answered by nurse_33_burlington 2 · 0 0

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