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I want a mountain bike that can be used on a daily basis for both road and trail.

height: 6 feet, 0 inches
weight: 190lbs plus backpack
expected price range: $300 to $500

At first, I stupidly bought something for $50 thinking I could use it to ride to my college campus and back. There were many headaches fixing the piece of crap since the parts were so cheap (particularly the wheel bearings). So, I have had enough of that and want something better. What brand or model performs consistently well and why? Also, any USA bike stores you recommend or is it just primarily the local shops that are good?

2007-03-27 04:35:58 · 6 answers · asked by Ubi 5 in Sports Cycling

Oh, and if you need more info let me know and I will add details accordingly. Thanks.

2007-03-27 04:37:13 · update #1

6 answers

Honestly, the best bike/brand/model for you is the one that fits you the best, that you are most comfortable riding.

Go to your local bike shops, explain to them your situation and price range, and test ride as many bikes in that range as you can. They'll make sure each bike is fitted to you so you'll know how the bike will ride.

What you'll find is there will be one particular bike you keep coming back to ride again and again - that will be your bike.

2007-03-27 06:07:06 · answer #1 · answered by kalaka 5 · 0 0

Excellent input Ubi............... Kala and Unclen hit it on the head, Kala has a great point with " the one you come back to ".
You will find out that some local bike shops are friendly and some are not, depends how you fit in I guess. See what type of service they offer after you purchase the bike.Some have one free tune up or 2 years of tune ups and so on. You may become a loyal customer and be a part of keeping a family business running.
Good luck and happy riding

2007-03-27 14:20:48 · answer #2 · answered by dkgorace 2 · 0 0

Yeah I'd reiterate what's been said before. Specialized and Giant are good makes to look for but make sure you go to a bike shop to be sized up properly and try it out before you buy.

They will be able to advise on the height and length of your bike.

Have fun


2007-03-27 14:17:03 · answer #3 · answered by Dave B 2 · 0 0

Iron horse make a good bike in that range, spec. hard rock. kona has few lower end bike thta are quailty. you are probaly a 19in frame. pick up a buyers guide from abook store. All the mt bike mags have buyers guides out now.mtb action is my fav

2007-03-27 21:57:50 · answer #4 · answered by brooklyn 4 · 0 0

check out Trek, KHS, Specialized, and Giant
price range to give you more options would be 400 to 600 bucks

a crossroads or hybrid bike may work better for you, depending on how much off road riding you want to do...

2007-03-27 13:53:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For a tall lad you will have to settle for the LARGE size----websites for your bike include Wheel World, Cambria Bikes, and EBAY. ( You don't have to bid----there are 'BUY IT NOW' tags on brand new LARGE sized bikes---its under SPORTING GOODS category). choose a full suspension rig----though your budget may only get second hand types----spot a STEAL on some great bargains ----have FUN!

2007-03-28 00:03:25 · answer #6 · answered by hummerhead2002 7 · 0 1

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