All right dude im getting sick of your crap. now im going to answer your question for about the next 25 minutes. So feel free to give me a low rating and continue your ignorant hate-speech spree!
Scientists have come to the conclusion that dinosaurs could not have lived in todays climate.
1. the oxygen content must have been much higher
2. Atmospheric pressure for the flying dinos needs to be much higher.
Well what does the Bible say about this?
In Genesis it says that God made an expanse of waters from waters, the ones on the ground, and the ones in the sky.
That means a canopy of water stretched all over the world creating a greenhouse effect, thats how you find 5000year old antarctic tropical trees!
And explain this Einstien, in China, scientists have found remains of a dinosaur that still has red blood cells. How does that work out? Well simply, the world is only 6000 years old.
During the flood, the over head canopy came down and filled the earth and the mountains. Thats how we find shells and fish on top of Mt. Hood!!!!!!!!
Then, where did the waters go?
Well psalm expalins that perfectly fine. In Psalm 104, it says:
The waters were above even the tallest mountains, until you rebuked them into the valleys which you have made for them.
So, that explains the continental shelves, that where the waters went.
And thats how we get the Great Salt Lake, Aral Sea, Great Lake, Caspian Sea, Lake Popoo, and Lake Titicaca to name a few!
* And hey ya little fools, the Bible actually does mentions dinosaurs in Daniel, Genesis, Job, Acts, Numbers, Exodus, Psalm, Proverbs, and probably even more.
Except then the word "dinosaurs" wasnt invented then, they were called "leviathans and dragons"!!!!!
But if the flood happened 5000 years ago then shouldnt there be evidence of that?
Well there is, the Oldest living tree "Cedar Oak" only dates back to about 5000 years ago!
Odd coinsidence aint it?
So if dinos didnt die in the flood, then how did they go instinct?
Well, in ancient Israel weve found 14ft high men! how is that, well the oxygen content was much higher back then!!!!
So dinos actually got smaller and smaller and smaller because the atmosheric pressure of now a days was so low that the blood wouldnt get to their brain and they would die, so it was kind of like putting a shark in a small tank! They wont grow to their original height.
And hey Mr. Smart!
Explain this one, the moon is progressively getting farther away from the earth that if the world were billions of years old, then it would be out of sight by now!!!!!!!
And NASA is the one saying this not me!!!!!!
2007-03-27 04:32:13
answer #1
answered by Indio 4
The Genesis account tells how on the second “day” God made an expanse about the earth, and this expanse (called “Heaven”) formed a division between the waters below, that is the oceans, and the waters above it. (Ge 1:6-8) The waters suspended above the expanse evidently remained there from the second “day” of creation until the Flood.
This is what the apostle Peter was talking about when he recounted that there “was an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water.”
Those waters above, were the means that God called into operation, and “by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water.”
(2Pe 3:5, 6)
2007-03-27 04:37:10
answer #2
answered by Uncle Thesis 7
The Bible speaks of how water came up out of the ground before the Flood to nurture everything. It truly DID NOT rain before the day Noah, his family, and the animals entered the Ark.
2007-03-27 06:07:02
answer #3
answered by bigvol662004 6
which would leave the question where did it all go when it was over. due to the law of conservation of mass matter cannot be created nor destroyed. If you balance chemical equations you will see that if an element is on one side of the has to be on the other side. Which raises a question where did all the hydrogen and oxygen go. with a flood that epic there would be a huge amount of all that leftover elemental material.....WHERE DID IT GO!?!?!
2007-03-27 04:34:53
answer #4
answered by its not gay if... 2
I stand by my answer which apparently you chose not to read. I find this typical of many atheist which leads me to believe you only want answers you can make fun of.
Global Weather System as a part of or resulting from the Bang. It does not have to say it rained in the Bible for it to have rained (or for storms, volcanos and earthquakes to have taken place).
The Skeptical Christian JPO
Grace and Peace
2007-03-27 04:32:40
answer #5
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
who told you it didn't rain pre-flood?
Genesis 1:6-7
And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.
water above it... hint, hint...
2007-03-27 04:31:41
answer #6
answered by its_not_rocket_surgery 3
Hmmmm......but see, there are no dinosaurs in the bible.....
so that must mean.......there really was no dinosaurs?????
it's not like we have proof or anything....i mean no one back than ever wrote a book on dinosaurs
2007-03-27 04:33:18
answer #7
answered by krnsspott 5
I could not believe it either.
See some of the answers to this question:;_ylt=ApeMGfVCCzIPwC.rUGNzeV7sy6IX?qid=20070327080724AAXNVtJ&show=7#profile-info-3e92a4f3282988ecf044b1d36b73fc92aa
Plus, as you know I asked the same question too.
2007-03-27 04:33:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous