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Okay. I have a 2 year old Jack Russell terrier. Normally to my family, I, the 10-year-old, am the dog expert. But I really need help with this. My other dog, Sadie, a Great Dane, gets along great with Chandler. Ok. My dogs never bark when people come over. But when my mom's boyfriend came over, my dogs barked and whined, and barked. Is it true, like you may have heard before, that my dogs know something bad about this dude's past? Please help!

2007-03-27 04:14:48 · 7 answers · asked by .lyssa<3 2 in Pets Dogs

7 answers

It is true, dogs or any animal for that matter know when something isn't right. It is a warning sign that your dogs don't trust this person. I've had dogs, cats and my horses let me know when someone is just not right! It may not neccesarily be bad. He may have smelled strange or maybe he did something they didn't particularily care for. Watch them close when he is around they will give you other signs. If it is just barking, not a big deal if the hair comes up on their necks, bring it to your moms attention because at that point they are giving you a warning that this person may not be a good person!

2007-03-27 04:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer R 3 · 1 0

you are only 10? wow, i think you might just have a future as a writer! your question was better written than most of the adults on here can manage! as for your dogs, some people think dogs can sense something about a person, and will react to it. have they ever met anyone else that looks like your moms new boyfriend? sometimes dogs will get scared by someone, like a guy wearing a hat for example, and from then on they will be scared of any guy wearing a hat. if you do like this guy and want to help, i would get some treats ready for when he comes over. when he shows up, talk happy to the dogs, tell them they are good and toss them some treats. have him do the same. that way they will think "wow, new boyfriend means treats and good things!". if you think there IS something bad about this guy...let them bark and maybe he'll stop coming over! hope this helps!

2007-03-27 11:25:41 · answer #2 · answered by the_most_happy17 3 · 2 0

Maybe the guy looks similar to the dogs' former owner or he has seen him in the past. Usually that's the case. Although the dogs normally get along with most people, that doesn't mean that in the future the dogs will get along with everyone. If that's not the case, then the dogs probably just got a negative vibe from him. I wouldn't bother myself with it.

2007-03-27 11:43:48 · answer #3 · answered by Kenny 3 · 0 0

Dogs have a keen sense of smell and can detect things we as humans cannot.

My own dog has saved me from people who may have done harm to me because I paid attention when he barred his teeth and tucked his tail between his legs when around these people.

Your mom's boyfriend may not like dogs, may have been cruel to dogs, or something that is making them uneasy...so tread lightly here. Your mom may not understand what you are trying to tell her and may not be responsive to your concerns. Keep an eye on your dogs behavior next time he comes over. Are the hairs on their neck raised? Are their tails tucked between their legs? Are they lying on their backs or sides in a submissive stance wagging tails? Body language of an animal will tell you immediately what their thoughts are.

2007-03-27 11:28:29 · answer #4 · answered by belen2499 5 · 0 0

if it was the first time they met him and they wernt happy to see him (backing away not waging tail) it could be things like his body language, hight, tone of voice or how he approched them.
as all of these things cam be used to show domance or thretering behaviour for example a tall, deep voiced man who doesnt slouche but stands up tall would transulate as a domanant person to a dog.

so in this case they were barking as a defence and whineing as a sine that they meen him no thret.

but if he comes round often so they know him they may be trying to remind him whose house it is with the barking

but if they were also happy to see him (waging tail and jumping up) then its just excitement and impatchence.

2007-03-27 11:27:16 · answer #5 · answered by Joanne 5 · 0 1

maybe not his past but i believe they have a sixth sense...something similar happened with out dog as he wouldnt let a certain person in the house....turned out he wasnt very nice anyway

2007-03-27 11:18:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

And you are right. Animals know when a person has a bad spirit. They can feel it . it drivers them crazy. Be careful of that person and keep your eyes open.

2007-03-27 11:19:04 · answer #7 · answered by some one that cares 2 · 1 0

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