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what can i do about his hyperness?

2007-03-27 04:14:46 · 15 answers · asked by Baby 2 in Pets Dogs

and he bites too damn much.

2007-03-27 04:16:04 · update #1

15 answers

Exercise and training. A tired dog is a good dog, so take his little butt for a walk!

Look into group training classes in your area -- working with a trainer in person, someone who knows you and your dog, is a lot easier than trying to use training tips written out in this forum.

Good luck!

2007-03-27 04:38:32 · answer #1 · answered by Loki Wolfchild 7 · 0 0

O.K. here is the problem. You need to take control of this Yorkie. You have to be his pack leader and he will respond and become submissive. When the dog bites you, put a small leash on him and pull it and make a sound like shhh or say no. Then if he continues then shape your hand like a claw, and just go on the side of the dogs neck and push your clawed hand like a pack leader dog would do to put the Yorkie in its place. You have to show the dog that you are his boss, his pack leader..and you command respect. Just your positive attitude will be felt by the dog...dogs respond to everything around them, remember that. So if he sees fear or you being submissive, he will act upon it and continue to bite and be hyper. You will see that it will take a few times, but the dog will become submissive and well behaved. You gave over control to this dog, and he is testing you. As far as hyperness, you need to walk this dog at least three times a day to get the dog tired. His hyperness is because of unexpelled energy. So walking is very important. Don't give up on your dog..give him a chance and try the rehabilitation techniques I advise you to do. You are not hurting the dog in any way. I wish you well and I am very sure the dog will respond in a more positive way to you with your new knowledge.

2007-03-27 21:17:54 · answer #2 · answered by cardgirl2 6 · 0 0

Well, Baby, Yorkies are always going to be hyper, but there are a few things you can do to help.

If your Yorkie hasn't been fixed, I would try that first. That tends to calm down most dogs at least somewhat.

Secondly, make sure you are setting aside time to play with your Yorkie every day. Get a toy bone (never rawhide) and play a gentle game of tug of war so your dog can get his aggressiveness out--but on the bone, rather than you. Taking your Yorkie for regular walks will not only be good for your dog, but begin to teach him that there are appropriate times to be excited.

Try looking into obedience lessons in your area. If your local pet store doesn't offer them, they should be able to direct you to a trainer. And don't despair! Your Yorkie can sense your frustration, and the more frustrated you become, the more frustated he becomes. Plus, his hyperness will improve with age.

2007-03-27 11:38:14 · answer #3 · answered by Carr 2 · 0 0

Yorkies are the most highly strung of all toy dogs, in my opinion. They are also very difficult to train, especially
male Yorkies.
I've owned 2 Yorkies, in the past. A male and a female.
My male went through 4 series of obedience classes
without improving any. He refused to housetrain, was
overly hyper constantly barking and whining, would bite and snap at anyone (except me) who tried to pick him up.
We kept him for 3 years until we had our 1st child and then gave him away, as we didn't want him biting the baby.
My female was pretty much the same only she did learn housetraining. We also gave her away when we had our 1st child.
I 'd suggest obedience classes ASAP, if they don't work,
consider getting another dog.

2007-03-27 11:41:07 · answer #4 · answered by txharleygirl1 4 · 0 0

If his a puppy then it's bcause of his teeeth. I have a Shorkie ( shistzu and Yorkie minx) and he bites alot to, But it doesnt hurt, his teeth are just itching so he can't help it. But teach him not to while his biting give him his/her toy and say no sharply, YORKIEs are very small canine and most of the time their afarid, so they protect themselves that way. BUT when he/she bites play with him with a chewable toy, play catch, or jjuust wrestle with him/her with the toy and it will be use to that.

2007-03-27 13:36:28 · answer #5 · answered by AmY 1 · 0 0

I slap my hands together and shout No when my dog gets too hyper,it works for him.Im also found that if I let him run and play for a while he calms down.You can always offer achew toy to keep them occupied.I do a lot of stuff for him hes a JRT mix and loves to play..

2007-03-27 18:09:55 · answer #6 · answered by Maw-Maw 7 · 0 0

He is a large dog trapped in a small body!
Go to The Dog Whisperers website and watch the show. He's got a lot of advice for difficult pooches.

2007-03-27 11:23:51 · answer #7 · answered by Janeway DeltaQ 5 · 1 0

Watch the Dog Whisperer or buy Cesar Milan's book. It worked for a friend of mine who has a Yorkie! :)

2007-03-27 11:20:10 · answer #8 · answered by searching_please 6 · 2 0

Oh boy. If you're interested in some training help, I can help you. There are a lot of things you can do to stop puppy biting that are kind and fair to your dog.

2007-03-27 11:21:27 · answer #9 · answered by Misa M 6 · 1 0

ok hears what you need to do.
1) get a puppy cage.
2)whenever it bites you make a high piched scream and move away from him. if he goes to do it agen hold it down untill it calms down then leave it alown for a while. if it comes to do it agen straight away put it in cage untill it calms down.
3)when it gets hyper put it in cage untill it calms down then let it out. as soon as it starts agen put it back in the cage.
when it is in the cage dont talk to it just ignor it.
you can shut it in a diffrent room if you dont want to use a cage.

this taeches it that its behaviour is wrong and wont get your attenchon. so it learns through concenquences of action.

2007-03-27 11:41:18 · answer #10 · answered by Joanne 5 · 0 1

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