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Ive never even had a boyfriend. Im not really ugly or anything (i don't think!) but im really shy. Im worried im never going to find a boyfriend or get married.

2007-03-27 03:44:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

23 answers

NO NO NO NO! life doesn't revolve around sex. Live your life and just be a people person. You'll find your him some day.

2007-03-27 03:48:54 · answer #1 · answered by beonlyme11 2 · 1 0

No, that isn't old or too old. (I'm guessing you are comparing yourself with your peers...please don't. Let them make their mistakes since they are in a rush.)

Please give yourself time to find the right person. Don't make the horrid mistake so many people make by giving something so precious up to the first person that comes along that pays attention to you.

Sure you are worried at 17 that you're "never going to find a boyfriend or get married"... you most likely feel that way because you probably see your peers hooking up with each other. Big deal!
Believe me when I tell you that most of those relationships won't last and if they end up getting married in a few years it's for the wrong reason(s) and they'll be split up a short while afterwards. (I have years of observation behind me)
Although it does happen that some people get together and stay together for life...it's a rare and wonderful thing.

No one but yourself has to know you are a virgin. Give yourself time...find quality not quantity.

All I'd recommend to you is if you wanted to... work on being less shy...you miss out on a lot by being shy...this I tell you from personal experience.

Don't focus on the virgin part of you (if you are dwelling) you'll be putting unnecessary stress on yourself.

Just 'wait' for a quality person to come along into your life so you can have a healthy, happy relationship.

This I wish for you...

Good luck & be patient.

2007-03-27 11:10:26 · answer #2 · answered by Gigi 4 · 0 0

Absolutly not! I didn't lose my virginity until I was 25. I'm very, VERY glad I waited because I found someone really special to share the experience with. As for the boyfriend thing, I went through quite a few loser boyfriends before I found a really wonderful man who loves me and respects me. Don't have sex with just anyone just to "lose it". Wait until you find that special person. It's too bad our society is so sex-based and sex-crazy. Most young people think they are the only ones "not getting any" or they feel very self-concious about the fact that they haven't had sex yet. The truth is that there are a lot of people your age that feel the same way you do. You're not alone. Also, many people are way too casual about sex (especially young people)---another unfortunate side-effect of our sex-obsessed society. There are a lot of things you need to be aware of such as birth control and STD's. Make sure you do your homework!! And don't worry about the boyfriend either. He'll pop up when you least expect it. Good luck!

2007-03-27 11:00:37 · answer #3 · answered by spyhopper 3 · 1 0

no 17 is not to old to be a virgin. In my opinion stay that way b/c i lost mine when i was 13 and i regret the hell out of it. don't worry if u don't have a bf yet. In time u will. but don't rush in to it either i've done that before and i ended up hurt and hating the guy. take it slow. but wait to have sex until u are married. don't make the same mistakes i did. just b/c a guy tells u that he loves u and that ur his onlyone doesn't mean he is telling u the truth. Oh and don't worry about marriage right now. there is plenty of time in the future for that. good luck

2007-03-27 10:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by biggest_duke_fan_ever@yahoo.com 2 · 0 0

Dont worry about it, its good to still be a virgin. There arent many of them left. At least you have enough self respect to wait and make sure you love this person. It looks good on you and your self being. I messed up letting mine go at 15 but Im payin for it now. But no it isnt too old. The limit is as far as you wanna take it. Whenever you feel that you are ready

2007-03-27 10:56:29 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

17 too old?? Are you serious, be proud that you still are a virgin, that's rare these days.
Everyone has someone out there that is perfect for them so you;ll find that person one day. It may not be tomorrow but it will happen, don't worry about it. Just go with the flow and when you least expect you'll find your special someone.

I felt the way you do once but I realized it was my attitude, I wasn't making my self approachable. Once I became better at socializing with men I had better luck.

2007-03-27 10:50:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Oh my gosh hon! You are 17! You have lots of time! Don't go rushing into things you aren't ready for based on a number!
Iam sure you are very pretty. I bet lots of guys notice you but, if you are that shy...you probley don't notice that they do! Give yourself time. Maybe get involved with something that well help you meet people. Ask your friends if they know any cute singles they think you would match well with.

2007-03-27 10:52:36 · answer #7 · answered by sistermarybella 4 · 0 0

well, believe me, u WILL... dont worry about it... you are young.... i thought the same when i was 17 then i got a bf... and then in college u get to meet a lot of people! besides... u may be shy but there are shy guys as well! so u'll find the perfect match =o) just enjoy life as it is and it will all come with time...

2007-03-27 10:55:12 · answer #8 · answered by ro 2 · 0 0

in my religon iam muslim were not suppose to have boyfriends or kiss or have sex before marriage and ur 17 ur young just consantrate on your studies,

i hope i dont sound like a mother but iam just saying girl enjoy ur life iam sure a handosem prince will come one day on a horse and takeyou away to dreamland
by the way i got married at age18 and i waa a vergin and now iam 21 and belive me it better after marriage and my husband thinks iam the hotest bestest wife=) be happy and got luck say iam ABLE to wait.

2007-03-30 04:58:41 · answer #9 · answered by Aloneeyes 2 · 1 0

Sex isn't something you should rush into to fit some unwritten rite of passage... You have it when you're ready. Don't worry about never finding someone. Just put yourself out there as you are and someone will see you for who you are and before you know it, you'll be in love.

2007-03-27 10:54:15 · answer #10 · answered by Nathan C 2 · 0 0

ur ok. never say youre too old to be a virgin, because there is no right age to have sex, you'll do it when youre ready and that will be the right time. dont rush, youll end up doing something you'll regret, and you'll find somebody, dont worry

2007-03-27 14:42:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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