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My dog has had a persistent vomitting problem over the last five months that is trigerred once it has had water ? It has its food mainly rice and milk around 1pm every afternoon. Its play timings are between 4 to 6 pm every day. Invariably once it sets about walking and moving in the afternoons it feels thirsty and usually whenever it has water around this time it vomits throwing out the food it has had four or five hours earlier in the day. Having vomitted, it occasionally vomits again if it drinks water a second time too ? Anti-biotics, and anti-reflux medicines like Metoclopramide have helped at times but temporarily. Please help.

2007-03-27 03:43:35 · 20 answers · asked by javed0909 1 in Pets Dogs

20 answers

My experience has been that the dog's stomach is already upset when it drinks more water. When she's feeling well, she takes a normal amount throughout the day. I adopted our Doberman mix, Cocoa, at 1 y/o and she will be 15 y/o tomorrow. She vomited frequently for a year, and I've learned it's not normal for a dog to vomit ...maybe rarely. After evaluation, she was found to have gastric hypomotility, where the gastrointestinal system is sluggish. Also, she was unable to tolerate foods which contained vegetables. I learned to keep her food plain and as natural as possible. She had two bad stomach upsets where she had emergency visits with administration of a large bag of bismuth. The Vet put her on Reglan (metoclopromide) twice a day and Pepcid twice a day. Also, initially to sooth the esophagus she had Carafate. This may sound excessive, but each time I tried to reduce the medication, she had nausea and vomiting. Antibiotics trigger the upset, but, of course, there are times when they are needed but I had her on the lowest doses of meds, and added PeptoBismal. For the past two years I've made little meatballs and light noodles with a meal of this once a day, as she stopped wanting to eat the dry food at 13 y/o. I supplement that with a multi-vitamin and healthy hard snacks during the day. She must be on small meals...no leaving bowls of food. Controlled small portions and just 1-2 little crunchies at night so the contents in the stomach are small, as the stomach slows down at night. It's also best to keep them in a strict routine, as the stomach will upset with changes. I hope this helps. Talk it over with your Vet.

2007-03-31 13:34:45 · answer #1 · answered by OldDogsMom 1 · 0 0


2007-04-03 14:03:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think milk and rice are a proper diet for any dog. If money is and issue try giving you dog meat. If money isn't a problem ask your vet what the best dog food for your dog. i personally like giving my dogs Science diet. Also if you really want you pet to stop vomitting, than have you vet do some test if the dog food doesn't work. Don't stop until you find the problem even if it takes a long period of time.

2007-04-03 14:44:25 · answer #3 · answered by rehr1210 3 · 0 0

Well I don't know what age dog you have but feeding rice and milk is just dreadful. Your baby needs meat and veggies. Dogs are lactose intolerant so milk is one of the worst things you could give her. And rice doesn't have much if any nutritional value. Consult with a vet on something that could help with the vomiting if you wish but I think getting her onto a proper diet would be your best solution.

2007-03-27 03:51:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You probably should not wait until your appointment. It could be something as simple as his stomach being upset from eating too late and then the smell of the Lysol .... to something as bad as he actually got something out of the trash bag, ate it, started to digest it which created the diarrhea and now it could quite possibly be stuck somewhere in the intestine. If he is lethargic (lazy, droopy), doesnt eat, has diarrhea or straining, vomiting or dry heaving, he should be seen tonight.

2016-03-17 03:08:28 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Are you raw feeding? If so,is it possible the dog is getting too much fluid? You may also have a lactose intolerant dog,hence the vomiting. I'd try leaving out the milk or substituting soy milk instead and see if that helps.

2007-03-27 03:49:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Rice and Milk is not a healthy diet for a dog. Try some regular dog food.

2007-03-27 03:51:47 · answer #7 · answered by Sane 6 · 1 0


2017-01-26 22:37:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My dog was vomiting and had diarrhea for weeks and I found out after taking him to the vet, that he had giardia which is an intestinal parasite that is gotten from stale and stagnate water. I live between two ditch banks and sometimes he escapes the yard and plays in the stagnate water.

Make sure you supply clean fresh water and wash bowl thoroughly on a daily basis. I would see the vet too. Depending on the age of your dog and where you live may have a significant impact on the issues. My dog will sometimes eat so fast and gulp his food down that he too will throw up after drinking water.

When he has persistent vomiting and diarrhea, I gave him charcoal tablets and slippery elm from the health food store. This is a lot safer as they are natural herbs and remedies to help alleviate vomiting and diarrhea issues.

2007-03-27 03:54:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My dog vomits if I give her milk. Most dogs can't have milk.

2007-03-27 03:56:18 · answer #10 · answered by Velvet 4 · 1 0

what are you running a concentration camp?rice and milk,where did you get that from?ever been in a store? they have a whole aisle of DOG FOOD,wounder why?get rid of the dog and let someone else take care of it! how would you like to puke every day for five months? well ya something is wrong.

2007-04-02 15:37:41 · answer #11 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

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