The student loans company should contact you, and tell you how much they think you should pay, although you can defer this or agree a different payment, the interest is something like £2 a month for every £1000 so dont fret too much if you dont hear for a couple of months, you can contact them soon enough
2007-03-27 03:45:25
answer #1
answered by poli_b2001 5
Contact the Student Loans Company, unless you earn £15,000 a year (Gross), or whatever it is in a month it will automatically be taken out by the inland revenue. I earn £13498 a year, if I don't do any overtime for 1 month nothing comes out. But if I do a min of 2 weekend overtimes, some gets paid off automatically.
2007-03-29 01:49:48
answer #2
answered by WelshLad 7
You phone em up and make a payment! Usually it comes out of your pay packet each month, but you have to tell your payroll manager to add the student loan code to the payroll.
If you're not earning enough then don't pay it back! Wait until you have to first. If you never earn enough then they loose it as a bad debt.
2007-03-27 10:54:36
answer #3
answered by Lilac Lady 3
Mine automatically show on my wage slip each month - i never contacted them, after I had been working about a year and got a pay rise they just come out automatically. Its done through the Inland Revenue, so they know where you are working and how much you are earning.
2007-03-27 10:45:49
answer #4
answered by loulou 4
if you can afford to pay back but they haven't contacted bc u dont earn enough, put the money away in a high interest savings account
2007-03-27 11:03:55
answer #5
answered by lushpoppy 4
you need to contact the student loans company and arrange an amount in which you want to pay back either monthly or weekly
2007-03-27 10:41:10
answer #6
answered by donzy_xxx 3
You ignore all of their letters to you and wait until they attach your pay check.
Wink, wink
2007-03-27 10:46:32
answer #7
answered by erin.savage 3
dont worry they will soon send u a letter as u are working .Asking u to pay it back
2007-03-27 10:43:55
answer #8
answered by william l 4
It usually comes out of your paypacket.
2007-03-27 19:53:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they will work with you. but you have to call them, they wont call u
2007-03-27 12:58:04
answer #10
answered by sexyquonny 3