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im 4 months pregnant, and yesterday started a new job but this morning i had to quit because last night after getting home from work, where my back had been hurting all day, i limped home from the bus, then when i sat down after trying to get back up i collasped on the floor as my back locked up with my legs. i was screaming and crying in pain! i want to work for a bit to get money but realy i cant suffer like that with pain, anyone got any ideas how to ease the pain a little so i can work?

2007-03-27 03:31:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

15 answers

Women Bearing Children are at the top of the List When it comes to Chronic Damage of the Sciatic Nerve---If You Keep Trying to Hold Down a Steady Job With The conditions You Describe---there could Be Permanent Damage That could Keep You Off of your Feet for the rest of your LIFE !!! We Imagine we are Superman---But the Human Body was not Created with the Capability of Lasting Over Twenty Five Years---Without Help---I Wish To God I Could Give you a Quick Fix---But The TRUTH of the Matter is---There is NONE !!!---I Have been in Medicine for FIFTY YEARS---That's 2/3 of my Life---I HAVE DEDICATED those years to people in pain Like You,Young Lady---I DO NOT Want to see you in any More Pain---That is Why I Tell you to get to your Doctor as soon as you can---Get a Referal to The bone & Nerve Specialists who WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER than the Pain You are going through Now---Life it Not all about Money---You OWE your Child a mother who can stand on her own two feet and Hold them in her arms and care for them---Don't Take that from them---or Yourself---Good Luck,Stay Well---Signed---JEM

2007-03-27 05:07:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not a doctor, but I have chronic back pain. I am an active duty soldier in the Army, and I have received great medical attention for it.

OK. Yer pregnant. So no medicine. Use ice on the muscles for 20 minutes. Put a whole ice tray in a zip lock bag, then maybe use a paper towel to keep yer skin from feeling the sharpness of the cold between the bag and yer skin. In a few minutes yer skin will become numb, and the muscle pain will "quiet down." Then use a heating pad to loosen the muscles up for flexibility for 15 minutes. Repeat for about an hour. Do this as needed for pain.

I am assuming yer pain is related to the kind of pain I have.

There is also the option of askng for a prescription for something called a TENS unit. It's a portable, battery operated device a lil larger than a deck of cards, runs on a 9volt battery. With four applications pads (2"x2") that stick to your skin. Applied correctly, you can electronically stimulate the muscles (with the "volume" controls) that are spasming to strengthen them and alleviate the pain at the same time. Chiropractors have similar non-portable devices. I got one 4 years ago. Works wonders for me, esp since I don't like taking narcotics for pain management.

Try using effective stretching methods on your hamstrings and abdomen area once the pain has diminished enough to get into a decent stretching position. Never bounce. Hold stretching positions for 30 seconds at least, always. Do several times a day. There are specific exercises for your fine/small lumbar muscles and lower abdomen muscles that you should investigate and learn how to do. Yer muscles are probably very weak and need conditioning.

Be concerned about your weight - whenever I go over 180lbs, I am more susceptible to back pain. Watch what you eat, even tho yer pregnant. When I lose 4-8lbs, most of the pain often goes with it. Good exercise is vital.

The most important thing right now for you is rest, I believe. Maintain good body mechanics. Stay aware of what position you are in when you sit and sleep, etc. Good exercise will help with a good posture, too. My left leg, my cyatic (sp?) nerve, constantly gets aggravated. Makes me limp sometimes.

See a doctor. Get x-rayed - well, get x-rays after the baby is born and if you are still in pain. Maybe inquire about an MRI to see if you have something serious to address, like maybe the beginning of arthritis? See adoctor asap.

Congratulations Mom! And good luck!! I hope this helps.

2007-03-27 04:01:39 · answer #2 · answered by Robert 1 · 1 0

So many good suggestions for You.
It's so nice to see so many people care about your discomfort and pregnancy(congratulations !)
Just a work of caution/consideration , though.:
I realize that your back is hurting but our bodies have a way of playing tricks on our perceptions, including pain.
Even though your back is clearly hurting, consider that the problem might be arising from somewhere else i.e. kidney stones, infection.
Compression of the sciatic nerve is not at all uncommon in advance pregnancy and ,even labor.
I would not think that, at 4 months this would yet be an issue but lying o your left side with your knees flexed may help.
Because you are in a special category and need to avoid many of the medication therapies, i would contact your family practitioner or nurse practitioner.
You may have to make some accommodations, at work, for periodic exercise or alternating your positioning...You have a right to ask this of your employer..Don't give up your job !!!

2007-03-27 04:19:04 · answer #3 · answered by dougie 4 · 1 0

I had a similar problem after starting a new job. I hadnt adjusted my seat properly and was reaching foward for the mouse all the time which caused a trapped nerve in my back which shot down my left leg. Back pain coupled with pregnancy probably is going to be uncomfortable but you should see your doctor about pain killers if it gets really bad. I used a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel to take down any swelling, which eased the pain in the process.
Hope this helps.

2007-03-27 03:39:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have sciatica and the sciatic nerve runs down your right leg, so if you have sciatica the pain will be there also. When I,m in pain I either use a freeze spray or heat spray such as deep heat. The heat spray is better. Experts say now the best thing for back pain is to keep active. As difficult as it can be when in pain this stops the back seizing up causing further complications.

Also have you had a urine test as back pain due to urine infections is common in pregnancy. If you have you will need antibiotics as urine infections can cause premature labour, though this is at a later stage of pregnancy than yours.

2007-03-27 04:12:31 · answer #5 · answered by Tyanna-Daisy 5 · 1 0

No. They do not feel the sense like we humans do. This is because we have a central nervous system running through our vertebra (backbone) which sends messages to our brain. This means that if if our leg is hurt, we feel the pain at the top brain. On the other hand, the insects are non-vertebra and they do not have central nervous system. Thus if an ant's leg is crushed, only the leg will feel local pain. Moreover, their pain magnitude is short, since they produce large number of off springs and their life is short. They can also reproduce their lost organs. It has been observed that if you cut a cockroach's head, it will die after a month due to starving. Scientists have cut a lobster's leg and feed him, which he ate. It is also true that except for human beings no other animal is aware of its existence.

2016-03-15 21:36:55 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have suffered from sciatica for some years now, on & off. When it gets really bad only painkillers prescribed by the doctor do anything to relieve it. Those you can buy over the counter are nowhere near strong enough. Go & see your doc.
BTW the sciatic nerve runs down both legs (my left is the one affected) and is the thickness of your thumb!

2007-03-27 04:16:39 · answer #7 · answered by Duffer 6 · 1 0

I know how you feel i have suffered with Siactica for many years and im only 36.Mine all started giving birth to my daughter 9 years ago now i suffer like hell,i am on pills all the time but with you you wont be able well not yet anyway.I also got a referal to my local hospital where i did have a option off surgery but i opt out off this,as i see many patients before and after surgery on there bcks and alot off them have further problems,i was then given a surgical corset which helps a little but it does restrict the movement alot and the breathing.Really theres not alot you can do as you are in the early stages off pregnancy,go and see your gp and see what they say or see your midwife.Good Luck

2007-03-27 06:23:09 · answer #8 · answered by Sexy Red 4 · 0 0

have your husband, a co-worker, or friend press on your lower back on either side of your spine. There is a bone just above your butt, where the nerve connects to the spine -- don't worry you'll know when they hit the spot! :) Anyway, if they rub their thumb in a circle over the spot it really helps loosen the muscle around the nerve and relieve the pain.

If you don't have a friend handy I have also gone on my back and pulled my legs to my chest and rocked slowly back and forth.

This what helped me through my pregnancy. I hope it helps you as well!

2007-03-27 03:37:04 · answer #9 · answered by Sea Puff 2 · 0 1

Ooh my god my mom has the same thing; yesterday was the first time I have seen her cry for pain being that she's a strong women. What I suggest you to do is go and see a neurologist he/she can help you and find the root of the problem.

I really hope that helps you ease the pain.

2007-03-27 03:37:09 · answer #10 · answered by m 2 · 0 0

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