I have labradoodle pups and they make great petds especially when you have other pets they love everything, just google the poetry of pug and french bulldogs and it'll guide you to my web, it sounds like most families that own dogs and a fenced yard is great.
2007-03-27 03:08:06
answer #1
answered by Clammy S 5
I suggest putting up a wooden privacy fence to make sure the dog stays put. I think a dog is fine outside during the day as long as it is secure. Any medium to large dog should be fine. They will be happy being oputside all day instead of cooped up in a house with nothing to do except to get into trouble.
2007-03-27 10:50:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you are the only one that will be there for the dog it would be cruel to put a dog through that much time without companionship.However you seem to be very responsible by seeking info before you made this decision..First find friend that will spend some time with the dog while your away or hire a dogwalker/doggie daycare...yes there are daycares..Second if you plan on having the dog in the yard for long periods of time ..shelter and lots of food and water must be left also. large short haired breeds are often sensitive to weather conditions .A medium haired /medium sized dog often does best with weather ( lab)..(beagle).I hoped this helped but please do your research on any dog you deside to get it helps alot...
2007-03-27 10:15:54
answer #3
answered by yukon_jack03 1
The yard is fenced, but is it fenced in a way that the dog couldn't dig out while you are gone?? I have also seen dogs ( Dobermans ) who figure out how to unlatch the gate and let themselves out for a walk. If you are going to leave the dog out and free in the yard while you are away, you have to make sure that it is a very secure yard, and the fence is tall enough that a large dog couldn't just jump over it. I have seen Shepherds scale a 12 foot wall..
2007-03-27 10:05:40
answer #4
answered by DP 7
Being that you have a young son, I would suggest a lab or a golden retriever, something to that affect. If you have any particular breeds that you are partial to, you can go to petfinder.com or akc.org to get info about that breed. And as for leaving your dog outside while you are not home, I see no problem with that. Granted some of the things listed above could happen, it is possible for them to happen regardless of whether you are home or not. My suggestion, if you are planning on leaving your dog outside, put locks on your gates. Good luck picking a breed.
2007-03-27 10:09:45
answer #5
answered by Law 3
I wouldn't leave a dog outside all day just because the dog could get out and get hit by a car or get into something that could make it sick or possible kill it. Since your son is older couldn't he take care of the dog when he gets home from school?
2007-03-27 10:09:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You need to be more specific with your requirements. Such as do you care if the dog sheds? So on. A large dog requires a lot of exercise this means walks or playing with them not allowing it to run in the backyard. You also have to think about the winter you've got to have the dog inside then. I hope you the best in finding a new pup!
2007-03-27 10:07:12
answer #7
answered by charlie2182 3
I think it would be ok to leave the dog outside if it has somewhere it can go to get out of the rain to stay dry and keep warm. If you pay enough attention to your dog you should not have any problems with digging. Make sure he has things to play with. Great Danes are wonderful dogs with a very nice temperament.
2007-03-27 10:10:36
answer #8
answered by Kenny 3
good dogs are any type of lab. I used to have a chocolate lab and now have a black lab and they love the backyard. they remind me of guard dogs. I also just recently adopted a german shep mix she is only 9 weeks old and already knows her yard very well.
These two types are great as long as they have toys to play with. For my lab and hopefully for my shep mix I'll do the same but I take the kiddie pool out with water and let her bask in the sun/water all day. She loves it. They are water dogs! but really it's up to ... they have all sorts of online q&a about the dog right for you. You should find one and she what you come up with.
2007-03-27 10:06:44
answer #9
answered by nchabowski 2
I don't think its appropriate to put your dog outside while you're not home. You aren't there to supervise people could open you gate and steal your dog or just let him loose, they could poison him, the dog could dig or climb out. Best to train your dog and leave him in the house. Besides most dogs can eventually hold their bladder for 8-10 hours. Good luck with your search.
2007-03-27 10:05:05
answer #10
answered by jjtrue 2