...I believe every ex of something sorta kinda wonders how the other ex is doing occasionally. I think this is absolutely a natural and normal kind of thought, that most average people have at one time or another about an ex anyways. It's just simply natural curiosity to wanna know how? and what? the former ex is up to anyways...wouldn't you agree? I don't wanna even attempt to "get back with" or "get back at" my ex former lover with anything else substantially. I did love her tremendously at one time people, and I still sorta do love her too reasonably. Why would I ever wanna do something of harm to harbor grief and more unwarrented resentment in her mentallity otherwise? I'd still like to be a great friend of hers someday. Who knows?...she might be a fabulous sensual "port in a storm" for me someday possibly. We always had great and fabulous sex anyways. There were absolutely other more significant issues that took us apart from one another unfortunately. Let the "bye gones" be "bye gones" people. We all make mistakes in our lives. No one is perfect anyways. I say "Don't hold grudges and burn bridges alternatively with ex's if you can help it within yourself. You just might unexpectedly get another shot with your ex lover someday possibly. Hmmmmm!!!....ex's are ex's for a reason though...keep that stuff in your mind too. Try to know what all YOUR reasons were for having loved one another once...and then think nice and then move forward in your life without pain and misery. It would be ludicrous and self defeating for both of you two if you decided to be enemies at war really. We got enough trouble going on the world without ex lover's causing new wars seriously. Peace is the word that comes to my mind folks. What comes to yours is gonna be up to you reasonably!
2007-03-27 03:21:42
answer #1
answered by scott s 6
Not really. I get over people easily, even if I've been with them for a long time. Probably becuase most of my breakups have been because I lost interest or got tired of their bullshit, so I wasn't as attatched.
If I ever hear from an ex again and they are worse off, I get so happy. Even if we agreed not to hate eachother, I still smile if I hear they are having problems.
2007-03-27 03:14:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not really, thats why they are my ex, all though my ex girl of 9 years called me up the other day to see how i was doing and invite me to lunch, she is in a relationship so i didn't think anything else of it but lunch, very cool of her :) I declined as i did not want to see her, so she just called me up, and said this was the last time she will speak to me until I get my sh.it together. Very cool of her too. it really knocked some sense into my head, made me realize what i have to do you know? not just to talk to her again, but to make connections like that in this world, you have to have yourself together first and formost, the rest comes with that, people respect you more when your together and at 1 with yourself. Don't dwell on your past mate, the future is where its at.
2007-03-27 02:57:20
answer #3
answered by Deformation Age 4
Yes, my last ex...because he meant the world to me and still does no matter what. I felt we had a very good relationship and he told me he felt that way however here we are apart for reasons I am still trying to figure out. I worry about how things are going for him, if he is okay health wise, if he is taking care of himself and more.
2007-03-27 03:05:42
answer #4
answered by susie 4
I know how my ex boyfriend is doing...he married his other girlfriend he had while with me. He has called on my birthday for years and wanted to have lunch, I just ignore it. The truth is I feel a tinge of pity for his not-too-smart second wife...I can't imagine living with that guy on a day to day basis, or what I saw in him at the time.
2007-03-27 02:59:14
answer #5
answered by Olivia 2
All the time, there is nothing wrong with that, but if you are hoping or imagining getting with them again, just keep in mind ex's are ex's for a reason. Very rare for it to work out.
2007-03-27 02:58:01
answer #6
answered by Melanie 4
I do at times only for the simple fact that I had children with him. He doesn't keep in touch with them, so I wonder if he ever thinks of his children and if he misses them. The only good thing that I got from that relationship were my girls.
2007-03-27 02:58:37
answer #7
answered by DawnC36 2
I think that is natural, especially if you were with the person for awhile. I think of my exes from time to time, especially if the something reminds me of him. I just don't let the thoughts consume my day! Time does heal!
2007-03-27 02:54:57
answer #8
answered by . 1
I even used to check his emails and myspace profile to see what his up to.
when we were 2gether, i knew is passwords to two of his email address and his myspace too, he never knew.
and i created a email address and fake that i was one of his friend's friend's friend and that i like him and after few email
back and forward, he agree to meet me at a party.
I never showed up. that day he said his have a new job at a club.
Long story short, he cheated on me.
Yeah i knew what he was up to because i knew his emails password.
I still know his emails password but i decided to not get involve any more and focus and on me.
2007-03-27 03:04:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes yes but I try to block it out as much as I can.
2007-03-27 02:58:12
answer #10
answered by Island Girl 5