well honey sounds like he is being a real ***. when u love someone like u think he loves you he would never call u any name but your name. mabe its his way of wanting to get out of the relationship,but can't find any other way out. but the way out is not to hurt your feelings.you probably just think u love him cause mabe at one time he made u feel real special like no one has ever done before.don't be confused just get out of that relationship cause if he is calling u names now it only gets worse. hope i was some help to ya haleyb
2007-03-27 02:10:37
answer #1
answered by haleyb 2
1st off if he is calling u names then he isn't happy with him self. Just b/c u might have a few pounds doesn't mean that u aren't beautiful. not everyone was meant to be skinny. If he can't accept u for who u are then u don't need him. It shouldn't be about how much the person weights or what they look like it should be about what type of person u are on the inside. Tell him that if he doesn't like what he sees then get the hell out. U can found someone else who would treat u better and want judge u b/c of ur weight. So move on and forget him he isn't worth wasting time on. I'm sure theres things about him that u don't like so the next time he starts picking on u. Pick on him back. that will show him that he isn't perfect either and that u aren't going to take his bullshit. u might love him but why be with a guy who puts u down all the time. move on ok.
2007-03-27 02:24:53
answer #2
answered by biggest_duke_fan_ever@yahoo.com 2
Number one, if your boyfriend is calling you these names out of meaness then this is a possible case of verbal abuse. If that is the case then get rid of him. Are you the same weight that you were when you two got together? If so, then what it is his problem.
I know from personal experience. I too am over weight. And since my boyfriend and I have been together mainly due to several steriod dosages for a medical condition that I have, I have put on 40 pounds. But, I was heavy when he and I got together.
My boyfriend wants me to loose weight. He is mainly concern about my health and he tells me that. But, he never calls me fat or such negative names not even in a mean manner such as from the impression that I am gathering from you about your boyfriend.
First of all, your boyfriend needs to love you and respect you for the person that you ARE! Not the way that you look. If he is really concern about your weight because of your health then he needs to take another approach. But, if it is because he wants some super model-then dump him.
You have to love and accept yourself first as well as not to forget to respect yourself first. Me, personall, I am okay with the fact that I am over weight. I am the same person no matter how fat or thin I may be. But, for health reasons I know that I need to loose the weight. Not because some dumb idiot thinks that I need to.
Women that are over weight normally have a lower self esteem. They need support from their spouses or boyfriends and I mean emotional support. Don't take this degrading any more. If he cannot love you first for who you are then you don't need that loser. You will heal a broken heart- but memories of abuse can last forever....believe me.
2007-03-27 02:21:21
answer #3
answered by pacifia1977 4
Sweetie,if he cannot love you for you then he does not deserve you.Any man who cannot respect you,doesnt deserve you either.Get rid of him,and when the right guy comes,he will love you for you and he will respect you.You are a very beautiful person,and you do not people to put you down or make you feel horrible.There are women who are more curvy than others,so what?Often times,those women are the ones who end up being more beautiful.This is the type of thing that pushes females to anorexia and bulimia.Who wants someone who is so skinny,you can count her ribs through her clothing?No one I know for sure.Hold your head high,and know he is wrong.He does not deserve you,you deserve someone to love you,and respect you for who you are not what you look like outside.Let him go and wait for your prince charming.Good luck hun and have a good day!!
2007-03-27 02:16:49
answer #4
answered by ~♡~Moon Goddess~♡~ 5
my question would be what are you still doing witha man who make you feel bad about yourself?? If he truely likes you/loves you he should not call you names, if he thought you were overweight there are better ways of telling a person , than making them feel horrible.
Secondly it depends what you think about your self, are you happy with who and what you are, how you look etc, if you are you will not get very hurt when he tells you so.
Finally even when you lose weight he might get another reason to taunt you, he should love you for who you are , he should see the inner you. Hey girl love yourself first all the best, wipe away those tears and keep your head up.
2007-03-27 02:38:42
answer #5
answered by frankie 2
Are you that disperate to keep a creep like this around? Get a big back bone and stand up for yourself...don't let a man treat and talk to you like that. Your relationship seems very one sided, you might be in love, but he on the other hand doesn't even seem to care about your feelings not to mention have any respect for you. Do yourself a favor and throw him away and at the same time see about getting yourself some self-esteem.
2007-03-27 02:19:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There should be no confusion on what you need to do. It is time to tell this young man that you are done. Honey, if he is criticizing you now it will not get better. Were you heavy when he met you? Don't let this one break your heart he is not worthy of your love. What makes him think he is such a prize? Like he has no blemishes or flaws.
2007-03-27 02:47:53
answer #7
answered by sunset 4
You need to get out of the relationship ASAP! You need someone that is going to love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. I hope you love yourself enough to not take anymore of his crap and get out of their before all of your self esteem is gone. Do not let that man (scratch that...boy) bring you down any more. I'm sure you are a beautiful woman and there will be a MAN to come around who will think so also.
Stay strong and best of luck!!!
2007-03-27 02:20:11
answer #8
answered by Shandra S 3
You dont need him tell him to hit the road, i actualley like a woman with some extra weight on her, He's just being mean and insensitive, dont change for anybody, if your happy the way you are so be it, if you do decide to loose some weight do it for yourself and no one else, Good luck.
2007-03-27 02:10:11
answer #9
answered by terryodell42 4
Girl, he's treating you really bad! Dump him, before he does! Save some of your pride. I 'm sure he isn't a hunk, he's complexed and wants to make you feel as complexed as he does!! Don't let him do that! You deserve someone better than him!
Good Luck!
But Dump The Jerk!
2007-03-27 02:08:39
answer #10
answered by moulin.rouge 3