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I'm talking about biting, scratching andf kicking the new baby.
I realize that this is "normal" behaviour, what can the parents do to help the situation?

2007-03-26 23:33:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

6 answers

Your first child may experience a range of emotions, from jealousy to excitement and even resentment. Younger toddlers are unable to verbalize their feelings, and their behaviors may regress after the new child is born. They might suck their thumb, drink from a bottle, forget their recent potty training skills, and communicate using baby talk in an effort to get your attention.

Older toddlers and children might express their feelings by testing your patience, misbehaving, throwing tantrums, or refusing to eat. These problems are usually transient, and a little preparation can go a long way in helping your older child adjust to the idea of welcoming a new sibling. A good idea is to play up the role of older sibling. There are a number of things that can help you achieve this, such as:

Letting your older child help pick out items for the new baby's room. If your children will be sharing a bedroom, this is particularly important.

Finding a special gift that your older child might like to share with the baby, such as a favorite book or toy, or a photo of the sibling for the baby's room. You might also want to pick out something for your older child too, such as a special chair just for him or her that he or she can sit in while you're feeding the baby.

Arranging special time just for you and your older child. This might involve a trip to the library, grocery store, or simply reading a few extra stories at bedtime. Your partner can help you by caring for the baby during these times.

Role-playing or reading stories to your child that will help him or her understand what is happening in the family. There are several books written especially for toddlers that can help.

Preparing your child for what to expect when the baby comes home. This includes explaining that a new baby cries, sleeps, and needs diaper changes frequently. Assure your older child that although the new baby needs lots of attention, there will still be plenty of time and love for him or her.

Reinforcing your older child's role in the family. Tell your child that he or she will be the "big brother/sister" to the new baby, and let your child revel in this new role. Consider taking your child on one of your prenatal visits or letting him or her be present for an ultrasound. If you're giving birth in a hospital setting, ask about sibling visitation after the baby is born.

2007-03-26 23:49:57 · answer #1 · answered by mom_princess77 5 · 4 0

The toddler needs to have time with mom and dad too - without the baby so they feel that their needs are being met and it's not all about the new baby.

Have the toddler "help" mommy by doing things for the baby and reward him/her for being such a good big brother/sister. Take them to things that the baby is too small for - have them really get into that he/she is bigger and can do other things that the baby won't - hopefully that will help with the jealousy.

The parents need to watch the toddler around the baby at all times and intervene before any hurting occurs. If he does try to hurt then the toddler needs to be put in time out - he needs to learn that hitting is not allowed. The parents need to be consistent - every time he hits etc then he goes into time out.

Hope that helps!

2007-03-27 01:44:22 · answer #2 · answered by charlie 4 · 1 0

Make sure the big brother/sister feels important and valued, not neglected...
The main reason why toddlers behave this way is to get the attention like they used to. Now they see this new baby as a threat, as someone who is taking their parents (attention) away from them. Tell your friend to involve the toddler in as many ways as possible...helping with getting nappies/wipes and joking with the toddler about how "stinky" the baby's nappies smell; if bottle feeding make the toddler feel important by asking for help ( eg: by reading the baby a story or getting mummy a pillow etc).
Tell your friend that the toddler needs just as much comfort and cuddles as before and to understand that it is far harder for a young child to adjust to a new baby than it is for the parents. Toddlers only see things from their perspective, and its not until they get to school age that they really start to understand how much their actions impact on other people.
This toddler is seeing these negative behaviours as the only way to get their mother/father's attention at the moment, so it makes sense that this is what is happening...

2007-03-26 23:52:01 · answer #3 · answered by fitMel 3 · 0 0

God is everlasting, and he is aware of the soul of each character. God knew those kid's beyond, gift, and long term. If he despatched the endure to kill them probably it was once now not only for what they'd performed up till that factor to Elisha; nevertheless it was once additionally considering that of the evil they might have performed must they have got persevered to continue to exist this earth.

2016-09-05 17:29:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Have him help out as much as possible. Right from the start. That way he will feel like he is important and that might make him not want to hurt the new baby.

2007-03-27 00:22:10 · answer #5 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 0 0

they can teach the toddler to be nice to the new baby. they should let the toddler hold the infant (with assistance, of course).

2007-03-26 23:42:39 · answer #6 · answered by Miki 6 · 0 0

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