No doubt water is below earth surface. But there are tube wells, fountains etc where from you can freely access water. Likewise Electricity is everywhere. But through the bulbs, fans or air-conditioners, you are able to know its presence. Likewise God is everywhere. But due to various incantations and rituals, the sculpture of the form of God has been energised and worshipped daylong. Also the intense feelings of several devotees add to its lustre. Hence you are able to access the vibe from the deities through a little effort.
2007-03-26 21:15:31
answer #1
answered by nagarajan s 4
yes god is seated in temple. when we start the morning pooja he comes to his seat and have a bath and have a tiffin and after that he gives blessings for prayers who comes to temple and also who pray out side the temple that is in house. he again go to sleep for few minutes and go outfor walk to solve the problems of the people. and again he comes back .this is the myth thatwe have .
but actually god will be every where . .he looks us every single second that what we are doing .so that he punishes us if we do wrong. just realise once that u have done wrong and how did u got punishment. he will pushes for a small mistake also .
these temples are the plce where we ask sorry for our mistakes .so that we can get ride of our punish ment
2007-03-27 07:53:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are right . God is everywhere and god is within us.
But if I ask , that knowledge is within us, then why do we go to a school or a college?
A favourable environment is required for everything.
Just like a garden blooms with flower , where people flock for solace , beauty and peace . Similarly , the rituals transform a temple into a garden of holiness , where one finds contentment and blessings.
Temples are such places , where owing to its divinity and serenity , attracts people to offer their prayers in right earnest.
This aspect is not only prevalent in temples , this feelings can be cherished in any holy place like Churches, Mosques etc.,etc.
So even us who are having some inspiration and power within us , do benefit and recharge , by visiting a holy place.
2007-03-28 08:08:37
answer #3
answered by ssen1232006 2
If people feel more comfortable going to a temple to pray, that's fine. I sometimes go to church and sit quietly just because I know people will respect the fact I want to be quiet. Sometimes our lives are so busy we need a place like that. Other times we just keep the conversation going with God no matter where we are.
2007-03-27 03:38:35
answer #4
answered by kaehya2003 4
Allah, GOD, PRAMATMA, ELAH,OM, ELI,DEUS,GUD,TUHAN,MANGU-MOLA,ALLEGANY,THEOS,MULUNGU,JEHOVAH all mean the same Entity called the Almighty God. The problem arises when we try to confuse between the Creator and the creations. In Islam there is a very distinct line between the two. With today's scientific knowledge it is easy to prove that argument. Example, in Maths we assume "Limit tends to infinity" and solve many complex problems. What is this Infinity? No man knows it. SImilarly in Physics we assume a smallest wave particle called "Photon" which dont have any proof for existence physically, then proceed with atomic physics. Without such assumption & faith, physics is meaningless. So faith is not against science, it is a part & basis of science. Likewise we have billions of wonders around us and in our own body to proclaim the existence of God. We have our boundary of the Universe to be estimated at 4 billion light years from us. Man cant even imagine 1 light year distance. Still using the latest computer technology we say such high numbers. Do you think it is irrational to say that we cant define the God who has created so many things which man cant even visualise and presume. Or is it rational to believe that such a God is sitting on Mt Everest which is a minute particle when compared to the whole universe. Muslims don’t have any problems in calling the God as Vishnu (meaning one of the 99 names of Allah in Quran) but we object when you say Vishnu has legs, hands, got wife etc. These things have been created for man to live. God don’t need anything. If that entity needs something to exist, then it cant be a God. For more
2007-03-27 16:15:47
answer #5
answered by meena 6
And some teach that man is God, and some teach that God is just a force of goodness, and some teach that He's in Heaven, others that He's so far above us that He doesn't even know we exist.... on and on and on (no copyright infringement of songs by Abba intended). God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (everywhere in time and space at the same time). So is He in Temples? Yep. Does that mean going to a Temple gets you closer to Him than your bathroom? Nope.
2007-03-27 03:19:53
answer #6
answered by Steve 5
See, just by saying that God lives in our hearts, we can not know Him. It is true that He lives in the heart of one and all, but that is of no help to us, because He is only monitoring us as an invigilator does in an examination hall.
We need to feel his presence in our hearts, then we can say that he lives in our hearts.
Until that time if you are a true beliver, for him to be in a temple is possible.
Actually you should visit the temple, to acknowledge that even devotees come there and that may be a place to gain.
2007-03-29 02:51:14
answer #7
answered by Vijay D 7
Dear Brother,
First of all, I would like to clarify that I am not commenting about any religion.
However, it is to be noted that, temples (I presume, Hindu temples) do have different statues with different faces, different postures, different colours, different weapons and different actions. Each statue is different from another. The people who made various types of statues clarified that each and every character of the God is depicted in each and every statue. But, the same people started worshipping each and every statue as GODS. This ultimately resulted in various castes, sub-castes, forward class, backward class, etc. Moreover, it also created unending rivalry between different followers of different GODS.
In order to avoid all these man-made confusions, please ignore many GODS concept. The entire universe which consists of billions of stars, billions of galaxies, billions of comets, is made by the ONLY ONE GOD which is most powerful, most merciful and most beneficent. You start believing the concept of ONE GOD and I am sure, you will surely be blessed with peace and harmony.
2007-03-30 06:28:49
answer #8
answered by mushi 1
God is everywhere by being present as the paramatma feature in all the atoms as well as in the heart of all living entities. Thus God is also in the temple just as He is present everywhere.
The conception of God as a point of light is just the beginning of God realisation, called as Brahman realisation. Next higher level is the conception of localised paramatma feature present in the heart of living entities. The next highest realisation is the realisation of Bagavan or personality of God being the source of the previous aspects.
See the following purport from Bhagava-gita-As-It-Is (2.2), by A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness)
"The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding by the knower of the Absolute Truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases of the Absolute Truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan."
These three divine aspects can be explained by the example of the sun, which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun's surface and the sun planet itself. One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun's surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine—its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature—may be compared to those who can realize only the Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth. The student who has advanced still further can know the sun disc, which is compared to knowledge of the Paramatma feature of the Absolute Truth. And the student who can enter into the heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realize the personal features of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Therefore, the bhaktas, or the transcendentalists who have realized the Bhagavan feature of the Absolute Truth, are the topmost transcendentalists, although all students who are engaged in the study of the Absolute Truth are engaged in the same subject matter. The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planet cannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the three different phases are not in the same category.
2007-03-27 05:08:12
answer #9
answered by Gaura 7
Idiot question. God is everywhere but to begin with we need an external source, fix attention there and then do inside us
However no need to go to temple, if you can fix within yourself in the beginning. It is a sort of ritual
2007-03-27 03:35:19
answer #10
answered by Divya Jyoti 4