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i feel like giving up..... i have this family problem. my mom and dad are going on separate ways. they´re so cold to each other and its been going on for 3 months now and i honestly dont know the reason why. i am a student and this problem greatly affected my performance at school.

i even tried to commit suicide in my apartment unfortunately, my dad came by to visit me that night so my plan was interrupted. slowly i know i am destroying myself and i know its not good.

right now i am dealing with alcoholism.... damn....

please i need some advice... serious.....

2007-03-26 19:41:04 · 12 answers · asked by tom 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

I know how it feels man...
It's tough & it kills you inside to see your parents part...After so many memories with each other...Such love....but then as time passes..things change.....feelings change.....You can't help it...but you still in some way feel that you are to blame.....You see them cry right in front of you...& even when tears arn't running down their cheeks...every day when you look into their eyes you can still see them cry in the inside...just by looking deep into their eyes...knowing what pain their in...both of them.....knowing things wont ever be the same.....knowing that you have to let go of the past...& except the future....I know man....I'm feeling the same way as you are now....Life it's self is such a pain in the a$s! then having to deal with something so serious as this....something that will effect the way you live for the rest of your life...BUT as hard or as tragic & as depressing life gets.. you have to just keep moving & try looking more at the positive side.....There's always a positive side to everything....You may not think there is a lot of the time...but if you really look deep you'll see that there is something so much more to live for then what your seeing....do not let reality blind you! You have to look deep every now & then....in order to keep going on....in a happy way.....Things always turn out fine.....it takes longer then some other times.....but sooner or later things do turn out good.....Trust me! I am a little of you....I know....don't worry hun....just keep fighting.....

& most importantly......


2007-03-26 19:56:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It hurts doesn't it about your parents. I know, and the thing is it is happening way too much here in America. But there is a bright side that I have a feeling you haven't thought about. Actually a couple of things. First off don't make the mistake that most people make. Your parent's marriage is their marriage.......not yours, and although I know you would prefer them to stay together it actually does not involve you. They love you just as much whether they are together or apart. Now really, think about that for a minute. You are not in their marriage ok? But you are their son, a by-product of their marriage and you are probably the only thing that they would both agree makes them smile despite any of the problems they have with one another. Thats a coooooool thing man. Do you know how many kids are neglected out there from parents that could care less about the kids? You still have your parents......they may drift from one another but they will never drift from you. So try not to mix the bad marriage up with you. The next thing......don't be ashamed, but go and talk to someone about the alcahol use. It won't be that bad to turn it around and you are young still so you still have alot of potential left for yourself out there in the world. So go grab yourself some.........if you do, it will widen the smile you already put on your parents face. Oh I know.......sometimes it all seems desperate and like why the hell even trying, but I am telling you .....damn.....trying is half the fun...its what we all put up with in life. We all have our problems in our lives but trying to have fun thru life in spite of the problems is worth the trip. So stay on the trip with us.....besides......ya gotta want to know how the story ends don't you.....I mean being that you are the author of your own life......I wish you well

2007-03-27 03:00:14 · answer #2 · answered by chcman74 4 · 0 1

I am sorry about what you are going thru. I can tell you love your parents a lot. And, they love you a lot too. Alcoholism--please go to AA meetings, get into counseling as well, so you have someone you can talk to about all of this. Please, also, consider sitting down with your parents, let them know you would like to know why they are acting so cold with one another, and also let them know how this is effecting your school performance, etc. And, how it is affecting you in your personal life. Please, stay with it. Things will get better, I don't know how soon, but it will. Please, also feel free to have a really good cry about all of this stuff going on. I truly wish you the very best. Take care.

2007-03-27 02:47:20 · answer #3 · answered by SAK 6 · 1 0

You think this situation is permanent, but it will not be. Things will get better. That is one reason people commit suicide, they feel like the pain will never go away and the feeling they have will be forever. Remember something in the past that you thought would not get any better and it did. Try focusing on only what your are doing when you are in school and if your mind wanders, bring it back. I have to practice that all the time. I also felt suicidal in the past. But, that pain fades and does not seem so extreme as time goes on.

2007-03-27 02:52:40 · answer #4 · answered by dsmpalatka 1 · 0 1

Everything will be alright take to all your worries to God. There will be better days take some time out and instead of keeping your feelings bottled inside of you write them down and express yourself. Many poets, singers, songwritters, and authors have become sucessful off their hard times. Let this pain you feel fuel your fire to be more in life. Even I myself wanted to commit suicide when I was younger but I started writing poetry which became my outlet to express those feeling. Keep yourself around positive people at all times and avoid those who discourage you. As far as your parents problem there is nothing you could do but love them. Don't end your life make it meaningful express yourself. If you ever had a problem just email me reyamor_c_us@yahoo.com

2007-03-27 03:00:56 · answer #5 · answered by REYAMOR 1 · 0 0

I feel for you. However, suicide is not the answer. I once thought seriously about it, and am so glad I never tried it. I can't say that I know what you're going through, because I don't. I can say that I'm a willing and caring listener if you need someone to talk to. Feel free to email me.

2007-03-27 02:48:37 · answer #6 · answered by postcardtrader 4 · 0 0

Please just go to an AA meeting. The people there are SO SUPPORTIVE and CARING; that is what you need right now: to surround yourself with positive people who care about you and are there for you and know how you feel. Please just go to a meeting; they will welcome you and you will feel a ray of hope before you walk out of that first meeting... They know exactly how you feel. There are meetings every day in most cities. I wish I could give you a big HUG right now... I'm sorry you are in pain. Things will get better... don't give up!!!

2007-03-27 03:03:47 · answer #7 · answered by F 5 · 0 0

things will get better. your parents problems are not yours. you need to seek prefessional help. killing yourself is never the answer. drinking will only make you forget for a little while. go to your counselors at school they should be able to hook you up. I hope that you are thinking about what happens after you die? your parents are still going to separate and guess what? the blaming will continue. You didn't say how old you were. If you are in college get on with your life. Both of your parents will love you even if they divorce. please seek help now.

2007-03-27 02:51:28 · answer #8 · answered by tonka3me 2 · 0 1

Hey, man! Cheer up! You've got a lot of your life ahead of you. Duh. Don't mess up what your future can be--NOT bleak and empty, as you may imagine--by nipping it in the bud. I think you should talk to someone--try seeing a counselor. More people see them than you'd think--heck, I see one every few weeks and I'm fine! It's just good to talk at someone for a while, you know? Hang in there man--I promise it'll be worth it!

2007-03-27 02:50:14 · answer #9 · answered by YouDon'tEvenKnow! 2 · 0 0

honey, if your parents are not happy together and things are not working between them, it really is better for them to go their seperate ways. you cant let that destroy your life. your parents will always love you regardless as to weather or not they are together. as for the alcoholism, give it up! it will just add to your problems. maybe you should go get some professional advise..... cheer up and be strong!
my thoughts and prayers are with you. good luck!

2007-03-27 02:50:30 · answer #10 · answered by sharrma1 2 · 0 1

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