How We Know We Are in "the Last Days"
HOW can we be sure that we are living at the time when God's Kingdom will take action against this present system of human rule? How can we know that we are very close to the time when God will bring an end to all wickedness and suffering?
The disciples of Jesus Christ wanted to know those things. They asked him what "the sign" would be of his presence in Kingdom power and "of the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 24:3) Jesus answered by detailing world-shaking events and conditions that would combine to show that mankind had entered "the time of the end," "the last days" of this system of things. (Daniel 11:40; 2 Timothy 3:1) Have we in this century seen that composite sign? Yes, we have, abundantly so!
World Wars
Jesus foretold that 'nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.' (Matthew 24:7) In 1914 the world became involved in a war that saw the mobilizing of nations and kingdoms in a way that was different from any war before it. In recognition of that fact, historians at the time called it the Great War. It was the first war of its kind in history, the first world war. Some 20,000,000 soldiers and civilians lost their lives, far more than in any previous war.
World War I marked the beginning of the last days. Jesus said that this and other events would be "a beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:8) That proved true, as World War II was even more deadly, some 50,000,000 soldiers and civilians losing their lives. In this 20th century, well over 100,000,000 people have been killed in wars, more than four times as many as in the previous 400 years put together! What an enormous condemnation of human rule!
Other Evidences
Jesus included other features that would accompany the last days: "There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences [disease epidemics] and food shortages." (Luke 21:11) That well fits events since 1914, as there has been a huge increase in the distresses from such calamities.
The Bible foretold the events that would make up "the sign" of the last days
Major earthquakes are regular occurrences, taking many lives. The Spanish influenza alone killed about 20,000,000 people following World War I—some estimates being 30,000,000 or more. AIDS has taken hundreds of thousands of lives and could take millions more in the near future. Each year millions of people die of heart ailments, cancer, and other diseases. Millions more die the slow death of hunger. Without a doubt the 'horsemen of the Apocalypse' with their wars, food shortages, and disease epidemics have been cutting down large numbers of the human family since 1914.—Revelation 6:3-8.
Jesus also foretold the increase in crime that is experienced in all lands. He said: "Because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off."—Matthew 24:12.
Further, Bible prophecy foretold the moral collapse so evident throughout the world today: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power . . . Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse." (2 Timothy 3:1-13) All of that has come true right before our eyes.
Another Factor
There is another factor responsible for the huge increase in suffering in this century. Coinciding with the beginning of the last days in 1914, something happened to put mankind in even greater danger. At that time, as a prophecy in the last book of the Bible relates: "War broke out in heaven: Michael [Christ in heavenly power] and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan], and the dragon and its angels [the demons] battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him."—Revelation 12:7-9.
What were the consequences for the human family? The prophecy continues: "Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time." Yes, Satan knows that his system is nearing its end, so he is doing everything he can to turn humans against God before he and his world are put out of the way. (Revelation 12:12; 20:1-3) How debased those spirit creatures are because they misused their free will! How awful conditions have been on earth under their influence, especially since 1914!
It is no wonder that Jesus foretold of our time: "On the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out . . . Men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth."—Luke 21:25, 26.
End of Human and Demon Rule Near
How many Bible prophecies remain to be fulfilled before God destroys this present system? Very few! One of the last is at 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which states: "While they are talking of peace and security, all at once calamity is upon them." (The New English Bible) This shows that the end of this system will begin "while they are talking." Unforeseen by the world, destruction will strike when least expected, when the attention of humans is on their hoped-for peace and security.
Time is running out for this world under Satan's influence. Soon it will come to its end in a time of trouble of which Jesus said: "Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."—Matthew 24:21.
The climax of the "great tribulation" will be God's war of Armageddon. That is the time spoken of by the prophet Daniel when God will "crush and put an end to all these kingdoms." This will mean the end of all present human rulerships independent of God. His Kingdom rule from heaven will then take over complete control of all human affairs. Never again, Daniel foretold, will governing authority be left "to any other people."—Daniel 2:44; Revelation 16:14-16.
At that time all satanic and demon influence will also cease. Those rebellious spirit creatures will be put out of the way so that they cannot "mislead the nations anymore." (Revelation 12:9; 20:1-3) They have been sentenced to death and await destruction. What a relief it will be for mankind to be free from their debasing influence!
Who Will Survive? Who Will Not?
Soon, at Armageddon, those who do not submit to God's rule will be cut off. Those who do submit will survive into a righteous new world
When God's judgments are executed against this world, who will survive? Who will not? The Bible shows that those who want God's rule will be protected and will survive. Those who do not want God's rule will not be protected but will be destroyed along with Satan's world.
Proverbs 2:21, 22 says: "The upright [those who submit to God's rule] are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked [those who do not submit to God's rule], they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."
Psalm 37:10, 11 also says: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more . . . But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." Verse 29 adds: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."
We should take to heart the counsel of Psalm 37:34, which states: "Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it." Verses 37 and 38 say: "Watch the blameless one and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful. But the transgressors themselves will certainly be annihilated together; the future of wicked people will indeed be cut off."
How comforting, yes, how inspiring it is to know that God really does care and that soon he will put an end to all wickedness and suffering! How thrilling it is to realize that the fulfillment of those glorious prophecies is but a short time off!
2007-03-26 17:41:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Apocalypse doesn't actually mean "the end of the world." That is a common misconception and that meaning has been attached to that word. Apocalypse literally means "Revelation." That's why, in many Bibles, you either see the word Apocalypse, or you see the word Revelation as the title of the 66th book of the Bible.
To describe in detail all that will happen would take way more time than most of us have.
But, what John was inspired to write is about what would happen in the time of the end--not the end of the physical world, but the system of things in which Satan has control. How true Christians would experience persecution and about the hope of paradise on earth in the future. Many people think the book of Revelation is scary. But, actually, it holds out a wonderful hope for the future!
2007-03-27 00:37:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We are definitely already in the end times with the earthquakes increasing and being in places that they usually don't happen, pestilences are also increasing, both old diseases rearing their heads again and new ones emerging but there are still those who would turn to God and away from following their own desires before Armageddon begins. We know that God will not allow anyone to be destroyed who has the right heart condition and wants to come to know and follow him.
There are many things that will happen but we will first know that Armageddon has begun when the governments close all of the false religions. The Bible says God will put it in their minds to do this and that they will even be surprised themselves. Also, the commercial systems will mourn them because they have benefited financially from false religion in a big way. Then, Satan will draw attention to the fact that their is one religion still standing (the true one) and when the governments turn to closing that religion, it will be like touching God's eyeball and his war will begin. The Bible tells us that the evildoers will be cut off from the earth (Psalm 37:9) but those who put their trust in God will inherit the earth. The literal earth will not be destroyed.
2007-03-27 01:56:11
answer #3
answered by Sparkle1 6
latino: Firstly; as a Christian, I can assure you that the world is NOT going to "end". What the Bible talks about is the close or end of an age [ Greek word: "anion" = "age"] . Bible prophecy is and will gain in momentum, in popularity, as things begin to "heat" up as the close of this current age commences, by degree. About 2 thirds of Bible prophecy remains to unfold. Some say it has already started. The main focus for why this all is written and will occur, is for all of our EVENTUAL good. Yes; there will be lots of "doom and gloom" BUT, the focus need be on the emanate return of Jesus Christ to this Earth, to intervene in the affairs of mankind, to prevent absolute annihilation of the Earth through Global warming and the resulting economic collapse, due to adverse weather, pandemics, social unrest, nuclear war, etc,, etc. Jesus will return to this Earth to restore functional living strategy by giving all humans ever, born a chance to have a relationship with Him, each group or category ie: those alive, those to be resurrected (made alive again - see: Book of Revelation Chapter 20), followed by a New Earth (reconstruction - renovation ). These are only a brief summary of the hope God will bring to past for all of His human creation ever, born - in the end, we ALL WIN !!!
2007-03-27 00:59:38
answer #4
answered by guraqt2me 7
This is going to be long. If you really want to know, study your scriptures and pray about it. The Holy Ghost will let you know how to prepare and the details that you need.
Sun turned to darkness
Moon turned to blood
Moon withholds its light when Christ appears in glory
Stars fall from heaven
Seven lions of burning brass set in the heavens (a sign of the various dispensations)
First & Second resurrections
12000 high priests from each of the twelve tribes (with the exception of Dan) will be called as missionaries (144,000)
Christ appear at Solomon's Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem
Christ appear at Adam-ondi-Ahman meeting with Adam - Adam delivers stewardship to Christ
Christ appear at Mount of Olives cleaved in twain and he shows himself to the Jews, who will be converted that day.
Christ appear in glory, descending from heaven.
At night it shall appear as day (Mount of Olives)
Battle of Gog & Magog - nation's fighting against Israel
Battle of Armageddon - battle around Jerusalem
Great earthquake when all will feel the earth reel
Beast and the little horn fight against the Saints
Solomon's Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem
Seas heaving beyond their bounds
Constitution of the United States will hang by a thread
Corruptible/wicked to be consumed by fire
Prince David to lead the rebuilding of Jerusalem
Desolatin scourge
Earthquakes in divers places
Missionaries called home
The abominalbe church (those churches led by satan) will turn on itself and fall
False prophets
famine and pestilence
Gathering to Zion
Great and Abominalb eChurch fights against the true Church
Great hailstorms
Iniquity shall abound
Gathering of the House of Israel
Great earthquake in Jerusalem
Return of the lost ten tribes of Israel
Gospel taken to Gentiles, Jews and heathens
Mountains and valleys leveled, moved and removed
Peace shall be taken from the earth
Persuctuion of Christ's followers
A prophet like unto Moses
Rainbow withdrawns within a year of the Lord's coming
Restoration of all things
Secret Combinations
Sons of Levi give an offering of righteousness in the temple
Spirit of God will withdraw
Temples will dot the land
Two prophets will preach in Jerusalem, be kille,d and lay in the streets 3 1/2 days, then be resurrected
Sounds of the trump
Continents go back together as one
Worldwide conflict
Wars and rumors of wars
2007-03-27 00:59:49
answer #5
answered by Raising6Ducklings! 6
is this the Mickey Dee's drive up window. Hey check out Revelations. If your into sci fi movies it is actually great reading. Just skip the part about the 12 churches of Israel. It repeats in twelve segments. cool reading.
2007-03-27 00:36:28
answer #6
answered by Dennis James 5
You are witnessing them now, Aids, Catagory 5 Hurricanes, Floods, etc....
You can read it all in Revelations...
2007-03-27 00:36:08
answer #7
answered by Incognito 6
Read the book of Revelation in the Bible and you will find out for yourself.
2007-03-27 00:34:12
answer #8
answered by Josh D 6
exactly.. like hurricane Katrina, aids, bird flu,
OH! seems its already happening.. run, run to the hills... YOU ARE GONNA DIE!
if it happens, and it seems to be already, it will be a gradual occurance over years and you wont really notice it as such..
2007-03-27 00:37:31
answer #9
answered by Mintee 7
Jehovah's Witnesses believe the meek will inherit the earth. There will be no war, no crime, no pollution, no illness, no death, etc.
2007-03-27 00:36:28
answer #10
answered by butrcupps 6
0⤋'re into some real "Heavy" theology here with the Book of Revelation... If you're truly interested in it... get some of the material written by Rev. John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX... I'm sure if you "google" his name you'll find his web site... Hagee is superlative in his knowledge of Revelation... way to "deep" for me...
2007-03-27 00:37:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous