The preachers are only repeating what God has promised. My husband and I do not have great or even good credit, yet we were able to rent a really beautiful apartment without acredit check. We are continually blessed and provided for because of our obedience. Not because of our good looks and because we have money rolling out our pockets. I don't even work and my husband is now starting his own business, because of God not because of us. Everything on this earth is the Lord's even the paycheck, yet he is only asking for you to give him 10% to help support his laborers. He has promised a blessing and asks that you prove him it. Just do it !
2007-03-26 17:30:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm sure some preacher somewhere is making unfounded claims about tithing and receiving. However, the Bible does say that if we give generously, God will give back even more generously.
2007-03-27 00:25:03
answer #2
answered by happygirl 6
Depends on the preacher. Some preach total nonsense and some are right on the mark, but most are somewhere in-between. I have heard so many different sermons on the matter, that I do not know which ones are you addressing and it is probably impossible to fit all the various sermons here, assuming that I wanted to.
I would like to say that a very common theme is that God is a kind of "jackpot" -- you put money in and out comes more than you put in, usually in multiples of what you put in. Wouldn't that just be lovely? My God is God and not Mammon, so I don't go for such teachings. Those sermons are for the Mammon worshippers.
2007-03-27 00:38:14
answer #3
answered by Shawn D 3
Many preachers say things about tithing that are not true. However the scriptures do teach that if you do not tithe and give an offering you are robbing God
2007-03-27 00:28:39
answer #4
answered by wisdom 4
NO. Tithing predates the Law and was done by Abraham. The concept goes back way before Abraham. God always had "His Portion" even in the Garden of Eden. All the trees of the Garden man could eat of, but the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil was in essence "God's portion" - man was not to eat of that tree. Man has tried to "eat God's portion" ever since with the same type of results.
2007-03-27 00:25:43
answer #5
answered by wd 5
It speaks in the Bible about tithing 10 percent of your income. That can also mean your time and talents.
God doesn't need us, but we do need him, and we learn things about him when we obey his words.
And they are not unfounded, search your scriptures.
2007-03-27 00:24:45
answer #6
answered by Brenda B 1
The whole tithing things reminds me of the story of "jesus at the temple/marketplace."
2007-03-27 00:23:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think a lot of their claims about NOT visiting prostitutes, a la jimmy swaggart, are unfounded :))
2007-03-27 00:24:23
answer #8
answered by drakke1 6
God will not ask you for more than you can give, but a preacher will. All God asks for is your love and your faith.
2007-03-27 00:26:56
answer #9
answered by Amy N 2
only by those who have NEVER given as they should, with a joyful heart.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver.
2007-03-27 00:23:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous