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i usually follow my diet at home, but i often go to dinner at relatives where there is so much homemade forbidden greasy foods. its almost impossible to resist. its usually the smell that makes you give in, and also seeing everyone peer pressure each other to eat it because its soo delicious. sigh, does anyone know of any mental tricks to win this battle? thanks

2007-03-26 16:40:23 · 6 answers · asked by nonphysical 3 in Health Diet & Fitness

6 answers

Honestly. I would say eat a small snack before going over there. Maybe an Apple? A full Glass of water too. That way even if you are tempted to eat all that Greasy food you'll not be starving!! Also sometimes if you don't think you can resist eat by smell take a BIG whiff of it. Pretend you've already had eaten it and move on. Will power is not something that just comes to you. Slowly you have to work on it. The more things you do to persuade yourself NOT to eat it, the easier it gets. Start out small though.. And do try a healthy small snack when you go over there and have SMALL portions if you MUST eat it! And maybe if its bothering you too much maybe cut back the times that you go over there.. It'll get easier.. Trust me.. I go through the same thing.. bottle of water and a apple on the way saves me 3/4 of the usual plate that i would have eaten otherwise!! Or maybe just carry a picture around in your purse of you in a bikini? Take it out right before you go over there and take a good look. Tell yourself that you want better for yourself and the food is NOT going to get into your way.. Sorry there isn't a lot of Mental tricks. I hope at least some of these help anyway..Good Luck!

2007-03-26 16:52:22 · answer #1 · answered by autumn_rebellion 2 · 0 0

Try and imagine what all the grease is going to do to clog your arteries and make you fat. Think of the outfit you saw that you want to buy when you reach your target weight. Or, and this is really gross, but I had a friend who imagined there were bugs on the food, and that kept her from eating it. (Well, you asked for mental tricks). Don't let peer pressure influence you. Let the rest of them get fat and pimply from the grease. But be polite. Tell your hostess that the food looks delicious, but you have to watch your diet. Maybe just take a very small helping of everything, if all else fails, eat it slow, or hide some of it under the other food on your plate. You may wonder where I found all these mental tricks. Easy! I used to do them myself, and guess what? They work! Good luck to you!

2007-03-26 23:50:16 · answer #2 · answered by gldjns 7 · 0 0

~ Think of the greasy slimy food oozing out of your pores (it stops me from eating wings and pizza).

~ Look at the food you want to eat and imagine how much room it will take up in your stomach.

~ Simply tell yourself that you aren't hungry.

~ Don't eat because something is there, eat because you need norishment not something to keep your mouth busy.

2007-03-27 00:00:50 · answer #3 · answered by Virginia 2 · 0 0

Picture the body you want, and then picture the body you will have and how much of a fatass you will feel like after you eat a slice or scoop of fat/sugar/cholesterol/love handles. Make the right decision and you will feel mentally healthy the next day.

2007-03-26 23:48:50 · answer #4 · answered by ethro500mg 2 · 0 0

keep a picture of the future thinner healthier u in ur mind!

2007-03-26 23:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

look at over weight people and look at them as a thinspiration

2007-03-26 23:50:45 · answer #6 · answered by risaNaldo 2 · 0 0

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