im atheist but to play devils advocate, therres no proof he doesnt
2007-03-26 15:09:54
answer #1
answered by Kurtis A 2
What are you talking about, absolutely no proof? I have a question for you. How did you get here? Did you somehow rapidly evolve from monkey to human? I don't think so! If that really happened then I'm pretty sure it would still be happening, but it's not. Some say that the planets and stars appeared when just the right amount of substances mixed with another at just the right time, then KABOOM, there was the universe. Don't think so! By the way, how would've the substances for the planets have gotten here in the first place? Religion is a belief, but isn't evolution a belief also? There is no absolute evidence that it happened. So think about it, isn't it possible that a God existed. If there was no such thing to begin with, where did people get the idea of a god?
If it just so happened that atheists were right and Christians where wrong the worst thing that could happen to you is that you would go into none existence. But if it just so happened that atheists were wrong and Christians where right than the worst thing that could happen to you is you would burn in the lake of fire for eternity. --- If you ask me, it's not worth the risk.
So why should people not believe in God, when there is absolutely no proof what so ever that God does not exist?
2007-03-26 16:07:09
answer #2
answered by Clair 2
I believe in God, even though I have no evidence of the type that can be verified in a lab. I feel I do have evidence that points to at least the possibility of God - but this evidence is of the type that is personal to me, and cannot be tested in a lab. Furthermore, other explanations are certainly possible in all the cases.
But I have an intuition about God. Could I be wrong? Yeah. But if you believe in something, you believe in it. Sometimes, everybody believes in something for which they can not pinpoint an exact reason or piece of evidence. For example, I never can find a parking place at a particular time of day before my class, and so I always have to park far away. I have given up trying to find a place closer. But one day, I was sick and just didn't feel like walking, and for whatever reason, I believed that I would find a parking place closer. I just had this intuition about it. And sure enough, there was a spot. There has not been a spot since at that time of day.
There is no logical explanation for this that I'm aware of. It may very well have been a wild guess, a coincidence. I'm perfectly open to that.
But the question is not why there was a spot, but why did I BELIEVE there would be a spot? There was no reason to believe it. The evidence of the past says there should not have been one. But why do we believe things like that from time to time? I think most of us do believe in such things from time to time. Perhaps it is more frequent in those of us who have stronger intuitions.
It does not mean we are right.
But it is why we believe. Because we just do! We just feel - for whatever reason - that there is a God. Just like I felt - for whatever reason - that there was a parking spot.
I have not attempted to prove that God exists - for I cannot. But you did not ask for proof. You asked why people believe in the absence of proof - and that is what I have attempted to answer.
2007-03-26 15:17:22
answer #3
answered by Heron By The Sea 7
There is abundance of proof that God exists only if you would open your mind to it.
Life in itself is a proof of God's existence. If we were merely physical forms made of bone and flesh under the control of the brain we wouldd not be any different than a computer which runs on pre-configured settings. However we are not. We can think, we are conscsious of our existence, we have emotions, we have intelligence and the hunger for knowledge. Where does this come from? I say it is God's energy emanating as our consciousness. Can you prove otherwise?
2007-03-26 15:26:34
answer #4
answered by Rakesh 2
Correct, there is no proof that God doesn't's a logical fallacy to assume that something doesn't exist, only because there is no proof that it does...
Sides, people are free to make up their own minds, and if some folks want to say there isn't a God, or if some want to say there is, then really, neither side can call the other a liar, since neither can actually prove their position...
Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
2007-03-26 15:14:08
answer #5
answered by Hatir Ba Loon 6
In the name of Allaah Most Benefit Most Merciful
All praise be to Allaah the Lord of all worlds
May Allaah's peace and blessing be upon His prophet, his family and companions
Muslims don't only believe in Allah/God, they KNOW. That knowledge is available for everyone, only if you say:'I will not believe only because it's a tradition, I want to LEARN to believe
Universe is created, that's what is in science called Big Bang. What was the cause? What existed before the matter?More matter? What existed before that matter? Even more matter? You can't go forever like that, there has to be an end of the causes, which means there's a start of the universe. So, what or better said who, created the universe? If there was nothing material before it, the only answer, and that is the right answer is Allah/The God. If you alos think about the world itself. There so many laws in nature, but they all work together, if one goes wrong way, everything goes wrong! Did you know, that physicists found out that about 20 constants exist in the universe, the speed of light c=300,000km/s, the mass of an electron m,e=9.1x10^-31 kg, and so on...Can this perfectly created universe be cretaed by itself, is it possible that the the unity of these 20 comstants and millions of nature-laws, were created by contingency? Sure not! It's impossible. Did you know that the chance for a protein consisting of 500 amino acids, that the probability for it to be created just like that, is 1:10^950. This is a simple mathematical formula. And hemoglob. a part of blood which transports oxygen, consists of 574 amino acids. And what to do with millions of other proteins? The probability exponentially falls. And in staistics, some scietnitists say, everything what's above the limit 10^50 is considered as not probable.
I hope you got the point, the summary is as follows:
The Universe is so perfectly constructed that it's impossible it was rised out of nothing, and only that. The complexity of laws present in nature, and their perfect unity is the furher proof of Allah's existence. It is wrong to say science is against religion
''To him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth:'' Qur'an, 7:101
''Know, therefore, that there is no god but Allah'' Qur'an, 47:19
''Behold in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding,'' Qur'an, 3:190
''Soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?'' Qur'an, 41:53
''Let there be no compulsion in religion: truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand hold, never breaks. and God heareth and knoweth all things.'' Qur'an, 2:256
''truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.'' Qur'an, 17:81
Read the Qur'an, you'll find that Allah swt exists. I recommend you the book 'Qur'anic Miracles' by Harun Yahya.
And all praise be to Allaah the Lord of all worlds
And may Allaah’s blessing be upon His prophet Muhammad, his family and companions
2007-03-27 00:52:23
answer #6
answered by Hurricane 2
There is plenty of evidence that God exists, including all of creation. We each have to weigh the evidence for ourselves. Many astrophysicists believe that space and the cosmos present excellent evidence for the existence of God while others just as easily reject God. One believer wrote the book "The Fingerprint of God" in which he examines the evidence.
We actually believe many things without "proof" by weighing the evidence. For example, I believe my husband loves me. I cannot "prove" it, but the evidence is strong. I believe that Abraham Lincoln lived and was president. I can't prove it because no historical events can be proven--they cannot be recreated, which is required for proof. There is plenty of evidence, however, that Lincoln lived and was president.
2007-03-26 15:16:17
answer #7
answered by happygirl 6
Sometimes I like to view the photograph called "Earthrise". It was taken from the moon and you can see the Earth just hanging in space. Comtemplate that for awhile. Then notice the thin blue line between our air and the blackness of space. God designed our planet and placed it at just the right distance from the Sun, with just the right gasses to make up the air that you breathe. You are comfortably warm most of the time. You have everything you need to sustain and procreate. What more do you want?
2007-03-26 15:17:35
answer #8
answered by Juliart 6
They want to believe without the evidence. It's comforting to reduce the universe to a personal god interested in human affairs.
Their justifications are mixed. Some go on faith and others say that creation is somehow proven. All could be wrong.
Science is the only real way to understand the world and to verify things that we can't see (like Infrared light). And it offers a much bigger and more complex universe than anything creationists have come up with.
2007-03-26 15:10:50
answer #9
answered by Dalarus 7
It's said that "Buddha exist in heart"
And it's more or less familiar with the case of GOD.
People need a virtual image to lead themselves, and so GOD , or Buddha , or some other things appear.
For Christian, acturally, no matter GOD exists or not, will still trust that GOD is there, because GOD have be setup already in their mind, lead the way of their life.
2007-03-26 15:16:35
answer #10
answered by Michael 2
"Proofs" is one of those words. "Proof" in math isn't the same as proof in history or in interpersonal relationships or in biology or in any one of a host of other disciplines.
Here is a simple argument called the Aesthetical Argument (“Aesthetics” has to do with beauty). The argument is: The universe exhibits beauty, and man has the ability to appreciate beauty; where did this come from? You see, aesthetic values serve no purpose in a purely materialistic universe. Why do we have it and where did it come from?
Have you ever said to someone, “Look at the beautiful flower or sunset”? You expect the other person to naturally agree with you that it is beautiful: flowers, butterflies, tropical birds and fish, rainbows and sunsets, galaxies and nebula, etc. And we also appreciate beauty in the art of men; how is it that artists can make a living?
What is beauty for? What personal or evolutionary end is met by the appreciation of a rainbow, a flower, or a butterfly? As it has been said, “I would like to know how evolution would produce a species that likes to smell and look at flowers that we don’t eat.”
William C. Davis writes, “Humans have numerous features that are more easily explained by theism than by metaphysical naturalism, if only because metaphysical naturalism currently explains all human capacities in terms of their ability to enhance survival. Among these features are the possession of reliable faculties aimed at truth, the appreciation of beauty, and a sense of humor.”
And as Anthony O’Hear has said, “From a Darwinian perspective, truth, goodness, and beauty and our care for them are very hard to explain.”
Every effect must have an adequate cause to produce it. The Bible attributes beauty to God:
-Psalm 96:5-6, “For all the gods of the people are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before Him, strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.”
-Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful it its time.”
-Matthew 6:28-29, “Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not clothe himself like one of these. But if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you, O men of little faith?”
I have to agree with W.S. Rhodes, “It is difficult to believe that so many beautiful things came into being without any kind of direction by a power sensitive to beauty.”
Now, many people try to dismiss this argument by saying, “What about ugliness?” Well, this is a fallen earth that has been cursed because of sin (Read Genesis 3), and so we should expect ugliness. But the question is: Where did the beauty and the appreciation for it come from?
2007-03-27 11:13:34
answer #11
answered by Questioner 7