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14 answers

Mary is the mother of Jesus and we as women should live by her example and Catholics do not worship her, we worship Jesus and God

2007-03-26 15:06:34 · answer #1 · answered by Angel Eyes 3 · 5 3

When the Christians (think roman catholics) first started converting the world, they had to get buy in to their religion from the various pagan groups around the globe. The pagans (anyone who believed in a god other than the Abrahamic god) worshiped both a god and a goddess. So, the Christians elevated Mary to be queen of heaven in effect taking the place of Astarte, Isis, Freya.

(Side note, Easter eggs and bunnies are pagan symbols used during the spring festival of Astarte that celebrated renewal and rebirth)

Now, very simplistically, one of the reasons that the protestant religions came into being were in "protest" against the pageantry and ritual of the Roman Catholics.

"Thus the idea of respect and high honour was not rejected by the first Protestants; but, they came to criticize the Catholics for blurring the line, between high admiration of the grace of God wherever it is seen in a human being, and religious service given to another creature. The Catholic practice of celebrating saints' days and making intercessory requests addressed especially to Mary and other departed saints they considered (and consider) to be idolatry. With the exception of some portions of the Anglican Communion, Protestantism usually follows the reformers in rejecting the practice of directly addressing Mary and other saints in prayers of admiration or petition, as part of their religious worship of God. Protestants will not typically call the respect or honor that they may have for Mary veneration because of the special religious significance that this term has in the Catholic practice. "

2007-03-26 15:37:10 · answer #2 · answered by bme4956 1 · 2 0

They believe she remained a virgin her entire life. The brothers and sisters mentioned in Matthew, they believe were children by Joseph and another wife... where they get that I have no foggy idea, but many have told me this. They don't "worship" her, they pray to her and the saints that have died, or those that the Pope has granted sainthood. We all are saints if we are in Christ Jesus. The scriptures tells us so. We are to respect Mary because she is the mother of our Lord and Savior, but no where in scripture does it tell us to recognize her as the mother of God, the Father. Its just like they believe Peter to be the ROCK, but he is just a pebble like the rest of us. He was given the keys to build upon the ROCK (Jesus).

To the one right before my answer. Why do you place Mary on the same level as Jesus? The Bible clearly tells us He was the only one without sin. Give book, chapter, and verse(s) that tells us Mary was sinless and remained a virgin. Did the Holy Spirit impregnant her again and again? Give us scripture to base the Catholic theory of Mary being sinless and a virgin her whole life?

2007-03-26 15:15:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That is such a good question. I've wondered that myself, as I am Catholic.

My guess is that other denominations think we worship her (which we don't), so they kind of push her to the side and put more of the focus on God and Jesus. I don't think they believe that Mary was sinless and remained a virgin for the rest of her life.

I'll be looking back here to see what other people have said!

2007-03-26 15:09:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Catholics identify with Mary because Mary saw her own son nailed to a cross. She has a personal knowledge of human suffering and therefore she understands our own suffering best. Mary is also credited with personal appearances at Fatima and Lourdes to Catholic children.

2007-03-26 15:16:20 · answer #5 · answered by Imogen Sue 5 · 2 0

Isn't your mom important? Most religions don't believe Mary was a virgin mother, hence not important. But catholics think Mary is very important and they don't worship her either, she was a mom.

2007-03-26 15:18:23 · answer #6 · answered by norielorie 4 · 1 0

The Bible is absolutely clear that we are to worship God alone. The only instances of anyone other than God receiving worship in the Bible are false gods, which are Satan and his demons. All followers of the Lord God refuse worship. Peter and the apostles refused to be worshipped (Acts 10:25-26; 14:13-14). The holy angels refuse to be worshipped (Revelation 19:10; 22:9). The response is always the same, "Worship God!"
Roman Catholics attempt to "bypass" these clear Scriptural principles by claiming they do not “worship” Mary or saints, but rather that they only "venerate" Mary and the saints. Using a different word does not change the essence of what is being done. A definition of "venerate" is "to regard with respect or reverence." Nowhere in the Bible are we told to revere anyone but God alone. There is nothing wrong with respecting those faithful Christians who have gone before us (see Hebrews chapter 11). There is nothing wrong with honoring Mary as the earthly mother of Jesus. The Bible describes Mary as "highly favored" by God (Luke 1:28). At the same time, there is no instruction in the Bible to revere those whom have gone to Heaven. We are to follow their example, yes, but worship, revere, or venerate, no!
When forced to admit that they do, in fact, worship Mary, Catholics will claim that they worship God through her, by praising the wonderful creation that God has made. Mary, in their minds, is the most beautiful and wonderful creation of God, and by praising her, they are praising her Creator. For Catholics, this is analogous to directing praise to an artist by praising his sculpture or painting. The problem with this is that God explicitly commands against worshipping Him through created things. We are not to bow down and worship anything in the form of heaven above or earth below (Exodus 20:4-5). Romans 1:25 could not be more clear, "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator — who is forever praised. Amen." Yes, God has created wonderful and amazing things. Yes, Mary was a godly woman who is worthy of our respect. No, we absolutely are not to worship God "vicariously" by praising things (or people) He has created. Doing so is blatant idolatry.

2007-03-26 15:49:19 · answer #7 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 1

Because Catholics have many traditions of man that are not in the bible and we as Christians follow the Bible as the final authority, not some man in a flowing robe, now they got you praying to Mary and the bible says there is only 1 mediator between God and man and that is Christ Jesus, not Marry, Marry was a blessed women but Jesus says his mother and brothers are the ones who do Gods will, but to pray to Mary will get you nothing, just like the bible says. It also says that these traditions of man make the power of the word VOID! And we don't want that!
This is what the goal is;

2007-03-26 15:09:07 · answer #8 · answered by bungyow 5 · 2 3

Quite honestly, I don't know where Catholicism came up with Mary worship, or approaching Mary to pray for them, calling her mother of God, etc. etc.....I don't know the history of this tradition.

Protestant churches go by the bible only. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. She is not the mother of God. She was blessed, yes, but she is not to be worshipped. The bible tells us there is only one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ.

Mary was not always a virgin. She, like every human being ever born, had sin and needed a savior just like all of us. The only person who ever walked the earth and was sinless was Jesus Christ.

Therefore, protestant churches recognize that Mary was chosen by God for a great purpose, but our eyes and worship are towards God the Father, and God the son, not Mary.

2007-03-26 15:08:37 · answer #9 · answered by Esther 7 · 3 2

Because other Christian denominations were spun off of the Catholic religion and they had to try to be different then the original Christians

2007-03-26 15:08:09 · answer #10 · answered by Philly Guy 2 · 1 4

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