From experience, giving somebody a supplementary credit card as a sign of love is not the right thing to do as you'll responsible to pay for the debt or charges that your girlfriend have incur using the supplementary card.
For your information, at this age and time, credit card is no longer a status symbol unless you carry a platinum card.
In terms of how to show love and affection to your girlfriend, just be yourself as she is suppose to love you as you are, not by giving her a supplementary card.
2007-03-26 20:51:23
answer #1
answered by Zahari S 3
Heck no!!! Give her the idea below, and if she reacts warmly to it, that means she loves YOU, and not your money!
Here's something creative that will be appreciated and you will have fun doing:
Make up a crossword puzzle and have all the hints be personal inside moments and jokes that only you two would know about. Put it on a poster board and add some clipart and some pictures to it!
The crossword puzzle could be time consuming and a bit frustrating ... you could do the same idea with a WORDSEARCH or WORDFIND puzzle.
Put your computer skills to work! Use Excel, get clipart from Yahoo Images Search, copy them, and reformat them, use a gluestick to put on posterboard.
Use graph paper, and pictures from magazines if you are not as good on the computer, and it will give it a homemade feeling.
2007-03-27 11:54:52
answer #2
answered by Reserved 6
Do yourself a favor, ask yourself this question:
Which does your girlfriend love; you or your supplementary card ?
Answer the question objectively and truthfully, you will know what to do. Any other question would be totally distracting and irrelevant.
2007-03-27 11:02:39
answer #3
answered by thinker 4
If you are talking about a charge card. You need to tell her to hit the trail!!!!! Money and status have nothing to do with love! If she needs a card let her get her own. Or I guarantee you will end up paying for it later on! Literally!!!
2007-03-26 22:07:01
answer #4
answered by suequek 5
What is a supplementary card?
2007-03-26 22:04:14
answer #5
answered by Andrea G 2
I don't agree with this as you can give supp cards to anyone but no credit limit inside so what is the point of having one. Better to pay in cash.
2007-03-26 22:08:00
answer #6
answered by happy 4
what's a supplmentary card? I assume it's some sort of financial gift? I say don't do it, that doesn't show anything about love. you say her ex did it? The key word here is EX
2007-03-26 22:04:15
answer #7
answered by JEANNE B 3
Sounds like your girlfriend is a brilliant con artist, wish I would have thought of that
2007-03-26 22:25:55
answer #8
answered by flow_mj 3
if you don't want to do it then don't. if she can't understand that then she doesn't really love you back.
2007-03-26 22:03:02
answer #9
answered by beanie_babymama 5