Get on the old I 15 south, go past the go cart track about a mile and a half. On the left side of the road there a dirt roads
that go into the desert. Shoot there, I don't know if I have to
tell you but, don't shoot towards I 15.
2007-03-26 17:39:29
answer #1
answered by powerkyter 3
In the city or township, you can only do it on a licensed shooting range. In outlying Clark County, you do so on private property, with the owner's permission, provided that doing so does not endanger anybody else.
2007-03-26 09:19:00
answer #2
answered by Tom Barrister 4
Call the Police, and ask them, tell them you want to do some "Target-Pracising" and but, you need a license to own that revolver, before you go calling them.. make sure your all legal and everything, and they be more than happy to accomidate!!!
2007-03-26 09:18:06
answer #3
answered by Hmg♥Brd 6