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Abortion may be termination of a fetus but if abortion was illegal more abortions would be done illegaly and by more unsanitary and worse conditions killing the mother sometimes and still killing the fetus. Suicide rates would go up. It's wrong to make the mother suffer in instances where she was raped or the condom broke after she used adequate contraception.

I don't particularly agree with abortion but making it illegal would cause more harm to the world. Think about this before you decide it should be illegal.

2007-03-26 06:41:16 · 29 answers · asked by Lover of earth 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

How about people abstain from sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship instead?

Why should a child be the victim of someone's "choice?" The "choice" should be made before sex occurs.

See, the problem is this: People think they cannot control their impulses. How often have I heard the phrase, "They're going to do it anyway, so why not provide "protection?"

We are human beings, not dogs. We can control our impulses if we wanted to. We just choose not to. And that is why we have this discourse about abortion.

And as to rape, incest, etc., less than 2% of all abortions are for these reasons.

2007-03-26 06:47:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

The main reason why I hate this argument is that a lot of the people against abortion have a reason that involves God and religious ideas about human life. They will never change their mind about it even if they understand and agree that there is a realistic 'downside' to making it illegal. The sad part about it is that you are right that many women will get themselves in terrible situations if abortion was illegal but many women are doing that already. What about those insane people that have babies and leave them in dumpsters and garbage bags?? There's no logical reason for that. Having abortion legal obviously isn't helping them! Some people do horrible things no matter what the law is. What about the teenagers that kill their newborns because they are too young or poor to get an abortion and they are ashamed that they got pregnant? I don't think the answer to that is to make abortion free or allow minors to get one without parental consent. There is no easy answer other than we have to try a hell of a lot harder to NOT get pregnant in the first place.

As for the women who get pregnant even with 'adequate' contraception or by rape, I can't really comment on that. I'm afraid if we limited abortion to rape cases that suddenly reports of rape would go through the roof! We may end up with innocent men in jail because of a false rape report just so the woman could get an abortion.

I see no way that we can make abortion illegal and have a 100% positive outcome unless we seriously change as a society and somehow all become more responsible people. I don't mean through religion but by making everyone a 'perfect' human being somehow. I don't see how that would ever be possible anytime soon so I suppose we will argue about this for generations.

2007-03-26 14:12:40 · answer #2 · answered by Pico 7 · 1 1

Ok.. I have a few things to say. First, to the person who said that if God didn't want the baby to be here, a pregnancy wouldn't have happened in the first place: Where do you get off saying that?? You think God decides every pregnancy that happens? If that was the case, why would He send so many children to countries where they will die of starvation, or into families that can't take care of them? Yes, I do think children are a gift from God, and sometimes He is in charge, but not every time!! It's biology left to run it's course the way it is supposed to!!

Also, I do agree that if abortion was illegal there would be more problems. Women would have a far greater chance of either losing the ability to have children, or even die. They would be done by "doctors" who have no training, no additional schooling on how to do them, and the equipment wouldn't be safe and sterilized at all.

It is true that it is killing a life. Studies have been done that show that by the 4th week, there is a rudimentary heart beat. By the 6th-7th week, a brain is starting to form and nerve and pain receptors are already starting to be in place. We do know that an abortion done after this time is going to hurt the fetus. They can feel pain at this point. Most doctors do learn this in medical school, contrary to popular belief. More is known now of how a fetus is formed, at what stages things happen and how now then ever before.

I have had to do a few abortions in medical school. I won't do them in my practice, and neither will the other doctors in my office. It was a decision that was made by us before the clinic was even open. That doesn't mean that we don't believe there are circumstances that it would be better then bringing the baby into the world. You have mentioned some in your question, but unless all the pro-lifers have ever been on the woman's end of things, they may change their minds.

I used to be totally pro-life. I thought that no matter what, I would never think it was right to kill a baby. But you haven't sat and looked into the face of a woman who has been raped and then then told that she is pregnant, or looked into the face of a girl who was raped by a member of her own family and seen the horror and the fear when they are told that there is a baby on the way. You can never know what it's like to be told that the baby you created would never live outside the womb, or that you wouldn't make it if this baby was to live. Until you have been there, or seen what I have seen, you can't say anything about the women who choose this. To most, it is their only way out of a situation that is too terrible for words.

On the other side, I don't think it's right for a girl to go in and have an abortion just because there was a mistake made and she got pregnant. If this is the case, and it is used as a form of birth control, it's totally wrong. She's the one who chose to hop in bed with someone without thinking of the consequences. If you aren't ready for kids, you aren't ready to have sex! It's that simple. No birth control is 100%, except abstinence. I don't think that teenagers, and some adults for that matter, think about what they are doing when they have sex with someone. They think it's fun and a good time, but they never think that there could be a baby involved. That is totally wrong for the woman to come in and say she doesn't want to have the baby just because she didn't either use birth control right, or there was an accident. I think more education is needed, I think that woman who choose an abortion just because she doesn't want a baby should be forced to either see a live abortion, or watch a video on how it really is done. I think this would persuade a lot of women from getting it done just to take care of a little problem they helped create.

2007-03-26 14:12:20 · answer #3 · answered by odd duck 6 · 2 2

I don't think that it should be illegal. I do think that there needs to be rules applied to the cut off time of the abortion. After a certain number of weeks it should not be allowed... unless the mothers life is in danger.
Abortion is not a good thing. It should be done as a last resort.
More should be done to educate the young about birth control and to provide free birth control for those who cannot afford it. I am against the government or any group of people telling me what I can and cannot do with my body.

What really worried me is all of these young women out there who are having so many sexual relationships, could get birth control pills from the health department or use other protection and still don't and then get pregnant. It is like they just don't care. At least that is what I am seeing around the area where I live

2007-03-26 13:52:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Somewhere along the line I think we as a society need to decide this once and for all,either way. I used to support abortion,until it ruined my relationship with my wife,and hers was medically necessary. We had a choice her or the baby,in fact probably not even that,because if she doesn't make it neither does the baby. And it still traumatized her extremely,and it usually does those that have a heart.And even if it is legal I think we need to put into law that all options need to be presented first,there's adoption and many adoptive parents will help financially so they don't bear a huge financial burden. Even in rape cases I think many women would rethink it given a moment to talk to someone that really lets them look at it rationally rather than emotionally. And beyond all that there needs to be a realistic limit. If the person cannot make the decision within a couple months of finding out they're pregnant then that's it,this 2nd and 3rd trimester abortion thing is simply repulsive in my humble opinion. Another thing that might radically lower the abortion rate in the US would be if we put this puritanical BS attitude behind us like the rest of the civilized world,so that when a girl does get pregnant she doesn't have to worry about half her family talking behind her back like she was a whore or something. We have come a long way on that one,but still have a long way to go.


2007-03-26 14:06:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, I still think it should be illegal and I think if there is a cicumstance where to mothers health is at risk and she NEEDS an abortion, this should be presented with medical back up before a judge for approval. There are way too many abortions being performed because a condom broke or this person or couple decided they aren't "ready" or can't handle the financial responsibility. Children are a awesome gift from God and it isn't our place to decide if and when this gift should be terminated. If a woman was raped and a pregnancy results from it, so be it. This child has the right to be brought into this world just like the next one. If after carrying the child for 9 months, the woman decides she doesn't want this child, she always has other alternatives. Carrying a baby for 9 months is very emotional, feeling this being move inside of you and watching your body grow as you are nurturing this child-I think it would be real hard for a woman to give this child up-even if it did result from rape. There is always an alternative.

2007-03-26 13:51:41 · answer #6 · answered by happyfacemommy 3 · 1 2

I disagree. Abortion have been going on for a long time, but they were rare. Everybody knew that an abortion was murder. Why do we have laws against murder? If we repealed them, would that be helpful too?

Abortion, like homosexuality has always existed, but the very fact that it was repressed made it comparatively rare (at least by today's standards). Both are perversions, one a perversion of sex, the other, a perversion of life.

Both of these aberrations demonstrate what has been done to our once Christian culture. Traditional Muslims shake their head and ask why we kill our unborn babies. I just say that I don't know. They look at a baby as a gift from God. In our culture, may times (about a million and a half times a year), a baby is an inconvenience. Our Supreme Court (a criminal enterprise, if ever there was one) has declared abortion legal. That has nothing to do with making it morally acceptable.

2007-03-26 14:21:24 · answer #7 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 1 2

i think the abortion topic is a very touchy subject. I personally feel that abortion is wrong but in the same time it is okay to have abortions. for this let me explain my thoughts. its wrong because i know that you are taking a life away, but in the same token if a female was raped it is not her fault that she has gotten pregnant. for that i think there should be an exception to the rule. this is really an opinionated question. there is no real right or wrong answer, but more like an idea. I think for all those that are males in here that has answered that it should be illegal would think alot differently if there own g/f or wife has gotten raped and was pregant with the rapists kid. and for the females that are think that it should be illegal would think differently if they were the one's that has gotten raped. This decision should not be answered by the committie but for those females that has gotten raped. Foreals though, i don't think it should be illegal, PRO CHOICE... because if it was it would really suck for the females that has gotten raped. my heart goes out to all those females.

2007-03-26 13:55:00 · answer #8 · answered by anthony y 3 · 0 0

I completely agree with you. At the early stages, the fetus is not concious, and is not much more than a collection of cells. It's no different than removing a tumor. They are both a group of cells receiving nutrients from the host's body.

If you are against the practice, you are free to not participate, but I wish people would stop trying to force everyone else to adhere to their way of thinking.

I find it ironic that the same people that complain about abortion are the same people that complain about comprehensive sex education and birth control distribution in schools. If kids were better educated about sex and pregnancy, and the consequences of their actions, there wouldn't be as many unintended pregnancies, and in turn there would be less abortions.

Unfortunately the anti-choice people seem to lack the ability to understand this logic. If they really wanted to reduce the number of abortions that are performed, then the smart thing would be to try and prevent the pregnancies from occuring at all.

2007-03-26 14:33:41 · answer #9 · answered by eviltruitt 4 · 1 2

abortion is wrong,

if it was made illegal, i don't think that many people will go out to risk their life for an illegal abortion

also the percentage of women who aborted their babies because they were raped is very low, like less than 2%

If a women has sex outside of marriage, it is her responsibility to take care of that child women say, i didn't mean to get pregnant or i couldn't help myself, well if you engage in the act of reproduction(sex), REPRODUCE. don't shirk out on your responsibilities for your own selfish reasons.

abortion is not only morally wrong, but selfish and irresponsible.

from the moment that egg is fertilized, it is a life. getting rid of a life is MURDER

Any results of making abortion illegal is worth saving the lives of innocent babies. what could be more harmful than aborting a life. if you want to avoid these results, keep you legs closed

2007-03-28 19:24:15 · answer #10 · answered by travelchic91 2 · 0 0

What's wrong should stay illegal. Condoning something wrong creates more problems. It's better in the long run. There are other ways to stop illegal abortions than making abortion legal.

2007-03-30 08:05:23 · answer #11 · answered by SAHM/Part Time Tutor 4 · 0 0

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