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otherwise I attend a kingdom hall & for me I believe it is the truth, but I have non-jw's former friends bashing me, how do I calmly still have the love of Christ & ignore their comments? I am human after all, but I found no reason in the 4 yrs that Witnesses are bad. God gave us freewill & I comming from a church of christ have a right to be where i'm at.

2007-03-26 06:11:28 · 6 answers · asked by Whitney 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

First if you really believe something/believe in something you should research it. If/When you decide it is for you, then you will be prepared to defend it. If they do not wish to listen to your reasons then explain to them that you do not wish to listen to theirs. It may come down to what matters more, having them as friends who are critical of your beliefs, or having your beliefs and not being critisized. I hope things work out.

I can relate. I am a Witness. My brothers are not. The one who lives closer to me is very intolerant of my beliefs, in general. Since he does not wish to discuss them politely, when he does bring such subjects up we stop talking. On the other hand an on again off again best friend of mine has stated he basicly is determined for now to be confused on religion. So, while I do not hide my faith, I let him have his beliefs and when we do talk we find common issues to discuss.

2007-03-26 07:16:07 · answer #1 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 2 0

I'm Catholic, and have to put up with a lot of Catholic bashing. I live in an area heavily dominated by Fundamentalist Protestants. I also have people of other denominations trying to convert me from Catholicism, some of them even daring to try walking onto my private property and start badmouthing Catholicism. I'd be lying if I said that it never bothers me to hear the same pointless (and viciously presented) false accusations against the Church over and over again. I deal with it by realizing that I don't follow my religion to make other people happy. If they can't deal with it, that's their problem, not mine. It's hard to ignore the nasty comments sometimes, but for the most part, I chalk it up to the ignorance and intolerance of others, and move on. If other people can't open their minds, there's not much help for them one way or another. Bless them, and get on with your relationship with God.

2007-03-26 13:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by solarius 7 · 1 0

Well, I am muslim but irregardless of what faith there is, people are going to say mean and hurtful things. If you truly believe this is truth, then don't let anyone detur you from it. Take care.

2007-03-26 13:17:09 · answer #3 · answered by muslimah4life91 3 · 2 0

If you really believe it is true, then who cares what they think. On the other hand, you should ask yourself what evidence you base your belief on and how has it affected your life (negatively and positively). Does your belief give you strength during hard times? Mine does (Atheist).

2007-03-26 13:16:15 · answer #4 · answered by doubt_is_freedom 3 · 1 0

God says to stand firm on what you believe in be unmoveable; if it is according to Gods purpose.

2007-03-26 13:15:49 · answer #5 · answered by Fisherofmen 4 · 1 0

tell them to f**k off!!!!

2007-03-26 13:14:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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