Perhaps too much activity. I suggest resting that muscle group for a couple of days. I've had sore abs before and that's what it was. :)
2007-03-26 04:59:17
answer #1
answered by Mark A 2
You either have a cramp, or an overworked muscle, which could come from a 2 hour hike if you never work out, as your body moves differently.
Take in more protein, such as chicken or turkey or fish, or buy some whey protein to make into shakes, it'll help you get better faster(basically protein is what you use to build muscle). Just avoid using the muscles too much.
Oh and weight loss doesn't hurt, what you feel is a type of acid buildup in your muscles(if I remember right, there's a type of acid anyhow). What is good though is that the more muscle you have the better your metabolism works, because unlike fat muscle burns energy instead of storing it. Don't worry about becoming the hulk though, that takes a ton of work, most people can't get close. Oh and muscle weighs more than fat, so if you work out with weights, your overall weight may not decrease that much, but the amount of fat you have will decrease and you'll look more fit. This is because muscle weighs more than fat.
Anyhow, eat healthy and let the muscles rest a bit before exerting yourself again and you'll be right as rain in a couple days. Oh and the more weights you do, the less this effect happens, after finding a good weight lifting regime you barely get sore like in the beginning.
2007-03-26 05:16:52
answer #2
answered by Luis 6
It's probably all that walking. Maybe on your hike you were walking on some uneven land or something. Sometimes walking on a slope or uphill can give you pains in your abs from trying to stay level. If it's not better after an Advil and 24 hours of rest, you should see your doctor.
2007-03-26 04:59:56
answer #3
answered by fizzygurrl1980 7
It's probably from all that walking .If your not used a lot of walking and over do it you will have sore muscles ..It;s strange that you have sore abs instead of sore legs and probably did lose some weight after all that,,,don;t over do it though start little and work your way up....AT 135 ps you do not have to lose weight or lose much because that's an ideal weight,,,,good luck
2007-03-26 05:06:17
answer #4
answered by Cami lives 6
Your muscles just weren't used to all that excercise in one hit, lactic acid builds up in the muscles thats where the pain comes from, good on you but try to space out ur exercise, like half our of walking each day would be better than climbing mt. everest in one day, If you are worried about girlie pain that is persistent go to the docs, but im sure youve just strained your muscles. get well.
2007-03-26 05:06:31
answer #5
answered by nightdreamer 3