Because they are not forming their lives according to the scripture they read from.
Colossians 2
2:8 Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
2:16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days – 2:17 these are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ 2:21 "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!" 2:22 These are all destined to perish with use, founded as they are on human commands and teachings. Even though they have the appearance of wisdom with their self-imposed worship and false humility achieved by an unsparing treatment of the body – a wisdom with no true value – they in reality result in fleshly indulgence.
2007-03-26 04:38:24
answer #1
answered by Try 2
Church attendance has been dropping as a percentage of the population since 1960. Some polling organizations have even tried to "prop up" falling numbers through surveys that some would call... tainted at best. The SB (Southern Baptists) are barely more than half the numbers that they were in 1980 -- and the mega-churches are at best a temporary bump in the road -- further there are only between 3 and 5 million attendees at them - total; about the number gathered in the 30 years they have existed that Roman Catholicism alone loses every 10 years.
All of that indicates several things, first and foremost that an increasing number of younger people realize that the Bible is mythic. It is indefensible as anything other than myth, and even people like Gleason Archer -- the best of the so called "Christian apologists" [guess what other word we got from the same root Greek word] find it increasingly difficult to make any credible argument for infallibility, even against a modestly trained layman.
NONE OF THAT has anything to do with believing in Christ. The Bible may well be relegated to the spot it should be in (the fiction section) over the next 50 years, and regular Church attendance probably will drop to 10% or so in the same time period -- but belief in Christ is likely to remain fairly steady. Interestingly, the Church started with belief in Christ -- and no Bible -- until nearly 400 years into the life of the faith had passed and the Council of Carthage created the modern canon -- acting on a resolution of the Synod of Hippo. It is ironic that people are finally catching on -- and Christian faith is returning to the original model - one that believes in Christ and love, but cares nothing for human books.
Kind regards,
2007-03-26 11:43:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Religion as a whole is failing and should do so. Jesus came to abolish religion and religious practises.
He came to bring life through Grace (undeserved favour).
Being a Christian is not being religious! To be religious is religion.
Christianity is a relashionship with Jesus. Jesus's death (for those who believe) opened the door to God. It's not by OUR works and Laws but by Grace.
Christianity is the only faith that gives Grace. (It is my belief that all other religions and faiths require personal effort/WORKS to gain any sort of promise of continued life, enlightment, nirvana etc... )
But in Christianity, God already provided everything we need to be reconnected with Him through Jesus once and for all. We do have a part and that is to believe that it's done, turn to His way of Life (which is real life) and accept this Gift of Salvation that He is offering us solely because of what Jesus already did for us, which was pay for all the sin of all humankind.
Our good works after we become born again is out of Love not Law and we live in freedom KNOWING that we have salvation and we are sure of where we are going.
Ask around some other religions... are they sure where they are going after they die, or even if they live or die?
For me personally unless I'm sure it's all a waste of time and personal effort. Live how you want and be happy.
But since I am sure... God has become my Father once again because of what Jesus did for me. When I accepted this FREE Gift. My life changed. I strived for oh at least 30 years to be a good person and most of the time I did pretty good. But I was not happy.
Now the only thing that I can say is what took me so long? I wish I had made this decision 30+ years ago, so much wasted time and senseless memories. But better late than never. All those years exploring other religions, including religious so-called Christianity, so much wasted time and frustration. Thank God, I finally found what I had been searching for all my life and now I am happy and fullfilled to be a Christian. Am I where I want to be? If I died today I know where I'm going and that's to Heaven now doubt about that. But if I'm to live here for more years... I have lots to learn and lots of room to grow. That's what's so great... we keep growing, helping others and are never bored. The Christian life is exciting.
There is way too much to share about Jesus than in a quick answer format and it would take books and books.
My final remark is that Jesus brings the answer.
2007-03-26 12:22:52
answer #3
answered by fiona 1
Much organized religion mixes the teachings of God along with many man made beliefs. and many no longer teach all of Gods word, teaching only what ppl want to hear.
God will not bless any of that.
God blesses faith and full obedience.
Disobedience leads to curse.
When a faith will teach all of Gods word and do it boldly, not worrying what is popular and whats not, just what is truth, then God will bless that faith.
Christians have truth, but only if they obey all ofthe Bible , not just what is comfy. when the live as Jesus, love Jesus, follow Jesus, follow Him, obey Him, and tell the world about Him, without apology, but done so boldly, jsut like Jesus preached, then God will bless that faith,that individual.
WE need to get back to the full truth aboutGods word.
Ppl dont want to hear about the devil and hell and often its not talked about. Seeker friendly churches... not of God.
Jesus preached all the truth, did so in love, but still did it and did it boldly, said what was sin said to turn from it, repent, and now live as He lives and teaches. Anything less is NOT CHristianit, and God will not bless that.
Stand up Christians, learn full truth , teach it, and obey it.
Jesus is coming soon, and we are either fully His or fully not His at all.
Get rid of the man man stuff, speak on truth, whether it is popular or not.
Speak and live as Jesus lives and said to do ourselves, and then Jesus will come even sooner, and Christianity will not fail.
The true faith of Jesus will never fail. as God tells us Jesus has victory already. for those that will obey HIm in all tings.
2007-03-26 11:43:13
answer #4
answered by full gospel shirley 6
The same reason that we're having so much trouble in politics. No one wants to compromise. Each side has dug into the ground very deeply and won't give an inch.
Organized religion does not police itself, and therefore, has lost the faith of the general public. You can't have the people you look up to for spiritual guidance have questionable morals of their own.
I'm sure it's just a small percentage of the authority figures that are immoral, but, as the old saying goes, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.
2007-03-26 11:34:39
answer #5
answered by FozzieBear 7
Actually the majority of people are not Christians. Jews, Hindus, Muslims etc make up more of the world population than Christianity. But that wasn't your question.
Organized religion is failing because the institutions have become corrupt. If priests, ministers, rabbis etc. are caught over and over again going against what they preach, then people are going to lose faith in them.
The Catholic Church knowingly harbored pedophiles - hard to lead from that corrupt position. Some of the gay bashing religious right leaders have been caught in gay activities themselves - hardly inspiring folks to listen to them is it? In my church a minister who was providing marriage counseling was also sleeping with many of the wives whose marriages he was supposed to be saving. When your church leaders break the tenants of your religion, you are much more likely to go outside the bounds of the church for your spirituality.
2007-03-26 11:40:18
answer #6
answered by Queen of Cards 4
I don't consider myself to be a part of any organized religion, but I do believe in God, the Almighty. And also, I don't believe that Jesus is the "Son of God" in the literal sense of it. Jesus was simply a man put on this Earth to spread God's word, and the very people he was trying to enlighten turned around and martyred him.
2007-03-26 11:35:39
answer #7
answered by Maverick 6
People differ so much within the same religion it's hard to find like minds. Also there are scandals that make people assume that everyone in that religion is the same so they shy away from Church. With those factors yes.
2007-03-26 11:39:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Lazy priests and bishops,or a shortage of clergy,
Unfortunately the education system is starting to over valuate its own importance,since when is education more important than religion.
The bishops should be getting onto the education board and politions to promote religious education in schools instead of expecting overworked parents to teach religious education.
2007-03-26 11:40:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because people are keeping Jesus out of it, the true church is Jesus Christ, all El's is man made.
2007-03-26 11:38:02
answer #10
answered by thanks 3