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5 answers

Who the hell knows my friend. There are many little cults among that religion.

2007-03-26 04:24:03 · answer #1 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 1 1

For some denominations, the history of Christmas has too much pagan origins. And we know that Jesus was not born in December. For others, His resurrection is much more important.
Santa Claus, based on the life of St. Nicholas, is a lovely fable but it really doesn't have anything to do with true Christianity. In fact, that is one of the dilemmas a Christian parent has to face, whether or not to include Santa in Christmas. Many decide no.

2007-03-26 11:26:04 · answer #2 · answered by Sharon M 6 · 2 1

Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th like some Christian churches would like people to believe. This celebration is in fact the birth of the sun celebration, celebrated by pagans. Also know as the winter solstice. That's why there are many Christians that do not celebrate Christmas. It's not a true Christian Holiday.

2007-03-26 11:28:08 · answer #3 · answered by skiingstowe 6 · 1 1

If any Christian puts santa before Christ, then they're not worshiping Christ they are worshiping a FABLE.

2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come ...they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears.
4 And shall turn their hearts away from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES.

2007-03-26 11:30:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus Christ was not born on Dec. 25. Tamuz aka Mithris who was born a son to the false Idol Babylonian pagan "sun god" Nimrod was born on Dec. 25th. The evergreen tree was the favorite tree of Tamuz............God knew that, under this Babylonish system, mankind was quickly drawing away from Him and would soon invent weapons and means to destroy himself. God said: "Indeed the people are one and they have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them" (v. 6). The creative power of the human mind was such that God knew mankind might invent terrible weapons capable of destroying the earth, and that His plan to give mankind 6,000 years to write the lessons of human suffering could be cut short before He intended! So God came down to "confuse their language" and to scatter them over the face of the earth.
But history and consistent, pervasive stories and ancient legends from nearly all nations indicate that the philosophies and religions started by Nimrod and his wicked wife, Semiramis, have continued down to this day. For, after Nimrod's death, his wife Semiramis claimed that he was now the "sun-god." As author Alexander Hislop wrote:

"The Chaldean Mysteries can be traced up to the days of Semiramis, who lived only a few centuries after the flood, and who is known to have impressed upon them the image of her own depraved and polluted mind. That beautiful but abandoned queen of Babylon was not only herself a paragon of unbridled lust and licentiousness, but in the Mysteries which she had a chief hand in forming, she was worshipped as Rhea, the great 'Mother' of the gods, with such atrocious rites as identified her with Venus, the Mother of all impurity, and raised the very city where she had reigned to a bad eminence among the nations, as the grand seat at once of idolatry and consecrated prostitution. Thus was this Chaldean queen a fit and remarkable prototype of the 'Woman' in the Apocalypse, with the golden cup in her hand, and the name on her forehead, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.' The Apocalyptic emblem of the Harlot woman with the cup in her hand was even emodied in the symbols of idolatry derived from ancient Babylon, as they were exhibited in Greece; for thus was the Greek Venus originally represented" (The Two Babylons, pp. 5-6).

Counterfeit Religion Spreads

This Babylonian system of idolatrous worship spread all over the world as the inhabitants of the city itself were scattered (Genesis 11:9). As they went from Babylon, these men took their worship of mother and child, and the various "mystery" symbols, with them. Herodotus, the world traveler and historian of antiquity, witnessed the mystery religion and its rites in many countries, and wrote of how Babylon was the prime evil source from which all systems of idolatry flowed. In his noted work, Nineveh and Its Remains, Layard wrote that we have the united testimony of sacred and profane history that idolatry originated in the area of Babylonia. Alexander Hislop quotes these historians and others confirming this point in his remarkable treatise mentioned above.
Later, the Roman Empire assimilated into its system the gods and religions of the countries over which it ruled. Since Babylon was the source of this paganism, we can easily see how Rome's early religion was a form of Babylonish worship that had developed under different forms and different names in the countries to which it had gone. In his well-documented book, Pagan and Christian creeds, Edward carpenter wrote: "The similarity of ancient pagan legends and beliefs with Christian traditions was so great that they excited the attention and undisguised wrath of the early Christian... not knowing how to explain it, they fell back to the theory the devil, centuries before, caused the pagans to adopt certain beliefs and practices" (p. 25).
Carpenter also quoted Tertullian, and early "church father" living between 160-220 AD, as saying: "The devil, by the mysteries of his idols, imitates even the main part of the divine mysteries" (ibid.).
Also, Carpenter, noted: "Cortez, too, complained that the devil had possibly taught the Mexicans the same thing that God taught Christendom" (ibid.). The famous Spanish explorer found that the originally pagan inhabitants of Mexico were already practicing he same pagan rites, and had many of the same pagan beliefs, that the Roman Catholic church had assimilated!
Since the practices of today's churches are not the same as the early true church recorded in the New Testament, it is vital to know whether there has been a purposeful mixing of false pagan practices with the true teachings of Christ, the apostles and the Bible. Many historians, such as Edward Gibbon, have noted the change brought about by great numbers of pagans flocking into the early Christian church and mixing their pagan customs and beliefs with those of the church (see Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 chapter 15).
Notice how today's churches have sprung from the same root as paganism! Satan has created an entire system of "counterfeit Christianity." He has cleverly guided vain religious leaders to introduce completely pagan ideas, concepts and practices into "Christianity." Since the world "Christianity" is stamped on the outside of the package, most people assume that the religion of Jesus Christ is being offered. Little do they realize that totally false concepts of god, of Jesus christ and His message, of the purpose of eternal life and of the way to eternal life—have been wrapped up in a package called "Christianity." But theirs is a "counterfeit" Christianity that has cut most of mankind off from the true God, and has caused enormous confusion, suffering and death!
Note these excerpts from Pagan and Christian Creeds: "The Christian church has kept itself severely apart from discussion of heathenism, taking the stand that it, the church, represents a unique and divine revelation and has persuaded mankind of this to such a degree that few people nowadays realize that it has sprung from just the same root as paganism and that it shares by far the most part of its doctrines and rites with the latter" (Carpenter, pp. 11-12).
"The common idea is that the pagan gods fled away at Christ's coming, yet it is well known to every student that this is contrary to fact. At the time of the recorded appearance of Jesus, and for some centuries before, there were temples without and dedicated to Apollo or Dionysius among the Greeks, or Hercules among the Romans, Mithra among the Persian, Baal and Astarte among the Babylonians, and temples dedicated to many other gods. An outstanding phenomenon is apparent: notwithstanding great geographical distances, racial differences between cults and in detail of services, the general outline of creeds and ceremonials were—if not identical—markedly similar" (ibid., pp. 19-21).
"Not only were these pagan creeds and ceremonies which had existed centuries before Christ's coming markedly similar to each other, but also they were similar to true Christianity—a fact that cannot be considered accidental. As an example of this, of eleven main deities from seven countries, it was believed of all or nearly all that 'these deities' births were on or near Christmas, of a virgin mother, in a cave underground, that they led a life of toil for man. They were called light bringers, healers, mediators, and saviours. They were thought to have been vanquished by the powers of darkness, descended into hell or the underworld, to have arisen and become pioneers of mankind to a heavenly world... Krishna, the god of India is an outstanding parallel with the life of Christ" (ibid., pp. 21-23).
Carpenter goes on to write: "The idea of God sacrificing His Son for the salvation of the world is so remote and remarkable—yet it ranges through all ancient religion and back to the earliest times and is embodied in their rituals" (ibid., p. 133). These unusual customs were so similar to the truth that they strongly suggest there must have been some guiding force behind them. A counterfeit Christianity was being created by the invisible "god" of this age whom Jesus Christ called the "father" of lies (John 8:44).

"'Historians still marvel at the brilliance with which Constantine converted the sun-worshipping pagans to Christianity. By fusing pagan symbols, dates, and rituals into the growing Christian tradition, he created a kind of hybrid religion that was acceptable to both parties.'
'Transmogrification,' Langdon said. 'The vestiges of pagan religion in Christian symbology are undeniable. Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictograms of Isis nursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint for our modern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus. And virtually all the elements of the Catholic ritual—the miter, the altar, the doxology, and the communion, the act of 'God-eating'—were taken directly from earlier pagan mystery religions.'
Teabing groaned. 'Don't get a symbologist started on Christian icons. nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras—called the Son of God and the Light of the World—was born on December 25, died, was buried in a rock tomb, and then resurrected in three days. By the way, December 25 is also the birthday of Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. The newborn Krishna was presented with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Even Christianity's weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans.'
'What do you mean?'
'Originally,' Landon said, 'Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan's veneration day of the sun.' He paused, grinning. 'To this day, most churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no idea that they are there on account of the pagan sun god's weekly tribute—Sunday". (The Da Vinci Code, pp. 232-233).

The Historical TRUTH

"But that is all fiction!" you might say. "Where did this crazy author get all these strange ideas? I am sure that my religion is based completely on the Bible!"
Please, my friends, do not be too sure!
The Bible itself tells us: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV). The actual truth is—and I do challenge you to prove it—that this part of Dan Brown's book is based on solid fact. For historian after historian acknowledges that the original Christianity of Jesus and the Apostles was dramatically changed within a few centuries after Jesus' death! As noted historian Will Durant wrote:

"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it. the Greek mind, dying, came to a transmigrated life in the theology and liturgy of the Church; the Greek language, having reigned for centuries over philosophy, became the vehicle of Christian literature and ritual; the Greek mysteries passed down into the impressive mystery of the Mass. other pagan cultures contributed to the syncretist result. From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity... and a personal immorality of reward and punishment; from Egypt the adoration of the Mother and Child, and the mystic theosophy that made Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, and obscured the Christian creed; there, too, Christian monasticism would find its exemplars and its source. From Phyrgia came the worship of the Great Mother; from Syria the resurrection drama of Adonis; from Thrace, perhaps, the cult of Dionysus, the dying and saving god.... The Mithraic ritual so closely resembled the eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass that Christian fathers charged the Devil with inventing these similarities to mislead frail minds. Christianity was the last great creation of the ancient pagan world.... [The Eucharist] was a conception long sanctified by time; the pagan mind needed no schooling to receive it; by embodying the 'mystery of the Mass,' Christianity became the last and greatest of the mystery religions" (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 5, Durant, pp. 595-599).

Paul Johnson is one of many highly respected historians who openly acknowledge that the biblical seventh-day Sabbath observed by Christ and the original Apostles was changed. "Many Christians did not make a clear distinction between this sun-cult and their own. they referred to Christ 'driving his chariot across the sky,' they held their services on Sunday, knelt towards the East and had their nativity-feast on 25 December, the birthday of the sun at the winter solstice. During the later pagan revival under the Emperor Julian, many Christians found it easy to apostatize because of this confusion; the Bishop of Troy told Julian he had always prayed secretly to the sun. Constantine never abandoned sun-worship and kept the sun on his coins. He made Sunday into a day of rest" (A History of Christianity, pp. 67-69).
What happened after Constantine? the widely read mainstream religious author Jessee Lyman Hurlbut explains:

"The forms and ceremonies of paganism gradually crept into the worship. Some of the old heathen feasts became church festivals with change of name and of worship. About 405 AD images of saints and martyrs began to appear in the churches, at first as memorials, then in succession revered, adored, and worshipped. The adoration of the Virgin Mary was substituted for the worship of Venus and Diana; the Lord's Supper became a sacrifice in place of a memorial; and the elder evolved from a preacher into a priest.... The church and the state became one when Christianity was adopted as the religion of the empire, and out of the unnatural union arose two evils, one in the eastern, the other in the western provinces. In the east the state dominated the church until it lost all energy and uplifting life. In the west ["Rome," Ed.] as we shall see, the church gradually usurped power over the state, and the result was not Christianity but a more or less corrupt hierarchy controlling the nations of Europe, making the church mainly a political machine" (The Story of the Christian Church, pp. 79-80).

A Modern "Babylon" Created

So where does all this lead? We have just read Hurlbut's statement that the professing Christian church of the Middle Ages was "mainly a political machine." It was saturated with pagan concepts, doctrines and practices. Did the leaders of the Protestant Reformation really bring the professing Christian church "Back on track" to the "faith" which was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3)—back to the true Christianity of Jesus and the original Apostles? Although sincere, the Protestant reformers carried over most of the anti-law, anti-obedience attitudes they had come to adopt in their rebellion against "Mother Rome." Like Rome, they were still involved in a paganized system of false doctrines, pagan Holy Days, and false concepts of God, which God Himself describes in revelation 17:4-5: "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."
With this form of "Christianity" as the state religion, masses of former pagans "converted." Many did so out of convenience rather than conviction, and kept their old beliefs privately. Others came to the new syncretistic faith uneducated in its beliefs, and able to receive only the most basic instruction.
"Babylon" is a symbol of confusion. The formation of the Roman Catholic church and then the later appearance of dozens of "Daughter" churches has certainly brought about a spiritual malaise of conflicting denominations, doctrines, creeds and practices—all supposedly "Christian." Yet none of them corresponds remotely to the Christianity that the original Apostles and the early Church of God followed for decades after the death of Jesus of Nazareth. They all have retained dozens of pagans ideas, and practices, that would have been utterly foreign to the early Church! Satan has indeed done a masterful job of creating a counterfeit Christianity.
Although Alexander Hislop appears to have remained a Protestant until his death, he carefully pointed out—with much historical documentation—that the modern Roman Catholic Church is a continuation of the ancient Babylonish mystery system, and that its religious festivals and most of its practices were drawn directly from the Babylonian religion and its priesthood. Hislop partially makes the connection with the "daughter" churches that have come out of Rome. But he was evidently blinded to the full meaning of what has happened to modern "Christianity."
Near the beginning of The Two Babylons, Hislop lays out the basic thesis that he goes onto document in full:

It has been known all along that Popery was baptized Paganism; but God is now making it manifest, that the Paganism which Rome has baptized is, in all its essential elements, the very Paganism which prevailed in he ancient literal Babylon, when Jehovah opened before Cyrus the two-leaved gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.... Her judgment is now evidently hastening on; and just as it approaches, the Providence of God, conspiring with the Word of God, by light pouring in from all quarters, makes it more and more evident that Rome is in very deed the Babylon of the Apocalypse; that the essential character of her system, the grand objects of her worship, her festivals, her doctrine and discipline, her rites and ceremonies, her priesthood and their orders, have all been derived from ancient Babylon; and finally, that the Pope himself is truly and properly the lineal representative of Belshazzar. In the warfare that has been waged against the domineering pretensions of Rome, it has too often been counted merely to meet and set aside her presumptuous boast, that she is the mother and mistress of all churches—the one Catholic Church, out of whose pale there is no salvation. If ever there was excuse for such a mode of dealing with her, that excuse will hold no longer. If he position I have laid down can be maintained, she must be stripped of the name of a Christian Church altogether; for if it was a Church of Christ that was convened on that night, when the pontiff-king of Babylon, in the midst of his thousand lords, 'praised the gods of gold, and of silver, and of wood, and of stone' (Daniel 5:4), then the Church of Rome is entitled to the name of a Christian Church; but not otherwise. This to some, no doubt, will appear a very startling position; but it is one which it is the object of this work to establish; and let the reader judge for himself, whether I do not bring ample evidence to substantiate my position" (Hislop, pp. 2-3).

Later Hislop describes how the Catholic "confessional" was borrowed from paganism, giving priests greater authority over the lay members. he explains that the pagan festivals of Christmas and Easter were introduced into "Christianity" centuries after Christ revealed the full Truth to His apostles. "Indeed," Hislop writes, "it is admitted by the most learned and candid writers of all parties that the day of our Lord's birth cannot be determined, and that within the Christian Church no such festival as Christmas was ever heard of till the third century, and that not till the fourth century was far advanced did it gain much observance. how, then, the Romish Curch fix on December the 25th as Christmas-day? Why, thus: Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of the year, in honour of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the part of Christians to met Paganism half-way was very early developed" (ibid., pp. 92-93).
Meeting paganism half-way "was very early developed," Hislop writes! Yet God clearly told our ancestors: "Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not" (Jeremiah 10:2-4, KJV). Yet modern day churchgoers persist in doing just that—and then have the audacity to stamp the name "Christian" on the outside of this package of pagan beliefs and practices! Those genuinely interested in the basic history of this relationship between ancient Babylon and modern professing Christianity should, if possible, find and read such books as The Two Babylons, Pagan and Christian Creeds, The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer and many similar works of history and theology. If your mind is open, it is relatively easy to prove to yourself that modern "churchianity" is simply a continuation of the old Babylonian religion, with the name "Christian" stamped on the outside!

2007-03-26 12:01:35 · answer #5 · answered by TIAT 6 · 0 0

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