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is it good or not good? why? what the effect? to the business? to the country's economic?

2007-03-26 02:30:49 · 14 answers · asked by San San 1 in Dining Out Malaysia Other - Malaysia

14 answers

Not only the government wants to ban the advertisement, they also want to raise fast food tax and call it sin tax. I think they just want to take more money out of the rakyat who are already made poor by their schemes and fancies.

Banning fast food ad and raising its tax is ridiculous. It is opening a flood gate.. What constitutes fast food? And where does it going to end? For heaven sakes, MP has nothing better to do.. He must be desperate to score points somewhere..And we the rakyat is the victim of circumstance. Forever trapped in this web of deceit.

Edit: But what constitutes fast food? Isnt subway sandwich also fast food? Sausage 1901 also fast food? Mexican bread also fast food? Denki Sushi also fast food? Where is this label going to end..

Krist C, thats exactly my point. where does it end.. because of the sin tax, all prices will go up. Even a piece of goreng pisang.

2007-03-27 00:47:41 · answer #1 · answered by Say what? 6 · 2 0

It's ridicules to ban advertisment on fast food as it is good for the country's economic. However it is no ecouraging for people to eat too much fast food. Although it is not a healthy choice but at least let youngster aware about the unhealthy contents that is in the food. It is far more better than banning the advertisement.

2007-03-26 02:37:08 · answer #2 · answered by TallGuy87 2 · 2 0

As a parent I would agree with the banning fast food advertising (but not as a person) as it is very difficult to walk past a KFC or Macdonalds etc without my kids trying every trick in the book to get me to pop in there: crying/angry/sulking/self-pity, affection etc etc!

And of course it's all due directly to TV advertising especially during cartoon shows: 'You must buy a "Chicky-meal", or a "Happy-meal" and so on and get a 'free toy'

But the irony is that kids are more interested in the 'free' toy that comes with the meal, which I'm sure the fast-food outlets already know.

However, having said all that and even though I'm against such advertising I still don't think that any government should interfere and ban such adverts, it's up to us as individuals and parents to decide on such matters.

Sarah, nuan ada anak?
eh, you and Myra sama sama ☺

Wow, 1 to 6 year olds at odds and evens, that's a strange thing.

2007-03-26 03:42:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

It is good to ban any advertisement that is harm to the people's health. None of the fast food operators want to announce/make public the contents of their food, ex: calories, proteins etc. This says a lot about it. I know some one who is 54yrs old and had his leg amputated below the knee due to consuming of fast foods every weekend for the past 20 yrs due to his childrens craving for it. When the government decides to ban them, it will and can save money in terms of medical funding due to this hazardous crap. One doctor has described in the papers that you can eat fast foods, but do it something like twice a month and not on a regular basis. In life, one has to be moderate in whatever one embarks, otherwise it will come back to haunt them.

2007-03-26 04:58:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think it is both goodd & not good .

It is good for our community . More people in our community is becoming obese, & fast food is one of the reason .

But in terms of the economy, I do't think it is such a good move . As fast food ads is raking +-5m of revenue to the economy, banning it will have a negative effect on the economy .

P/s : It got me thinking . Why the noton to ban fast food ads ? Is it because it's a good black sheep ? Putting the blame of obese in Malaysians due only to fast food ads is a bit bewindering . Oh ya then there's a statement by an MP saying that fast food is not good for health & hence the banning of fast food ads . But wut about alcholic drinks that still contunues to be advertised ??

2007-03-27 16:17:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Banning fast food advert?...what do you categorise hawkers' char kue tiow (Fried Flat Noodles)?, kuih-muih, goreng pisang (Banana Fritters)?,...etc...aren't all these fast food too? with the sugar and grease?
These hawkers are living advertisements that we see all over Malaysia...why don't just ban them as well? Why not? Because they are 'culture' & heritage? If we are to get gastronomical about this issue, western fast food should not be in negative perception, but rather an addition to the wondes of culinary diversity that we are blessed with!

2007-03-29 19:07:28 · answer #6 · answered by Krist C 1 · 2 0

I think its good. Not only they should ban it but also should place pictures of victims close-by to these outlets. Warning signs that says fast-food should not be eaten more than once a week, is a good idea too. This will encourage businessmen to open more healthier food chains such as Genki Sushi & Subway Sandwiches.

2007-03-27 03:59:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

wah..sarah..you got kids meh?
me too have 3 kids -2 boys and 1 girl!!

yeah, fast food is really kinda worrying me sometimes..Imagine, there will be at least 5 drive thru fast food restaurants on the way back home and to other places..whenever my kids sees the 'M'..they will instantly screams mommy!! happy meals!!! toys!!!!!
My goodness! its like a compulsory added tax or a tol to me to get to my home everyday!! i think the banning of the advertisement comes with pros and cons..it do give an effect to everybody in the business and the consumers..

edit: Sarah..wahh..seronoklah lah like this.... yeah no wonderkan? sama baya lah kita ni kot..thats why we can get along..hihihi..and your kids can always get along with my kids lah like that too..mine are 6,4 and 2..and hahaha..all the even numbers... :-) my boys are driving me nuts too!! every single day is a war zone for us! lol! but still, after looking at their adorable faces..all my pening go down in the drain....:-D

2007-03-26 23:19:26 · answer #8 · answered by MissChievous 6 · 2 0

Rally's/Checkers is the ideal i think of. They have been rated tremendously in meat high quality and that they style good. The banana milk shakes are good too yet thats definetly no longer a hamburger.

2016-10-20 11:44:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i find it ridiculous. it just like dumping millions of dollars into the sea.
for sure i had a bad impact in the advertisement industry. total ban is not necessary but we can control it such as limited time on air, reduce the quota and etc.....

2007-03-26 14:38:02 · answer #10 · answered by anderson 6 · 2 0