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NO OTHER country in the world has as much freedom and as many benefits as America. If you don't like it, then you go to France with all the liberal communists. America was founded as a Christian nation and it is probably the most religious country in the world now that Europe has turned away from God.

There is no better country than the USA! Do you disagree? Of course not. How could you? Name one bad thing about the greatest country ever and I'll tell you ten bad things about your own crappy little country.


2007-03-25 23:48:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Oh, I almost forgot. We have NEVER lost a war. Don't listen to what the liberal communists are saying. Iraq is a success. We went there to spread freedom and we accomplished that goal. Only about 3,000 soldiers have died. Compare that to the number of arabs we've killed. It doesn't even compare. We are winning in Iraq, it's just that the liberal communist media is ONLY showing the bad stuff.

2007-03-25 23:50:14 · update #1

8 answers

Total crap. For "advanced" country, you have third world levels of poverty and illiteracy. Your industrial base is on the point of collapse.

2007-03-25 23:50:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, in fact I believe that to be the most incorrect statement I have ever read. Freedom? you barely have any freedom and you build your society around the false pretense that you have freedom, your government controlls you and what you see. Oh yea, sorry I almost forgot about the poor education system you have there, the worst any developed western nation (maybe that is why you asked this question). I would choose France over America any day, I would choose a communist country over America any day, I would choose a World wide islamic caliphate before I would bow down to America (that went a bit far). Protestant nation, that means your different. Most religious country? oh yea you must be seeing as India has 800 million people of the Hindu religion (more than double the population of your country). Europe? turned away from God? you know I could write a book on how wrong that part is :P. USA best country? Nah. One bad thing? please be patient as I present this list: Slave trade, limited freedom, occasionally takes a war too far, bad education, bad defense force, bad government, bad media, so many too choose from I should quite while I am ahead. Please tell me bad things about Australia and I will show you how it is worse in America.

Never lost a war? actually it's more like never won a major war on your own. Vietnam, awful tragedy It appears you lost. Iraq awful tragedy, It appears the only people you can kill are allied soldiers. Your Defense force is pathetic at Urban warfare, Jungle warfare, Desert warfare... hey that's all you have ever fought in. You alone spread freedom? oh yea it musn't have been the large number of other countries that were there, you know the ones ruled by intelligent people. 3000 soldiers? wow that's 2,999 more than Australia. Ahh and you condone killing 'Arabs' do you? you see it's morons like you who keep morons in power. only showing bad stuff? That is because there only is bad stuff!

Also I noticed you dissed the french alot, the French were the ones that helped you get your independence (you call it freedom). You know the big green lady in New York? The french gave it to you as a gift, you better destroy it before anyone realises (anyone in your country that is). The world Wars? you barely did anything in the first and in the second alot of Major battles were won with the assistance of other nations (e.g. the first naval and land defeats for the Japanese were inflicted by a US and Australian coalition).

But anyway It's people like you who I hate in your country, I do like the country and it's history, you did helps us out from 1941 onwards and I appreciate it. I salute your veterans, they were insructed by morons.

2007-03-26 07:16:00 · answer #2 · answered by Josh 2 · 2 1

Oh, please. America is not the greatest country. It's is (still) the most influential, but that doesn't make it great.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a special grudge against America, but it is not better than every other country in the world. It has its advantages and it has flaws. For example:

* US medical care is crap!
* Education system is crap! ( I state this regarding the tremendous costs to access college or university.)
* US is the most wasteful country regarding energy.
* It is one of the top-sellers in weaponry (France too, btw)
* The judicative system is based on the assumption that people are plain stupid. (Everybody sues everybody for things that are really not justified.)
* You virtually have only two political parties. (Be honest, the other parties don't really have something to say.)

The USA is NOT a Christion country. The USA was founded with the ideal of religious freedom in mind. But what we can see today is, that Christians have taken possesion of th US.

Btw, the Vietnam War was far from being a military success. And Iraq too, in my opinion.

I don't know why you think the US is the freest nation in the world. That's plain bullshit.

And France is not a communist country, btw.

One more thing: America is NOT the US! I know a peruvian girl which is really upset that the US think they own America. And I find it annoying, too. YOU ARE NOT AMERICA!

2007-03-26 07:07:03 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. Zaius 4 · 1 1

There is freedom and law in Guantanamo. Vietnam never happened. What is the unique country in the world which have used the atomic bomb?. Are the rate of crime in USA's cities lower than European cities?.

There are many marvelous things in America as well but I'm not going to point it out now.

My point is There are good and bad things in America and it is still a great country.

My regards.

2007-03-26 06:56:41 · answer #4 · answered by Nraf 2 · 2 0

Everything has ups and downs. Every person, every nation, every religion, everything.

Every Yank I have ever met has been intelligent, friendly, and well rounded. I have never been to America.
Every Frenchy I have ever met has been intelligent, friendly, and well rounded. I have never been to France.

It is the people who never travel away from the country that are the problem. I see this in GB.
Every travelled and well educated Brit I have ever met has been intelligent, friendly, and well rounded. It is the people that sit around all day watching TV that give the bad impressions.

Freedom, so free that people feel they have to carry guns on them to the cornershop for self protection? Is declaring it a christian nation offering freedom?

Benifits, education? Healthcare?

There are better countries than the USA. There is no one best country. Like it or lump it.

2007-03-26 08:30:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I respectfully disagree. People will tell you their home country is the best...ie: I live in Canada which is a better place. You may list 10 things that are bad about Canada, or England or any other country, and someone else can do the same about the US. It is a debate that would go round and round in circles with no one winning..so whats the point?

2007-03-26 06:53:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I believe that America is the greatest country because of the power and the freedom we have. All countries I believe envy America because of the opportunity we give to everyone on our soil. I agree that there are problems here, but no other country gives what America can offer.

2007-03-26 07:00:53 · answer #7 · answered by UKcats1 2 · 1 3

haha great. I could hug you.

2007-03-28 18:22:39 · answer #8 · answered by grayshore 2 · 0 1

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