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14 answers

That is pretty much the size of it. There isn't any loyalty with the corporations to the people that labor for the companies either. The Republicans with the start of Ronald Reagan destroyed any workers rights and freedoms. Reagan overstepped his authority by firing the Air Traffic Controllers Union in the 80's. It's been all down hill ever since with this as the benchmark of treatment to American workers. Fair wages and workers rights are a thing of the past.

2007-03-25 18:49:40 · answer #1 · answered by leonard bruce 6 · 0 1

Our economy is a corporate battleground for everyone. While the goal for companies is to make the most money, the goal for consumers is more choice and better prices, and acceptable products. You may think that it stinks that there are so many big companies today, but big companies have been getting things done. They are more sensitive to the wants and needs of citizens. In countries like the former USSR, there would have been shortages of food because the government wasn't sensitive to the needs of the people. Products were of poor quality, because there wasn't any competition between diffrent producers of goods. People only had one choice for things, or they had zero.

I feel our government should be a forum for regulating our free -trade based society, so that everyone gets a fair deal, and so that things can get done. In the United States there are a few things that are publicly owned monopolies, one of those being schools. American schools score poorly compared to other countries, because there is no competition between different schools, except in a few areas. In Milwaukee, they have a program that pits different schools after one another. People have school vouchers that can be used at any pubic school, or a number of private charter schools. The better school will attract the most students, and therefore survive, and the bad ones will die. Our monopolistic system doesn't work that way, and even the bad schools survive. Even though capitalism, and free trade has it's downsides, it's still pretty good.

If your goal is to, in essence, be more profitable and make more money for yourself, then you need more marketable skills, and better experience. While yes, companies may pay what even I consider to be ridiculous wages, the boards who hire these individuals feel a strong need to find people with excellent experience and credentials, and to increase the pool of applicants they increase the prize. It's supply and demand all over. There may be a huge gap between the rich and the poor in this country, but in this country people can eat. At least we have a very low unemployment rate, and at least we have one of the lowest homeless rates in the world. They couldn't say that in the USSR. They can't say that in many places that still exist today. I think when we try and unbalance our government from free trade, we hurt ourselves.

2007-03-26 01:39:13 · answer #2 · answered by chaseunchase 4 · 0 0

There are two classes of Americans-the corporate rich and we poor working class people. It is the huge corporations that call the shots for our economy, not us little people. ex. Gas Huge corporations decide how much we pay for it and we just have no choice but to pay or do without.

2007-03-26 01:36:55 · answer #3 · answered by Terry Z 4 · 0 1

Do you realize that "Big Business" or "Public Corporations" do not form the backbone of our economy? There are certainly a lot of Corporate Giants and we constantly hear statistics about them on the news, usually pertaining to employment/ unemployment figures and the daily sway of the stock market. When you hear anout the "economy" on the news and how it's doing and employment and how that's doing, they use trackable statistics ie; how many people have filed for unemployment benifits, or how many shares have been traded etc. This gives people the impression that "Corporate America" is the end-all driving force somehow manipulating us like puppets in some mysterious conspericy.

The fact is (and I know because I'm in this group) The Self Employed, Contract Labor Force, and Small to Mid-sized Entrepenurial Businesses pay more taxes, employ more people, and provide more employee benifits than all the Public Corporations combined. The stats of these groups are not figured into the economy equasion (except in the business, sales and employee tax category) because they are privately owned, single individual labor, or commision only earners. Think of all the types of business you see and use every day. (and the ones you see are just the tip of the iceberg.) From your dry cleaner on the corner, the propriator resturants & bars you frequent, your Doctor, your Dentist, the Agent that sold you your house, your hairdresser, your neighborhood store, all the building contractors that built your home...the list goes on forever. These are not corporate people and businesses! We create the economic spine of this country. It's just not what you hear about on the news everyda. In fact you never hear this in the media because the statsitics pertaining to revenue, profits, taxes paid, employees hired, benifits provided etc.....are PRIVATE. Get it? So the entire midsection of information on what makes our country go and grow is not publicly reported because it is not publicly traded.

(Here's a side note as an example of how attainable information and statistical data only means VISIBLE not SOLITARY.) I won't tell you what I earn, pay employees or pay in taxes or employee benefits...but let's just say, been around along time, lived in the same place along time, live in a great neighborhood, kids attend school, and I file my taxes. Last sensus nobody shows up. Everyone I knew that worked for the state had a sensus rep. come by, everybody I knew that worked for a corporation had a sensus rep. come by, my employees got one, but me? NO. I called the bureau and told them I wanted to be counted. They couldn't find me in their pre-cubied categories ie; employment /unemployment records (tied to publicly trated companies,) I didn't work for the state or government, I didn't work for the city, I wasn't employed by anyone, I didn't work in the school district, I wasn't a college student, I wasn't a renter, I had never recieved public assistance....so there I was waving my hand saying, I'm here! Count me!" But to them, because of the way they collect the base line statistics I was invisable.

So before you have your opinions formed for you by a VERY coordinated media effort, dig a little deeper and research facts for yourself (and please!! learn the difference between research outlets driven by adgenda and those that are factual and unbiased) on this or any topic before you parrot what you have heard from others as your own opinion.

Also, here a little food for thought from someone who is a "glass is half full" person and definitley one of the "haves"

The truth of it is; the people who constanly whine and moan and grouse and complain about "the rich" and somehow equate that thier failures are the fault of others who have not failed, are not willing to do what it takes to be successful. In America everyone is guaranteed an opportunity for success, we are not guaranteed success. Frankly the "whiney baby" "take care of me" "I'm entitled to something" people are wearing everybody out. There are people who risk thier lives everyday fighting to get here and have a chance (not a guarantee) at a good way of life. Bitchy people,...shut up, get out there and work to create your own success story, and stop worrying about how much other people have.

2007-03-26 03:04:53 · answer #4 · answered by Three this week 2 · 0 0

Like, The United Corporations of America?
Unfortunately, it seems to be going that direction.

Just the fact that these huge companies can get away
with paying barely livable salaries, while their CEO's are
making millions & how they can fire employees without
needing a reason is a fairly good indication.

2007-03-26 01:45:21 · answer #5 · answered by Calee 6 · 0 1

America is run by several competing corporations and corporations are run by people, hence a true democracy.

2007-03-26 01:27:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you ask a poor democrat, it would be yes! But a rich republican would try to hide the truth!

2007-03-26 01:34:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes, we the people has been changed into we the corporations

2007-03-26 01:30:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Without the rich there would be no jobs for the poor.

2007-03-26 01:32:02 · answer #9 · answered by freemanbac 5 · 1 1

You have mastered the cliche. Now, move on to thought.

2007-03-26 01:26:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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