Great question and I think you are right. However, gay is considered to the be"other" of American society, today and once one joins that group, they generally wont be accepted back into the "majority". Why that is, I dont know.
2007-03-25 16:54:35
answer #1
answered by MJMGrand 6
I don't think I've ever heard of a gay person being condemned for deciding they like the opposite sex after all. And think about it this way- everyone, assumedly, starts out life straight. So someone 'coming out' is a change. Going back, I guess, could be seen as a failure, or giving into pressure to go back to the original state. If everyone started out gay, then going straight would be seen as 'coming out', and it would be the one that differed from the norm. Get it?
2007-03-26 00:06:50
answer #2
answered by paintmeblue719 5
A person can not change his sexual orientation. A straight person can't decide to be gay and a gay person can't turn straight. Therefore if a person is comming out is because they have come to accept their sexuality and are ready to be open about it this is why they are praised. A gay person is condemned when they pretend to be straight because they are lying to themselves.
2007-04-02 21:11:30
answer #3
answered by nclaure 2
Is Fox News sending all you people over here with your "questions"? But just in case you're sincere, "coming out" doesn't ,and never has, meant renouncing being straight. It means being secretly gay and deciding to be publicly honest about that. Do you imagine there's some horrible pressure being put on straights to change?
2007-03-25 23:55:45
answer #4
answered by mcd 4
To mcd- no it doesn't mean being secretly gay but deciding to be publicly "honest" as you suggest. It simply means they have deep-rooted and problematic identity issues, and are looking for an easy out. How could it be otherwise with so many of you "bravely coming out" and flaunting your nauseating and altogether corrupt and condemned lifestyle? As for the question at hand, they're praised because the girly-boys need all the help(and fresh asses) they can get. It's a psychological reassurance for people who can't reproduce among themselves, but need us who can by having normal male-female sex. Homosexuality-THE WRONG PLUMBING you bunch of fu**ing freaks of the girly-boy kind!
2007-03-26 00:19:37
answer #5
answered by Storm King 2
i am straight, i cannot decide to be gay. It just makes no sense to me.
A person coming out never was straight. He was always gay, just pretending to be straight.
A gay person trying not to be gay, because of family pressure or societal pressure is a horrible thing. They should do what they need to do to be happy.
2007-03-25 23:52:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because once you go gay you are there to stay!
2007-04-02 04:14:10
answer #7
answered by Jessica H 1
Good point, curious to see the answers.
2007-03-25 23:52:17
answer #8
answered by t2ensie 3
Because gays are just another minority that expects tolerance but doesn't give it in return.
2007-03-25 23:52:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Whatever !!!!! Just be who the heck you want to be. Screw other people. Does their opinion really matter when it is your happiness at stake???????
2007-03-26 00:04:33
answer #10
answered by sashali 5