The easiest daring thing to do is where strange outfits everyday...that should be good, because they will give you more than enough a weird a sport.......just be free and do whatever everyone else wont do!
2007-03-25 17:15:40
answer #1
answered by chazy30 1
Oh wow,....., okay? Umm, well, you guys could make your own style and fashion sense. Other than that, if you're not willing to get a different haircut or any piercings,..., then good luck on trying to show that you're "daring". Because all the stuff that you named shows that you're "daring". I showed ppl that I was supposivly "daring" by becoming more social. I put myself out there, and everyone got to know me, and I got to parties a lot. But you said nothing illegal, so that's hard. Usually, when you become social, people like to "socially smoke" or have a drink with you. But,..., if you're not willing to do that, then I have no idea. Not like a cig. or a drink is gonna kill you though!!! Come on, girl. Time to grow up and have fun!!!
2007-03-25 23:27:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
ok well u can go to school, tell say one of your best freinds that u want to have a sleep over. Ok invite a few of your close freinds, and a few acquitances.. Alright do your usual girl talk, and tell all your freinds just before sleep that u want to come clean with them on what u have been doing the past year. Tell them that u are going to be walking the straight and narrow, but if some of them have boyfreinds tell them that u were cheating with him on the side, and your girlfreinds that are not a nice looking tell them that they have boyfreinds because u felt bad for them and u paid for guys to go out with them, etc.. then see there reactions tell them u have given all this up and u are really sorry start crying, make it look like u feel soo very terrible.. Then the next day or atleast an hour later.. tell them.. hey just messing with you, lol,lol
2007-03-25 23:28:00
answer #3
answered by tennislover 7
Wear some glow in the dark clothes. Wear some super bright neon colored clothes. Carry all of your heavy books in a plastic grocery bag or put them in one of those shopping carts that the little old ladies use for their trips to the store. Memorize all of the U.S. presidents and just come up to people while they're talking. Eavesdrop and then say, "that sounds just like what President Taft was saying 50 years ago!" Wear your clothes backwards and inside out. Find a stray dog, bring him to school and walk him around inside the school. Whenever someone asks you a question, sing them the answer. Make up your own language that only you and your friend will understand.
2007-03-25 23:26:30
answer #4
answered by LA Law 4
Be more daring? That could be as simple as being more real, being your own authentic selves , or even being more kind to kids not in your immediate circle of friends. Could also mean being daring enough to study hard and become the top kids in your class. For fun, you could wear false lashes, carry goofy purses, smile like you all know a wonderful secret. do random acts of kindness....real ones from the heart. Wear two opposite shoes!
2007-03-25 23:28:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well with the rules u got u might as well hang up that
2007-03-25 23:23:16
answer #6
answered by NickyNawlins 6
Wear decent outfit with your bra on the outside. Isn't if outrageous?
2007-03-25 23:59:36
answer #7
answered by september 2
Drive a moped.
2007-03-25 23:27:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
lunchtime karaoke in a very public place. you will draw crowds. bring costumes.
2007-03-25 23:23:03
answer #9
answered by wassupmang 5
well, that will take all the fun out of it.
2007-03-25 23:21:26
answer #10
answered by freshbliss 6