Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20:12-14 (in Context) Leviticus 20 (Whole Chapter)
2007-03-25 16:44:45
answer #1
answered by sofmatty 4
Well the bible features three "couples" that are same-sex, but there isn't exactly too much evidence if they were sleeping together or not, but they appear to have progressed well beyond a casual friendship. These couples were: Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, and Daniel and Ashpenaz.
Also, there is a lot of discussion and different interpretations of the bible from different denomninations of Christianity. Some feel that Leviticus has been mistranslated, and doesn't accurately depict what the original version said.
2007-03-25 23:26:57
answer #2
answered by chaseunchase 4
excuse me, you do realize that there are OTHER religions out there in the world that does not believe in the way you have built up your god to be. not everyone is christian, and not everyone cares about what your bible has to say. the bible does not equal the manual stating everything that is right or wrong.
But if you really want to know, why not try reading every single version of the bible that was ever printed, find out who wrote that version and what their beliefs were (if they were overly conservetive or not) and try to read it with an OPEN MIND!
2007-03-26 09:44:14
answer #3
answered by Sabryna 2
Can you show me in the bible where it says that Ipods are ok? How about television? Video Games? Anyway asking someone a question like this is an obvious strawman. It's like asking someone to prove there isn't a God. Silly and pointless basically.
Show me in one of Eddas where it says you won't go to hel if you don't die honorably in battle.
Sodom and Gamora were places that were destroyed because men were raping men, not necessarily because they were simply Gay. Actually until the last century there wasn't even a specific term for homosexual or heterosexual. People were just who they were.
hmmm...go figure...
2007-03-25 23:09:53
answer #4
answered by Corestar 2
Ok 3 things Old Testament is meant for Jews as so is the Law of Moses which was written by Jewish men to control the Jews into doing what they wanted. Secondly, Sodom and Gamora's sin wasn't homosexual acts. The Bible clearly state what it's sin was in Ezekiel 16:49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." Everything else I have read about those ficticious towns are vague. Furthermore if the men of sodom were gay Lot wouldn't have offered his daughters in place of the angels. The people of sodom were sex feins of both straight and gay and worshiped a pagan god that demanded sex as part of the ritual of worship. These cults were common in Bible days as Paul mentioned them several times in his letters. It dosen't matter rather your straight or gay sex out side of marriage is a sin and sex as form of worship is a sin cause sex becomes a god in that aspect that was thier sin. It didn't have anything to do with being gay. They had other sins against God as well.It wasn't just one sin it was all of them and they were vast and many...Genesis 13:1, Genesis 18:20. It is popular custom to blame gays for everything. Your fear of gays is misplaced and far misinterpreted from the Bible. As for Paul, his 1 Corinthians 6:9 The Greek word that is misinterpreted as homosexual actually means same sex propsitute as it was customary in those days especailly in Philidelphia, the cult of Diana was very popular. In the Temples of Diana men would sell thier bodies to other men as a form of worship. This was very popular among the peoples of Asia minor at the time of Christ and during the Roman empire till it converted to Christianity. This is what paul was speaking aginst not gays. He was trying to get the people of Asia minor saved and to be sexually responsible. Paul's actions behind his letters to the Corthians is often misinterpreted. Just read the history behind the Bible and the people of the Bible it will start to make sense. Paul preached the gospel to pure pagan society without moral rules. Paul made up moral rules as he went along to conteract the things the Romans did and in the end it costed Paul his life. Sometimes stating the less popular approach isn't always the best thing to do especailly if you value your life but as you know those that seek to save thier life will loose it. If you understood what it was like to be a Christian during Roman times you would profoundly understand its meanings. Like with most things in the bible they have a cultural, historical, political and spirtual meanings. You must learn to understand what applies to where and how. You must also understand that Christ never spoke against gays in any form. So you must ask yourself WHY? If being gay was such an aweful sin why didn't the son of God mention it? I think you know the answer cause it is not a sin and never has been. God is a perfect being so his love is perfect. Not one ounce of hate will ever be found in God cause that would make God imperfect. This is a teaching that Christians get wrong by saying God hates gays or God hates sin. God cannot hate. It hurts him and he's dissappointed he has to punish us like a father punishes a disobediant child but God can never hate his own creation. I find it really sad to hear Christians teach that God hates someone cause if they do they really don't understand the love of God and the gift of his son who sent into this world to draw everyone to Him not a selected few. Here is some further reading I look forward to answering any more questions you might have...http://www.cathedralofhope.com/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=225&srcid=305 http://www.gaychristian.net/
2007-03-26 00:16:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Tell me where in the bible it says that GOD wrote the bible...can you prove me wrong?...no, because God didn't write the bible. So should be really base our culture on the writings of some misogynistic old men who never got laid? I think not...
Besides, like Chu said, Jesus and God are about love and acceptance. It's sad that religion is still being used as an excuse for war and hate.
2007-03-25 23:17:43
answer #6
answered by IamBatman 4
The Bible is everyones excuse to reject anything that they don't accept. Our modern world could never have been seen by the writers of the bible and as I always say "if God exists let HIM judge me" because I am sure that the bible says only he shall pass judgment and it is a sin for us to pass judgment. So the moral We should all live our lives as we wish free of worldly judgment and face it when our day comes thats why its called judgment day, right?
2007-03-25 23:34:24
answer #7
answered by freakout1687 1
here's a question for YOU, where does it say in the BIBLE that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed due to HOMOSEXUALITY! Please give ME chapter and verse. (note, please read it before you send it, it doesn't say that those cities were destroyed because of homoseuality!)
As for places where it CONFIRMS homosexual relationships check out the following 2 stories: David and Jonathan, and Naomi and Ruth! The King James version has BOTH of these stories, and I can actually look up the exact references if you like, but I feel that maybe you need some more time investigating your Bible.
2007-03-25 23:08:41
answer #8
answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6
There really isn't any verse in the Bible stating that homosexuality is o.k....what IS stated in the Bible is Jesus' teachings that we should love one another as we love ourselves; be open and accepting of one another, etc. If you read through the New Testament, you'll read of stories about Jesus allowing a woman (who was menstruating/hemorrhaging) to touch him when Jewish law in those days deemed a woman in that state "unclean"...it also tells of other stories about Jesus touching people with leprosy (another abomination in those days); many, many stories of Jesus' doings with people that were socially unaccepted. Jesus paved the way to acceptance of all, and to love one another unconditionally.
2007-03-25 23:10:12
answer #9
answered by chuvila55 2
The WHAT? Tell me where it says in the Havamal, the Voluspa or any of the Eddas where it is wrong. Stanza number please.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in the biblical myth over general wickedness, by the way, not homosexuality. In the time that was written, anal rape was considered a way to prove dominance over another. It was common on battlefields being practiced on a prisoner of war for many centuries. By heterosexuals, I might add.
2007-03-25 23:06:55
answer #10
answered by morgorond 5
just remember the bible was written by human not god
and well do you really trust anything human says
the bible is a load of .....so who really cares
maybe we should start to think for our selfs and
not thinking like the brain washed idiots from a hundreds of years ago
maybe we should throw all the gay people in the lake and see if they float
yes we live in the present not back in th days of witch craft
2007-03-25 23:09:58
answer #11
answered by Zara3 5