Will it Implode? more likely, Yes
There is a civil war going on SriLanka; which started due to the fact that the Tamils were heavily discriminated by the majority Sinhalese and the Tamil gave up protesting non-violently after being that way for 30 years for no-avail and took up arms in order to defend themselves from genocide. (even though the tamils were the original natives(kinda like the issue of native americans-settlers & aborigies-European settlers to australia.)
Tamils are mostly Hindu but there are Tamil Christians as well. And the LTTE is made up of Tamil Hindus and Tamil Christians
The Un, Amnesty International, Human rights watch and many other non-governmental Organizations have made more than a dozen comments demanding the srilankan government to stop the genocide but it has fallen on deaf ears.
a background on why Tamils are asking for a separate state:
Tamils belong to the Dravidian people. The Dravidians have been living in south as its native people. whereas the Sinhalese(who came to srilanka only in the 6th century bc) were of aryan people. they were NOT the original inhibitants of India or south asia. They came from the central asian region and moved into india at around 1800 bc . and then to srilankan in the 6th century bc. Tamils have been living here for millenia.(and are the creaters of one of the Worlds oldest civilizations :The Indus Valley civilization)
the very fact that there have been many archaeological findings(especially of burial urns) that have corroborated the fact that Tamils lived here LONG before the Sinhalese came to this island. so by any means this island rightfully belongs to the thamils.
This island always had at least 2 kingdoms. many times more than 2. It was NEVER a single country till the british colonised it and merged the two administrative sections for efficencies sake!!
The tamils did more than their fair share to evict the british colonizers from the island and to regain its independance. When most of the Sinhala political leaders were imprisoned by the british it was a Tamil Sir Ponnambalam ramanathan who braved the german infested waters during ww1 to travel to Britain and plead with the queen to have the Sinhala leaders freed.no Sinhalese had the bravery nor the clout to not only have the sinhale prisoners released but also to have the British Governor to the island Recalled!!; as Ramanathan did(the first time ever in a country colonized by the british)
when the British left; the srilankan Tamils, who fought for independence from British agreed that the country should be unified into a single country. cos they believed that Tamils and Sinhalese could live together. they were so wrong.
the sinhalese resented the fact that the Tamils were Very highly educated, and were overwhelmingly prominent in business as well.
when the British left, the sinhalese brought laws that said "sinhala would be the only national language"!! this country is a "sinhala buddhist" country. and Tamil has no place in this
All the Tamils, who worked so hard for independence from the British were devastated, by this cowardly backstabbing by the very people they had helped!.By the very sinhalese politicians whose lives the Tamil Sir Ponnambalam ramanathan had saved.It was betrayal of the highest order.
overnight, tamils became second class citizens in their own land!. Tamils who did not know sinhalese were kicked from their jobs.
Huge anti Tamil pogroms and riots broke out all over the country.thousands of Tamils lost their lives, their livelihoods, and their belongings. they houses and businesses were burnt and they were butchered on sight!
they protested peacefully, and the protesters were set upon by bloodthirsty sinhalese mobs and many lost their lives there.
the riots happened again and again in 1956, 1958, 1968, 1971, 1977, 1983 and 1987
more than 75% of Tamils have becomes refugees because of this. tens of thousands of Tamils have lost their lives to these riots, to carpet bombing of villages and temples by the srilankan airforce, to kidnapping, to torture and to assassinations
the tamils had the best library in all of south asia.Housing all their rarest of books and literature(tamil is one of the 8 classical languages in the world and has an unbroken literary tradition going back at least 2500 years). this library, the symbol of tamil pride and history was burnt to the ground
tamil students (even though tamils were only 20% in the new state) made up to around 70% of the engineering and medical students in the srilankan universities. the srilankan government brought a new law that said "tamils have to get FAR higher scores to get into the universities than the sinhalese students , for the exact same exam!!!)
this blatant act, on top of countless other actions by the government finally forced Tamil youth to ask for their rightful land. this has led to the civil war that continues to this day
and most of the western nations simply dont care about this(even though, the UN, Amnesty international, Human rights watch and many other non-governmental organizations around the world) had condemned the srilankan government for their human rights abuses.
but this had fallen on deaf ears as the average sinhalese is not literate enough to see through the "religio-ethnic" propaganda spewn from the mouth of the buddhist monks.
some links on this issue
anti tamil pogroms
state terrorism in srilanka
17 international aid workers killed b the srilankan military. The UN demanded an inquiry but the inquirey was hushed up
just one example out thousands-the fate of a tamil family in the hands of the srilankan army.explicit photos..be forwarned. :(((((
my aunt and grandmom died cos they were not able to get even the most basic medicines due to the embargo on medicine for tamil areas by the srilankan government :(.even painkillers are not available...things that we so take for granted in the west(and also on abundent supply on other areas of srilanka). this itself had led to the death of thounsads of innocent tamil civilians
as the old adage goes
"you (the sl government) can fool some of the people all the time and all the people for a short time; but you cant fool all the people all the time"
if you have any further doubts or questions pls feel free to email me or add it as a comment to ur original question. ill be happy to answer your questions.
2007-03-26 07:22:20
answer #1
answered by vandhiyathevan 3