2007-03-28 07:36:22
answer #1
answered by jujubah_01 5
I'm not sure that anyone in the league is really overrated. There are a lot of good players and the hype seems to be spread out pretty fairly. I still can't believe that Ovechkin won the Calder Trophy over Crosby last year, but at the same time, if it weren't for Ovechkin the Caps would practically be an ECHL team, so he might as well win *something*.
2007-03-25 14:57:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ryan Miller
charmel5…>>>>assists are just as good as goals, if he didn't pass the puck Malkin, Stall or any other Pens players wouldn't have scored.
and like Lorenzo said of Ovechkin being a - player well look at the team hes playing for. Bobby Orr great player great team of the early 70's he had a year with a +124 rating do you believe he would of gotten that playing for the California Seals at that time no hes points would of been lower and he might of actually been in the - ratings so who ever said that's a reason for Ovechkin being overrated you don't know what your talking about.
GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-03-27 19:41:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A number of the players already mentioned (JR, Hatcher, CuJo) are nearing the end of long careers, so I'm not positive it's fair to declare them overrated.
Alexi Yashin has long been considered an overrated player, even back to his days as a Senator. He's incredibly inconsistent as a scorer and has been plagued by lack-of-effort since his rookie year. Plus the insane contract given to him by the Isles several years ago doesn't help matters. And I think he was named the most overrated player by a poll of NHLers in Sports Illustrated recently.
2007-03-27 12:04:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Definitely not Crosby.
Ovechkin? If Wayne Greztzky played on a team that horrible he'd probably also be a minus player.
How can you say Ovechkin overrated for being a sniper?
(He's not a playmaker, not a defenseman.)
I don't recall Gretzky ever winning the Selke.
I have to say Zdeno Chara.
How much is he making?
How big is he?
And he's the captain!
Did anyone see Pittsburgh skate circles around him on sunday?
He needs to step up and do his job, he has to be much more physical, much more imposing, and not quarterback the powerplay.
Only playmakers, PowerPlay quarterbacks (like lidstrom) and a young Domink Hasek are deserving of such contracts.
I'd much rather have Kyle McLaren.
2007-03-26 17:05:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Anybody who listed ovechkin or crosby do not know hockey, they only hear everyone talk about them and they think that makes them over rated.
The most overrated player in the NHL is Mats Sundin. I am from Toronto and love the Leafs and like Mats Sundin, but he is not the player that the media makes him out to be. He has no flash and no speed. He does work hard and is very tough to take the puck from when he is behind the net, but he is just not the player fans think he is.
2007-03-26 07:06:19
answer #6
answered by oudie32 2
The most overrated player in the league is Alexander Ovechkin
2007-03-26 04:41:16
answer #7
answered by opyankees_06 6
Out of all these answers - there's only one person who actually makes sense, and thats Rick Nash, how can you put Crosby, probable MVP this year as overrated?? Thats like saying Michael Jordan is overrated! My second choice for most overrated is Chara, big contract and expected to help the team make it in the top 4 in the East this year. The only thing he's done is win the hardest shot, and not by much.
2007-03-25 17:58:26
answer #8
answered by mjross12 2
Crosby? How much Hateraid do you clowns need to be drinking before you come up with that one?
The only folks saying Sid are the ones who are ticked that they didn't win the lottery that year and get to pick him. All those bitter Caps fans who for years have hoped one day to compete with the Mighty Pens and each time they think they have the answer (Der, lets buy Jagr), or AO and Semin are better than Sid and Geno (hah, and double ha). It is common to hate the best player in the league if he isn't on your squad but please stop looking like such moronic homers when you do it.
My picks for most over rated will go for either:
Forsberg: Who due to various conditions is not living up to his potential.
Jagr: Who has never taken the mantle of leadership and is a pouty little temperamental brat who has underachieved when he was the one responsible for stepping up.
2007-03-26 06:19:49
answer #9
answered by zaphodsclone 7
I think Crosby and Ovechkin have lived up to their hype. They are only sophomores in the league and look what they are doing.
The most over-rated player even though he's on my favorite team, Rick Nash. Especially here in Columbus, all you hear about is Rick Nash and he hasn't done anything. He did more in the All Star game than he has on home ice. I swear there isn't any other players on the Jacket's team.
2007-03-25 15:10:43
answer #10
answered by glassflower 4
Hasek... When he was in his prime he played in the league with Belfour and Roy; he never "dominated" the league when those two played. When he played for Detroit (the first time) and Ottawa he was always a perpetual question mark if he was physically and mentally prepared giving coaches and general managers huge head aches. He did win the Cup finally in Detroit but he played as insurance... with that set of veterans in Detroit (at that time) they could have gone far without him.
I'll give him the one year the Czechs won the gold medal during the Olympics... that hyped up his reputation... but they wouldn't have won if he was not in goal. BUT he has since been touted as the best goalie whoever played (a lot of people have said this) and that's a bunch of crap.
2007-03-25 16:10:15
answer #11
answered by Anonymous