Here is thought for you. Your only 22yrs old, if you live to be 100yrs old you still have 78 years left to go through school & do what you want to do. The fact that you are already in College leads me to believe you have some academics under your belt... if it's something you are likely to question for the rest of your life -- go for it now. You should NEVER fear failure,,,, at least you "know" you tried. You should fear regrets & I should haves,,, they stay with you forever!
I would highly suggest you seek out school councelor who could perhaps set up an interview with someone in the field. They could give you some insight on the needed academics & life demands of your career interests.
Dont ever give up on you,, your the only one you have to face in the mirror each day,, now & in 78 years.
Good luck to you in what ever you choose.
2007-03-25 13:24:35
answer #1
answered by Turtle1 3
To be a surgeon requires a lot of self confidence but I would say go for it.
2007-03-25 20:10:56
answer #2
answered by Mary G 6
Heck no it's not too late, you are only 22...who cares if it hasn't been your focus up until this past education is a waste-it made you who you are today and if it is a dream of yours that should be all the motivation that you need
2007-03-25 20:10:49
answer #3
answered by monkey 4
Yes you should its never too late. Everything is a challenge go for it ,,,oh and in 8-10 years ill be needing some surgery and ill just go to you.....residentmind
2007-03-26 22:39:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If your passion is in this field go for it if not find the love of your heart, the one that you enjoy working. It's not too late your still young.
2007-03-25 20:13:35
answer #5
answered by james 2
Go for it. As long as you have the willingness to put in the hard work it will pay off. And I don't mean just economically.
2007-03-25 20:12:35
answer #6
answered by Free the monkey in you! 3
Would you rather take the chance and fail or spend the rest of your life wondering "What if?".
Life is about taking chances. Go for it.
2007-03-25 20:16:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you really want to do it and you feel that you would be happy doing it for the rest of your career, then go for it.
2007-03-25 20:08:13
answer #8
answered by calliope320 4