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Dubya, love him or loathe him, he's undoubtedly the most unpopular president in recent US history. Theoretically speaking, if someone did the "right thing" & took him out, how do you think Dubya is going to explain his actions to the Lord, God Almighty? Will her even get into heaven, or will he be directed sraight to hell?

Please, if you are going to quote biblical text, quote it directly, rather than mentioning Books/Chapters/Verse from the Good Book.

Peace be with you!

2007-03-25 13:03:12 · 10 answers · asked by Jock 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Maybe US politics can seperate Religous beliefs from Politics Dumb Soldier?

2007-03-25 13:22:23 · update #1

10 answers

Go to heaven? Doubting that.

2007-03-25 13:06:49 · answer #1 · answered by katydid 7 · 2 0

It's never the right thing to take anyone out. If that was just a figure or speech or a tool to emphasize your point, then well done. But guessing that you are religious and all that, aren't you being a bit hypocritical? Anyways, I don't believe in god or heaven so; basically you're saying, "How would Bush explain his actions"? Unless you work in the U.S government or know Bush yourself, I suggest you close your mouth and give your source for him being the most unpopular president in the United States of America.

Not only that, but he's the president of the U.S right now, instead of complaining, or just sitting around thinking about what he's going to say to god after he passes away, if you really have a problem with him[because that's basically what you're saying] do something about it yourself.

2007-03-25 20:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by Crystal & the 7's 1 · 0 1

That's a simple question with a simple answer. Read the excerpt of this speech, and then go read the whole speech.

Wake up and smell the jihad.

These murdering fanatics came into our land, lived amongst our people, flew on our planes, crashed them into our buildings, and killed thousands of our citizens. And nowhere along their gruesome path were they questioned or stopped. The joke is on us. We allowed this country to become soft.

We shouldn't really be too surprised that this could happen. Did we really think that we could keep electing officials who put self above nation and this would make us stronger? Did we really think that a strong economy adequately replaced a strong intelligence community? Did we imagine that a President who practically gave away the store on his watch, was insuring national security? While our country was mired in the wasted excess of a White House sex scandal, the drums of war beat loudly in foreign lands, and we were deaf. Our response was to give the man two terms in office, and even then barely half the American public exercised their right to vote. We have only ourselves to blame. Our elected officials are merely a reflection of our own values and what we deem important.

Did we not realize that America had become a laughing stock around the world? We had lost credibility, even amongst our allies. To our enemies we had no resolve. We made a lot of money, watched a lot of TV, and understood little about what was happening beyond our shores. We were, simply, an easy target.

But we are a country awakened now. We have been attacked in our homeland.


2007-03-25 20:11:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My pastor today said that God doesn't care what you do on Earth. It is what you become on earth.
I do not care for how the president is running the country, but I do believe that if he has truly been saved, and given his life to Jesus Christ with true love in his heart, then he will need not explain himself to God. Anyone that has been saved, and lived their life the best way they know how will be welcomed into the kingdom of Heaven.
Just my opinion.

2007-03-25 20:18:10 · answer #4 · answered by Jason S 2 · 0 1

You don't have much concept of God, do you?

I seriously doubt that the Creator of the Universe would need any explanation from any of us about anything.

I think it's more likely that God could explain us to ourselves.

2007-03-25 20:09:01 · answer #5 · answered by open4one 7 · 1 0

The exact same way we all will have to fess up for our mistakes! He is human like everyone else!

2007-03-25 21:10:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I thought you Bolshevik types didn't believe in God. What would Che think of you, comrade?

2007-03-25 21:51:59 · answer #7 · answered by Marc B. 3 · 0 1

Matthew 7:1 also says "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

2007-03-25 20:08:47 · answer #8 · answered by aiminhigh24u2 6 · 0 1

it is best to keep a very short measuring stick.

you will be judged by the same measure you judge others.

2007-03-25 20:07:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

My Bible tells me "judge not, lest you be judged."

2007-03-25 20:07:05 · answer #10 · answered by Villain 6 · 1 1

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