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You exploit the poor, oppress sexual minorities, and prevent people from immigrating into this country who just want the same opportunities your ancestors had. 100,000 Iraqi's have died, and you are destroying the environment.

2007-03-25 13:03:08 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

39 answers

Dont' worry about the conservatives...propaganda makes them feel completely justified.
As does religion. Brainwashing is quite useful to their kin.

2007-03-25 13:05:39 · answer #1 · answered by Jedi 4 · 7 11

I will answer one of these questions and that is about the environment. Did you know that not all scientists agree there is a such thing as global warming. The news is very liberal and tries to deceive you. Did you also know that trees produce more toxins into the air than our cars do. That can harm the ozone layer. Did you also know that the computers on earth are saying there is global warming but the satellites are saying there isn't global warming. Did you also know that the Americas just had one of the worst winters for a while. I hope this shows you that before you say something get the facts first. One more thing ask the troops in Iraq if they like being there and fighting for their country don't make their decision for them. Should we give citizenship to Asomabinladin?

2007-03-25 13:13:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

As an abject liar and charlatan, how do you sleep at night. I sleep very well because I'm not a liberal.

Conservatives are far more generous to charities than liberals ever are. You told a lie.

Oppress sexual minorities? What the heck is a sexual minority? You have me on that one. Since women outnumber men, do you mean that men are oppressed. You told another lie

Prevent people from immigrating? WHO? What part of ILLEGAL can you not squeeze into your head. No Conservative I have ever heard of is against legal immigration. You told another lie.

100,000 Iraqis have died, MOSTLY AT THE HANDS OF OTHER IRAQIS AND IRANIANS, what has that got to do with Conservatives? You told another lie.

Destroying the environment? How? Did I not just hear all about Fat Al Gore's energy-sucking mansion and his frequent trips in SUVs and on private aircraft? And don't give me that bovine excrement about carbon credits, do you even know who Fat Albert pays his carbon credits to? HIS OWN COMPANY. HE'S RUNNING A BIG PONZI SCHEME AND YOU GUYS ARE IN ON IT!!! You told another lie.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

2007-03-25 13:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

how do we exploit the poor ? by not wanting to give them money from hard working people, or should we just give them all a free ride and not contribute to society
oppress sexual minorities? by not wanting homosexuality to be main stream and be taught in school that deviant sexual behavior is right, also if the parts don't fit then they don't go together
prevent immigrants? ahh you don't have a clue it illegals we worry about, come here the right way and we're happy. break a few laws, hell no one should care about breaking a few laws right...hell no do it the right way or get out
i don't think the US troops have killed a 100, 000 people yet but if they did thumbs up to them, plus i think you have forgotten two things, first 911, enough said. second Saddam kill over 130,000 Kurds with chemical agents, and those we're his own people
destroying the environment? did you walk to work today or did you drive down to Starbucks to get you latte? hum-mm just a question, or did you go out and buy a Toyota prisus, take more to make and run that for 5 years then a hummer.

i sleep at night, knowing I'm doing my best to stop every liberal from screwing things up more and more

2007-03-25 13:15:41 · answer #4 · answered by rsltompkins 3 · 2 1

You are obviously a very uninformed & uneducated person Noah. I'm not saying this to put you down but instead to let yo know that you should try to inform yourself more.

As a "conservative" I believe in & support the following (these items may apply to federal, state & local government entities):

1) Low taxes for all Americans through a tax system that makes everyone pay taxes. The tax system should not be used to take from one person and give to another. The tax system is meant to produce revenue for the government to provide essential services. When you start making it so a segment of the population pays no taxes then you have a group of people that have no stake in the system and thus do not care when the government increases taxes since they do not pay any.
2. I believe in a federal government that does what it is Constitutionally mandated to do and nothing more. Protect the country by providing a military, undertaking foreign policy matters, protecting the border, managing immigration and providing needed infrastructure.
3. Government should help preserve & promote the American culture and language. This includes the heritage of our great country. The goverment also needs to put in place policies that will promote future generations and this is exactly why government promotes the bond of a man & woman through marriage.
4. Government's main job is to protect the people and provide maximum freedom. This means providing for public safety (such as police/fire, courts, jails/prisons) and keeping laws & regulations to a minimum. All government is not bad, there needs to be government but the problem arises when there becomes too much of it and when government starts doing thins it shouldn't.

I think government on so many levels has lost its' way.

I believe the following things would help the power shift back to the people & the states.

1) Term limits for all politicians (state & federal level).
2) Constitutional limits on how much the government can grow per year and limits on taxation.
3) Create true educational choice for parents whereas they are able to pick & pay for the education of their children without the government controlling it. This would mean eliminating the federal Department of Education, returning all educational decisions to the states and thus the parents.
4) Enact the line item veto for the President to eliminate "pork" spending.
5) Keep government out of all areas in which it should not be. The government should do only the bare minimum and let the private sector do the rest. Remember, whatever the private sector can do, the government can do for a much higher cost and do it much less effectively.
6) Government, at the local & state levels, should provide a bare minimum "social safety net" (ie, welfare, healthcare) for just those people that truly need it.
7) Government at the local levels need to prioritize and shift resources to public safety.
8) Reform / eliminate our out-of-control social programs, especially at the federal level since the federal government should not be doing this.

I feel good about myself because I believe in the overall positive nature of America and my fellow Americans. I believe in a limited government that protects us all, provides for our freedom and gives us the opportunity to prosper. I believe in laws & taxation that are applied equally to everyone and I believe in a government that helps protect, preserve and promote our culture & language.

I have nothing to be ashamed of and hope that you will truly reconsider some of our opinions after thinking about things.

Thank you for your time. May God bless you and America.

2007-03-25 13:41:16 · answer #5 · answered by InReality01 5 · 2 1

Some See Impeachment Option, Hagel Says

2007-03-25 13:56:52 · answer #6 · answered by warning 2 · 0 0

First off, we didn't invent cradle to grave welfare. Libs did, so that's exploiting the poor. As far as immigration, you still don't get it, it's ILLEGAL immigration. We have no problem with immigrants coming here as long as they do it the right way. As far as the Iraqis, it's not 100,000 and we are not killing them. They are killing themselves. And finally, the environment, it's all a lie and there have been scores of experts, yes, ACTUAL EXPERTS, not Al gore types, on radio and TV saying it's all a myth. Careful, your liberal is showing!

Go see your doctor and get some more meds to help you sleep.


2007-03-25 13:08:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Not well. I worry for our soldier's in Iraq, and America, since the Liberals are always bashing them for doing their jobs, and trying to take freedom away.
There is not enough room for all "Immigrants" to come into America. They have to wait their turn. America was an open land when our forefathers came here, not even seeking freedom from England. That came a 100 years or so later, they wanting freedom from taxes, and their own country.
The Iraqi's who have died, died by the insurgents, Sir, not Americans.
Read more. Thank you.

2007-03-25 13:10:49 · answer #8 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 6 2

Only conservatives use energy, drive cars, purchase things?

How come liberals aren't championing the rights on pederasty, polygamy, and beastiality?

No liberal politicians and business people have GROSS amounts of money? Better yet you have a computer... why don't you donate that and then give the money you pay for internet to charity instead. You are a mighty selfish person, aren't you?

There's more you should be doing in all those fields.

2007-03-25 13:09:00 · answer #9 · answered by Celebrate Life 3 · 4 1

How can you put us all into a box like that? I consider myself a conservative, but I work with the homeless, support gay rights, give to charity, and support the American dream. I however don't believe that anyone is just entitled citizenship, or that we should reward those who do not want work for what they receive. Why should we allow thousands of people to enter this country illegally when we don't have enough jobs for our American citizens??? Or why should I work two jobs, barely making ends meet, while others sit on welfare and refuse to try to better themselves? I'm 100% in support of helping those in need, but not for supporting those who view it as their god given right to work the system.

2007-03-25 13:12:22 · answer #10 · answered by Yoda_Yodel 4 · 4 1

well actually this question should be answered in two parts. first off the real rich conservatives sleep real well because they have done quite well the past 6 years. they have nice fat portfolios and extra security measures to keep the riff raft out of their restricted neighborhoods. now on the other hand the wanne bee conservatives living out there in trailer park land sleep well because they feel so superior calling themselves a conservative when the reality is the GOP could care less about Joe blow working man/women. they use racism, patriotism, and any other ism to fool the wanne bees into thinking that they are a conservative. personally i think the rich conservatives are pretty slick manipulating the masses while they steal the candy for their babies. the wanne bees are just simply fools nothing more. the same sect of people that thought jimmy swaggart was really sorry for his debaucherous behavior!!

2007-03-25 13:25:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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