How many people start fights, beat their wives, or die after they have had a smoke??
How many people start fights, beat their wives, or die after they have drunk 10 pints????
Does not make sense to me.
(Dont bother answering if you are one of those idiots who have never had a toke and say its bad.)
13 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
A couple of people have mentioned racism???? could you expand on that please?? Its not just black people who have a toke!
21:14:53 ·
update #1
Cuz if it was legal it would have to be taxed... and it would be taxed hard. To be honest with you there are so many people growing the stuff themselves the government could never undercut the price.
2007-03-25 11:57:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Look into the history of the anti-drug laws. They are all rooted in racism. The government doesn't care about our health.
If they really did, alcohol and smokes would be illegal.
Making drugs legal would make so much money for this country and eliminate the deficit.I have no idea why people don't see this.
I choose not to drink- well very occasionally,and not to smoke.I would not choose to become a heroin user even if it were legal.
The religious right [ of which they are neither ] makes too much noise and should have a drink or two and calm down.
2007-03-25 12:06:31
answer #2
answered by Cammie 7
It's illegal still because it is addictive (cannabis is an agonist) and can trigger long term mental health problems such as paranoia, depression and schizophrenia.
I see your point about alcohol, but just because another drug doesn't cause so many immediate negative effects it doesn't justify legalising it. I work in mental health and many of the people I work with are suffering from long term mental health problems as a direct result of smoking cannabis. They might not be beating their wives up or fighting every night but they are now relying on the NHS and the state to sort them out. Many cannot be employed and are thus claiming benefits, costing our economy in the long term. Legalising cannabis will add to the already existing problems that this country has so my argument is why make our problems worse?
2007-03-25 12:05:15
answer #3
answered by Pickle 4
Pope Barley has got it wrong.... it is NOT a stepping stone to other drugs, It being illegal exposes people to the people who sell other drugs. It was the Americans who saddled us with THC products being demonised and purely for control of the Mexican illegal immigrants and now the pc brigade have gone crazy yet again. I smoke occasionally and love the way it makes me feel. I laugh and feel sexy when I have a small toke !
2007-03-27 00:32:03
answer #4
answered by Melissa H 2
Because the bureaucratic and law-enforcement infrastructure and prison-industrial complex -- parasitic entities which devour BILLION$$ from the public trough -- are powerful institutions controlled by people who are addicted to power and money worse than ANY junkie or crack-head is to their drug of choice. The US is but a caricature of a "democratic republic." It has degenerated into an oligarchic, quasi-totalitarian and fully-militarized Police State. And the cancer of US imperialism has spread to every corner of the globe which is why the US bullied the rest of the world into making and keeping it illegal.
God help US!
>> A couple of people have mentioned racism???? could you expand on that please?? <<
see sources below
2007-03-26 18:39:05
answer #5
answered by down_with_the_gop 2
It's a law I ignore on a daily basis. No government has the right to tell anyone what they can or can't put into their body. If everyone smoked a little weed,the country would be a better place. Cammie is 100% right. All drug laws are rooted in racism.
2007-03-25 19:29:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I know what your saying but why do you need either, surly it's down to self control, and smoking anything is a bit stupid first because of what it does to your body, second you smell, and third what about the cost, and I'm talking smoking in general
2007-03-25 18:56:57
answer #7
answered by ringo711 6
You are right but it is addictive and it makes you feal as if you are paranoid all the time and never fully awake gave up a few years ago and feal better for it try staying clean for a few days and you will notice the difference
2007-03-25 11:57:59
answer #8
answered by Craig Mcdonald 101 2
In Guernsey they were going to down grade cannabis. but when they asked everyone who smoked it they could not find anyone who did not have some form of paranoia
2007-03-25 12:01:48
answer #9
answered by minifreak 2
It never stopped me from smoking
2007-03-25 11:58:50
answer #10
answered by Tania La Güera 5