Fighting for ones Freedom, and supporting that cause is Patriotic, wanting them to drop what they are doing in mid stream and come home, not thinking of the repercussion of it is Psychotic!
2007-03-25 12:29:08
answer #1
answered by Katz 6
Protesting the war is a normal American choice offered by our US Constitution's Bill of Rights. However, burning our troops in effigy is a real nutso oxymoron/illogical expression which cancels out the effect of your protest for any, including moral reason. Our guys and gals over there were either drafted or volunteered to put their lives on the line so you and I continue to ask and answer Yahoo questions, among other taken for granted priviliges in a democracy. Am assuming you have held a job or two in your lifetime and therefore paid the taxes which prompt your question. We both know what happens if we don't obey the boss, we get fired. Service personnel risk charges from the military court, a really bad credit raiting for getting a BCD (bad conduct discharge) and lose their credibility with the average American voter. "I was only following orders," a response assigned very bad press due to the Hitler regime is still valid in the US courts of law. Do you really want to tell your own peers, your neighbors whom have sent sons and daughters to the gulf and the rest of the world that "voting their conscience" just as you have was the wrong thing to do? Keep in mind that I am not a health professional when I refer to your question as "schizophrenic" in that it approaches the bi-polar realm of logical thought.
2007-03-25 18:08:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To those who have not heard of SOME of the anti war protesters burning a soldier effigy here is your link...
To each ignorant human being his own. I support the right no matter how slimy and insensitive it is, why? I think the freedoms that our veterans have fought and died for should be for all.... Even the ignorant.
2007-03-25 18:12:50
answer #3
answered by M B 5
I'm all for protesting the war, but burning effigys of our troops is wrong, not all of them want to be there..
they should burn effigys of Bush and Condi Rice, Cheney, not the troops, to me its ignorant.
2007-03-25 17:53:06
answer #4
answered by Jetglam 1
Oh ye of little mind and small penis, shall I attempt to explain this to you?
A quote: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism", is actually taken from a quote by Thomas Jefferson.
The quote was :
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.”
I believe 100% in burning flags or whatever other non-violent measures can be taken to get your point across.
The most unpatriotic people in America today are those that support this idiotic war, and apparently you are one of them.
My guess is you are pro-war and anti-abortion and most likely fail to see the contradictory absurdity of this. Put simply, you feel it is OK to KILL INNOCENT children already ALIVE in the name of God and War, but are opposed to pre-empting a life that is not even in this world yet. So you think its just fine and dandy to kill an innocent child??!!
You are the sick person with an obvious psychosis. Seek help now dip$hit.
2007-03-25 18:42:36
answer #5
answered by bijou 4
You must live in a radical RedsStater place.
I live in a tiny liberal farm town and no one burns anything here. It's against the law to have an open fire.
Go big Red Go
2007-03-25 18:13:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
IT is time to protest this war. Anyone who doesn't want our troops home is the one with the psychosis.
Whoever wants this war to continue needs to go there himself.
Don't send anyone where you wouldn't go yourself and if you do, be sure that God will bring you into judgement.
Our troops have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
IT is time to bring them home!
2007-03-25 18:00:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
While I have not heard of anybody "burning our troops in effigy" I don't think that is as bad as sending them to be burned in reality.
2007-03-25 17:57:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Oh,you're talking about those whackos that were burning the effegies and screeching for the soldiers to burn in Iraq. They are disgusting filth. My Dad would've been sickened. He was a WW2 vet.
2007-03-25 17:55:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
As they say, dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
Can't say I've ever seen anybody burn the troops in effigy, though. (At least, not in America...Iraq maybe)
2007-03-25 17:52:51
answer #10
answered by William S 3