Here's some interesting facts I just learned recently. There are at least eight tactics that communists use to take over a country. There are probably others that I am not aware of but these "Communist Rules for Revolution" were discovered by Allied soldiers in Dusseldorf, Germany in the year 1919; shortly after WWI.
1. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Mission by and large accomplished.
2. Break down the old moral virtues. Mission by and large accomplished.
3. Encourage civil disorders...and soften gov't attitude toward crime. Liberals definitely support this one but it has not been fully accomplished yet.
4. Divide the people into hostile groups (race, religion, etc.).
Mission accomplished.
5. Get people's minds off their gov't by focusing their attention on athletics, sex, etc. Mission accomplished.
.6. Get control of the media, like CNN. Debatable, but fairly well accomplished that the major media typically favor the left.
7. Destroy people's faith in their leaders. The leaders have a part in this one but I would say that this mission has definitely been accomplished.
8. Cause the registration of all eventually confiscate. Every dictator wants gun control. It is necessary for dictatorship. This is why we made the Second Amendment to protect against this. If you arm everyone, armed robberies are very difficult to pull off. Someone will shoot you when you try to get away and violence toward anyone could start a civil war. Most people don't want one, so the violence would go down too. Almost every liberal politician wants more gun control laws that would, in practice, only serve to take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Criminals will always have guns!
Except possibly for numbers four and five, I think these agendas would be considered liberal.
Also, when the communists took over China and expelled all the Christian missionaries there, the first thing they taught the children was not communism. It was evolution. Our schools are saturated with this theory and the naturalist philosophy that follows if you believe that you are nothing but an animal that evolved over time. Darwin's evolution is the most popular and it did not include God at all. Karl Marx said, "My objective in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." He tried to dedicate "The Communist Manifesto" to Charles Darwin but Darwin refused. Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, a union that has always been a vocal advocate of separation of church and state said, "Communism is the goal." In communist countries, they never allowed the teaching of creation, even in private homes if they could stop it. I see a connection.
If there is no God, how would you tell right from wrong? If evolution is true, then might makes right. Thus, it follows that any communist regime would be pretty brutal and they are. It would not surprise me to see America become moderately communist, maybe socialist, within the next thirty years or so. I think all extreme liberals would welcome a moderate communism, provided it was conservatives that were suppressed and most liberals would gladly accept socialism, for a while anyway.
2007-03-25 10:57:59
answer #1
answered by fuzz 4
I guess the answer to your question would depend on how you define Communism.
If you define Communism as a country having leaders that do what they want to do to their benefit regardless of what the people want , we have that here in the US right now.
If Communism is defined by the governments right to enter your home, control your life, control your movement, read your mail, jail you without cause and totally ignore any basic human rights, we also have that right now.
Should I point out that the above was enacted by a conservative government and liberals tend to be against all the above.
Most Liberals want not Communism, they want some equality between class groups. A family without money, and a lack of insurance because of it should be able to sent their child to the hospital if needed without the worry of where the money is coming from. Or without questions like " If I pay for this, how am i going to feed my family for the next two weeks?" That Child should get the best medical attention society can give, period.
Law and Justice, Education, Health and Freedom are just a few of the areas where there is inequality between the classes that should not be there.
The current Conservative talking heads like to point out that the rich create jobs. That may be true, but one can also point out that there would be no rich without the poor. Each class relies on, and is connected to the others. As such, they should be treated equally by the basic human services that hold society together.
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism as well as other forms of government all have pro's and cons. None is really superior to the others. The best we can do is learn the good values of each system, try to incorporate those into our current government, learn from mistakes, and throw away the bad values.
On a side note, "Another said, "the more educated a person is the less they slavishly follow the precepts of religion, (opiate of the Masses)." This is a misquote statement of Karl Marx
2007-03-25 11:42:57
answer #2
answered by bear 3
If you really think most people in America are REALLY putting god and country first and not themselves, their own comfort and their material things you must not be looking at the same place I am. And as for red tape and foolishness, you really think America isn't chuck full of that right now? Yet again we must not see the same place. Of course not everyone is the same, but personally I don't want a communist or socialist system. I am a liberal, what I want is an American system counterbalanced by liberal and conservative inclinations to achieve a happy medium that's benevolent, functional, effective, free, prosperous, peaceful, organized, charitable, wise, honest, strait forward, altruistic, and grounded. Perhaps an equally valid question is what percentage of conservatives would welcome some form of fascism?
2007-03-25 09:37:49
answer #3
answered by Stan S 1
that is sturdy! the biggest difference is: Conservatives have self assurance in God, smaller government, and private accountability. Liberals go through a psychological sickness and have self assurance (examine as dream) that the State (i.e. government) ought to play the functionality of God with a view to create a Heaven in the international (the place there's no want for extremely own accountability b/c the government will make all selections for all persons). i'm quite beneficial that's what the tale above gets at.
2016-10-01 11:36:45
answer #4
answered by ? 4
After watching the democrats and about 5
republicans, who I consider liberal, for the past 2 or 3 weeks, I would have to say about 98% would
favor a communist or socialist form of government
and also a Islamic type of sharia law!!!
2007-03-25 09:28:07
answer #5
answered by Vagabond5879 7
Here's the flip side to your question.
How many capitalists would welcome less government involvement, as proposed by the late president Ronald Reagan?
I have no love for the failed myths of socialism and communism, but the compounded evils of an unregulated capitalist system make me very angry.
Trust me, I prefer capitalism, but I'm not going to let companies railroad my life in any way, shape or form.
Invisible hand? I'd rather see the Pimp Hand of Justice bringing those captains of industry back to social reality.
2007-03-25 09:26:23
answer #6
answered by Floyd G 6
true liberals? 0%
just because we strive to keep church and state separate (as stated by the Constitution of the United States of America) does not mean that we condone communism, that little experiment of wishful thinking COMPLETELY failed.
God has absolutely no place in politics...feel free to practice whatever religion you choose, i really don't mind because it is protected by the constitution...but do NOT force it into the constitution and do not force it on me...this country is not a theocracy...
and some conservatives say liberals hate and don't care about the Constitution...strange thought when you see that we are trying to protect it's ideals in many ways, including the above one.
2007-03-25 09:27:40
answer #7
answered by Paulien 5
By definition being a liberal accepts some form of communism.
2007-03-25 09:25:35
answer #8
answered by Slug 3
Supporting communism is like climbing a ladder to space. The higher you go, the higher you want to go, but that's because of the lack of oxygen going to your brain.
2007-03-25 09:25:12
answer #9
answered by chris 4
To right wing radicals who are one step away from being Fascists anyone to their left is possibly a Communist. In reality I really don't think Liberals are any more Communist than Conservatives are Fascists.
2007-03-25 09:20:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous