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i would like to get one and wanted to know what u like about it and dont like about and some links about it and also what all the wii can do thanks

2007-03-25 09:14:09 · 5 answers · asked by sunny 3 in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear

5 answers

I love the Wii!!! For the price, it is one of the best gaming systems I have ever owned. The Wii Sports (which comes with the Wii) is fun and even non-"gamers" will get into bowling or baseball. Wii Play is another excellent game--not only do you get another bunch of fun party games, but for a limited time you get another free Wii-mote!!

I also love the virtual console, where you can purchase old-school Nintendo, Sega and other games (similiar to the Xbox Live) The games run about 7-10 dollars, but you do need a wireless connection.

You can also surf the internet with a wireless connection...until May (I think) you can download the browser for free, but it will cost something after that.

You can play all your Gamecube games on the Wii. And you can add extra memory with a regular SD card (yes, the kind found in digital cameras), not a special memory card.

A few downsides:

The Wii-mote is $40, and the Nunchuk is $20. They are sold separately, and you should get at least one extra set so you can play all the games. Not all require the nunchuk, but it's nice to have around/

In order to play the "classic" console games, you may need to buy the classic controller, which is $20.

The Wii-motes eat batteries like a digital camera. I recommend rechargable batteries...Nintendo will be coming out with a charging station soon, but I like regular old Engergizer rechargable double As. The charger and 4 batteries will cost about $20-25.

You do need a lot of space to play this as well, at least to protect your TV! But, all the pros outweigh the cons and it is a great party system, where everyone will be lining up to take turns!!

2007-03-25 09:30:42 · answer #1 · answered by Melissa L 5 · 0 0

I bought my Wii totaly on impulse after playing with one in the store for 2 minutes on release day and havnt regretted it for a minute. It is less than half the starting price of the other consoles, it has a new and unique style of play and the possibilities of what can be done with the controller are almost endless. Most things with the Wii are cheaper then the equivilent of another console (a full Wii controller...Wiimote and Nunchuck come to less than that of a PS3 controller or 360 controller). Virtual console is awsome, so you can now play so many old games without having to scour the net for roms and it is realy interactive. The only downside I can realy see with the Wii is that they are a bit slow to release a lot of games (especialy the ones I realy want...Super Smash Brothers Brawl) and there isnt a very large selection at the moment (although that will be solved over time), the Wii does seem to produce a but of heat but just buy the Playmax cooling base and problem solved. As for batteries just buy some realy good rechargables (a few NiMh rechargables with more than 2000mAh and they last for ages (my 2300mAh Energizer Ni-Mh ones have almost done 3 months! with moderate to heavy usage)

One realy cool thing is that is you have a bluetooth dongle you can connect your Wiimote to a computer and use it as a media remote for winamp or iTunes or Windows Media Player using a program called GlovePIE (or something like that)

2007-03-25 15:58:38 · answer #2 · answered by Jason A|retired 5 · 0 0

Xbox 360. on an identical time as the Wii is spectacular, if I had to % between the two, i might bypass with the 360. greater effectual video games, greater effectual controls (I HATE action controls. a minimum of Kinect is optionally available) maximum Wii video games are action controlled and are in basic terms a discomfort to play. I choose to apply a controller. The WiiU is a extensive failure that has a small pastime library and a controller with a sprint reveal screen which could be utilized as a 2d reveal screen, and can act as a conventional reveal screen if somebody desires to apply the television. i might nevertheless p.c.. the 360 over the WiiU.

2016-10-19 21:48:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My daughter has got one. It's really good fun! Gets you up and active too. Be careful though, my husband got so excited boxing on it he nearly put the television screen through!

2007-03-25 09:18:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the wii is really fun its like your really doing it and whatever is that u dont like about it you will have fun

2007-03-25 13:15:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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