I see that you took Business 101 at a non-think tank.
Profit will always be there and people will always think of things to improve life.
But, I bet you won't. Because you gave up already.
2007-03-25 07:58:29
answer #1
answered by Nort 6
I certainly don't want to take the profit motive out of the equation so I think you're mistaken about Democrats in general. I'm sure that's what you've been told but it's simply not true. Capitalism is a good thing, but we also know people and corporations get greedy and fail to think about the long term affects on the company they run. CEOs will do whatever is profitable in the short term even though the long term affects are economically disatrous. I'm a Democrat, not a Socialist. You're right to some extent about innovation and profit but when runaway profit rules, American Capitalism loses because fewer small companies are able to enter the market. Then, this super-capitalism" actually prevents wide-spread capitalism and contains the wealth within a few. See the Robber Barons for details.
Democrats are not Socialists. I definitely believe in the capitalist system, with a few controls that keep the US capitalist. Free Trade with China had caused US manufacturing to close down because of cheap imported goods(this is called dumping). Are we only in favor of foreign capitalism?
2007-03-25 08:07:02
answer #2
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
However, you miss the issue that not all profit is monetary or of intrinsic value. Sometimes the profit is spiritual, Mother Theresa, or the profit is social, Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.
Thomas Edison worked from a motivation of monetary profit, that is true. Generally people create a market by making people believe the quality of their lives will be improved through the use of a product, mouth wash, deodorant or horseless carriages.
The USSR proved that if there is no improvement in the quality of an individuals life there is no motivation to innovate or produce. The USSR had to develop a means of providing motivation in the form of improved standards of living for those more necessary to the function of the state, proving that profit, the improvement in quality of life, motivation is the core motivation of human beings.
Many people believe that Money is necessary to improve the quality of life. Money can improve the quality of life, or it can destroy it just like anything else.
To improve the quality of your life you need to know what you want and then you need to achieve that. If you cannot define what "profit" you want you cannot "make" that profit.
For a nation the same rule applies. If we cannot decide as a nation what we want, we cannot achieve it.
2007-03-25 08:07:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, innovation is often (not exclusively) fueled by profit motive. And most companies have profit as their priority.
That's why there are patent protection laws, and copyright and trademark laws -- to protect a company's profit motive.
The issue with many liberals and Democrats (overlapping groups, but not identical sets) is that they are concerned that without regulation, companies will ONLY be concerned with profit motive. History bares that conclusion out. So, they feel justified in enacting limits so that companies do not harm consumers or the environment solely in the pursuit of profit.
In other words, they are convinced companies will NOT develop a product simply to benefit consumers, and therefore the consumers need some protection.
2007-03-25 08:04:24
answer #4
answered by coragryph 7
Democrats are not against profit, but against gigantic corporations so powerful they can dictate to the population. It's all about responsible actions in terms of worker safety, ethical business behavior, and paying for the privilege to live in this great country and have a great lifestyle because of their hard work...No small business man needs fear any of the ideas of Democrats...Would you feel better living with one gigantic corporation that made and sold everything you used and was the only company you could possibly work for?
If a few corporations controlled our lives and the government,wouldn't this system be quite a lot like the old USSR, except everthing would be determined at board meeting and e-mails between the giants...or has this already happened?
2007-03-25 07:59:23
answer #5
answered by Ford Prefect 7
The billionaire Dems have been given their funds from the union! Ask Obama. he's bought and paid for by way of the unions. he's attempting to get a thousand million funds for his 2d presidential run. And the only people who've that variety of scratch are Unions.
2016-10-19 21:36:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No one is suggesting that there should not be a profit motivation; the question is HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?
Prices right now are a bit exorbitant for most of our senior citizens, diabled, retired, poor and all on fixed incomes... yet AMERICANS are paying more for the pharmaceuticals than Canadians, Mexicans and Filipinos... yet, these same AMERICAN companies are no longer hiring AMERICANS but are outsourcing jobs in foreign countries where they pay less (why aren't prices lower?) and do not even give any medical/dental benefits to their "serfs" (their low salaried employees that sometimes work in unsanitary conditions or in hazardous conditions or unhealthy conditions and often for well beyond 40 hours a week) while they also get AMERICAN tax incentives and AMERICAN tax breaks... yet receive AMERICAN protection... yet they charge our AMERICAN disabled, sick, elderly, retired and poor more? HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?
AT the rate we're going, it's even obvious that it is better for pharmaceutical companies to provide life sustaining medications rather than developing cures...!
OR they give doctors, heads of medical departments and medical schools monetary "incentives" to push their brand medications and to also over-charge government plans (Medicare, Medicaid...) and regular employee medical plans more than the paying paying person. Three dollars for a bandaid, $35-45 dollars for weighing a person and measuring their heights... !
That's why doctors go on vacations and are able to stay in free hotel suites and use free yachts OWNED by pharmaceutical companies... or why they can afford such magnificent homes and drive those exotic sounding automobiles... and belong to those swanky spas....
Cable companies in NYC wanted and received deregulation and promised that they would not raise the prices of Cable services... yeah, right! Our service is worse yet our monthly fees have gone up systematically since and we are now paying upwards of 5 times more than when it was deregulized... because of some greedy politicians, like one now running for President... where's the protection for the common people? Service in one neighborhood (which pays the same) is always better than in poor neighborhoods... why? The same with the telephone service... HOW MUCH IS FINALLY ENOUGH? Meanwhile, you want to keep prices down by letting go of the common workers yet look at the abscene salaries and fringe benefit the CEOs get...!
Profits, yes, it's necessary... but HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH???
By the way, Democrats are not the ones giving up business interests to other countries or the technology to other countries... guess again... it's the Republicans (the super rich and powerful) that are sending the technological know-how to foreign countries (like Boeing...). Stop blaming "liberals" and "damned Democrats" for once and for all and accept facts as they ARE, not as you'd like them to be, booby!
AND for your information, booby, Democrats are not against profit-making or free enterprize, they're against the super rich and powerful controlling government and elected officials to further their master plan of financially enslaving the common citizen!
2007-03-25 08:06:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Who's trying to get rid of it?
Profit motivation should not be the sole driving factor, however.
2007-03-25 07:58:47
answer #8
answered by Schmorgen 6
Profit motivation is what keeps businesses in business and moving forward but obscene profits are more than we should allow.
2007-03-25 08:03:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Err... if consumers comfort isnt improved, them you arent going to sell anything. Look at Edison's inventions, they ALL impoved the quality of life.
Stop whining about socialism. It doesnt apply to American liberals.
2007-03-25 07:56:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous