Toko said it best, OWNED is the key word.... Starting with The ZionistNaziNeocons, that have Been PLACED In To High Governmental Positions. These Scumbags have A DIRECT Tie To The Israeli Stranglehold in The Middle East, which in turn Has CREATED a Major Portion of Terrorist Organizations. The Israeli are in Possession of 700+ Nuclear Devices, It is No Wonder Surrounding Countries are a Bit Edgy, to say the Least.. The MAJOR SCUMBAG , with TIES between U.S. and Israel is: PAUL WOLFOWITZ. This WORM LARVA Co-Authored The Patriot Act, the PNAC, howevet the Initials go "The New century" whatever. which in Reality is Designed for Global Dominance, and The NEW WORLD ORDER.. Another Big PUKE is: PHILLIP ZELIKOW, who was HAND PICKED (AFTER OVER 440 DAYS to START a 9/11 INVESTIGATION !! Huuuhhhh ??) This JerkWad, Monitored EVERYTHING that Went into the 911 Commission Report. ALL PERTINENT EVIDENCE, and EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY Was SUPPRESSED, IGNORED, MANIPULATED, to Mask and DISTORT The FACTS ann The Truths of Sept. 11th.. This OBVIOUS COVER-UP This BOGUS "Final Report" ( I THINK NOT !!) must be Ignored and a REAL INVESTIGATION into Sept. 11th Events, Is The KEY to Saving This World from the Zionist Nazi PoliceState ONE GOVT. Rule that is on The March with help, The Leader being right here in the USA, i.e. The BushCrimeSyndicate. Other ZionistNaziElitistSatanist HomosexualScumbags Include: William "The Flamer" Kristol Richard Perle, paul wolfowitz, Eliot Abrams, Douglas Feist, Otto "who Me a Nazi?" Reich, Zelikow, Wurmser, Frumm, Henry Kissenger, Karl "Spelled with a K" Von RovenNazi, John Boulton(sp) , and SATAN's Right Hand Man, Ariel Sharon. oh yea and This MAGGOT, PAUL WOLFOWITZ. 911 was an INSIDE JOB !! BUSCHE MUST STEP DOWN !!
2007-03-25 07:37:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sure, Jews exert a few impact in Washington...however so does the National Rifle Association, the AARP and the Sierra Club. They're simply gambling the identical sport of feeding on the trough as everybody else. I do not think that Jews or any individual else for that subject severely compromise our govt. I do think that the procedure that has advanced IS very unsafe ultimately. We have a political magnificence that doesn't immediately endure the load of responsibility for horrible choices. Many appear to view the Federal Government as a best, enormous, flabby milk cow that may be milked at any time when.
2016-09-05 15:32:29
answer #2
answered by ? 4
One thing you will never be, and that is President. it looks like you fail to open your eyes and see the reality.
How many lobby groups are there again?
How much funding do they give to the Palestinians?
What about environmentalist lobbies? No, the Government never listens to them!
Get real.
2007-03-26 19:55:17
answer #3
answered by Gab200512 3
State of Israel Vs. American States
Israel has been often called the 51st American State, yet it does not pay income, property, or sales taxes to America as the Americans do, in fact, just the opposite, Israel receives more American tax dollars than the Americans do. With the state of Israel's population of 6.5 million, they are receiving more American tax payer's federal assistance than American states with similar or a greater population:
Population US Federal Assistance Per Capita
Israel 6.5 million $ 1,400
Alabama 5 Million $ 1,200
Arizona 6 Million $ 1,100
California 35 Million $ 1,200
Colorado 5 Million $ 900
Florida 17 Million $ 900
Georgia 9 Million $ 1,000
Illinois 13 Million $ 1,000
Indiana 6 Million $ 1,000
Maryland 6 Million $ 1,000
Massachusetts 6.5 Million $ 1,300
Michigan 10 Million $ 1,100
Minnesota 5 Million $ 1,100
Missouri 6 Million $ 1,200
New Jersey 9 Million $ 1,200
North Carolina 8.5 Million $ 1,100
Ohio 11.5 Million $ 1,100
Pennsylvania 12 Million $ 1,200
Tennessee 6 Million $ 1,200
Texas 22 Million $ 1,000
Virginia 7 Million $ 800
Washington 6 Million $ 1,100
Wisconsin 5.5 Million $ 1,100
We need our tax dollars for our schools, roads, medical and social services, and most of all, for our own home land security for each of our towns and cities. Our states needs to be protected, let the Israelis raise their own taxes to pay for their own actions, don't raise our American taxes so we can give more to Israel.
There are nearly 2 million Americans who are homeless while our tax dollars are going to build homes in illegal settlements in Arab deserts, nearly 13 million children in America are starving, while we give away billions of dollars each year to Israelis who ritually throw away food at alters. Save American lives and your tax dollars, stop throwing away money to Israel.
According to the Christian science monitor, Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. Top Jewish senators and Jewish congressmen in the US are voting to detour American tax payer's money to Israel.
Action Requested: Contact your local congressman or senator and demand that the money you pay from your taxes is intended to fix your roads, schools, medicare, social security, and America's defense against terrorism; "instead of going to Israel, stop giving my money to Israel".
Israel does not help us in the war against terrorism, Israel hurts us by blatantly using American weapons in violation of AECA agreements between both countries which stipulate that Israel not use such weapons against civilian populations, enraging and inflaming the animosity in the Middle East against America, even though Israel can use Israeli weapons since Israel is the 6th largest weapons producer in the world, it consistently showcases American weapons against civilians, spreading the guilt onto America by association.
We need patriotic leaders who will keep America's money in America and care more about American lives than non-Americans!
Related Articles:
Israel: Friend or Foe?
Who the Israeli lobbyists pay off
2007-03-26 10:19:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Such chutzpa!! What a cockamamie notion! It's bubkes. Everyone knows the country's ran by goyim.
2007-03-25 07:49:49
answer #5
answered by Michael E 5
The Nazis blamed Jews for everything that went wrong. Are you doing the same?
2007-03-25 07:59:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's worrying that you get to vote.
It's 2007. The 16th Century was some time ago. Get some new ideas.
2007-03-25 07:25:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
ya we are run by the jews but we have been for a long time. I think eventually the crimes in Palestine will have to be paid for we will see.
2007-03-25 07:26:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't fear the jews. If there happens to be a lot of jews in politics then that just happens to be a coincidence.
2007-03-25 07:29:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hell this would not surprise me one iota!
2007-03-25 08:41:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous