Well if you go and kill yourself, that would be THE dumbest thing you can do. Do you really think hell is going to be any better? Cuz thats where u gona go if u off yourself. As for you way of life..... you have to realise something.... This is your life, not your parents or your friends, respect them, but you need to do whats you "want". Dont disrespect them or anything, just listen to them and try to reason with them. you only get one chanse at life on earth, so why live it the way someone else wants you to live it? For your school problem.... beat up somebody, you have to take a stand sometime, the worste they can do is beat you up, trust me onece u do stand up for yourself, you'll feel like a new person.
About your weight problem, do you like the way u are righ now? do you like being fat? its no ones fault but your own, you got this way now only you can get out of it. Start working out everyday, nothing huge just exersise here and there.
Kid life is too short to live it acording to anyones standards. You say you go to Christian something, well read the bible man its good for you. Instead of killing yourself just do what you always wanted. Live life man.
2007-03-25 06:59:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. Lose weight. Not only is being overweight exceptionally unhealthy, you'll feel better and your confidence will improve if you lose the excess pounds. It's not difficult. Confidence is very appealing. If you look at the popular people in your area you will find they are all either very confident or able to project it well.
2. Quit arguing with your parents. You are 15 years old and under their care. Try having an open, heart-to-heart in a calm, rational manner about how you feel and why you feel that way. If they react poorly, stop and try again another time. You have to manage the situation in a mature manner or they will not listen to you.
3. Seek counseling. Suicidal thoughts are not normal, even for a teen. Occasional bouts of sulking and anger are, and can be managed with appropriate coping skills. Since you obviously lack these skills, you will need to seek counseling.
4. Quit complaining about ginger hair. I've a lovely head of red hair. We are rare due to the recessive genes that make us redheads. Just remember - everyone else is a virtual commoner. Some day we redheads will rise up and take the red dyes off the shelves so no one else can pretend to be one of us cool people. We are an elite group and you should be proud of this!
5. Calm down. Today's problems will be tomorrow's laughs over a pint. I know this for a fact as I've a son older than you are right now. I tell him stories all the time about my difficulties as a teen and he laughs himself silly that I could EVER have thought something was that earth-shattering. I think it really helped him through his teenage years, actually.
2007-03-25 07:02:13
answer #2
answered by morgorond 5
It is not that uncommon for someone your age to hate their life. A lot of us hated our life's when we were teenagers but you have to realize that it will not be that way forever.10 years ago I hated my life so bad that I tried to kill myself and ended up in the hospital with a tube down my through but today my life is great. When you are feeling down you have just got to tell yourself that it will pass and believe it. You are 15 years old, you only have 3 more years until you can move out of your parents house so you have just got to tuff it out a little longer and then you'll be free. I am sorry that people are so mean to you but even some of the most beautiful people get made fun of. When someone makes fun of someone else it is because they are miserable themselves. Take it with a grain of salt and try not to let it hurt you. I've been where you are so I know how bad it hurts. I am not trying to be mean by saying this but, you need to get some professional help. You could have a mental illness that needs to be treated with meds and that might be part of the reason why you are so depressed. Suicide is not the answer.
2007-03-25 07:59:27
answer #3
answered by kittysoma27 6
Please do not think that way you have a lot to live for ,you are young, please sit down and talk to your parents,tell them how you feel, you need some personal space ,to make decisions of your own .This is your right.You cannot please everyone, instead please your self and everyone will accept it, what is your Ideal outlook explain to your parents what you want from life.What do you want to do? Explain to them that you are trying to live your life and you need some freedom, to do the things you are interested in.Joining a club is a good Idea. As for your appearance ,try taking up sport to control your weight and don't worry about the hair its a great colour.Your parents are possibly anxious because you are growing up and are trying to cope , If you have been away from home in a private school there may have been a lack of comminication, between you.You need to reconnect with your parents.Do not give up, just live your life in an assertive way, do not be intimidated by others,why should let them who are they ?Enjoy your life it is yours.
2007-03-25 07:31:21
answer #4
answered by Lindsay Jane 6
I do hate my existence like plenty when you consider that i used to be like nine.But i am getting on with it and preserve considering if i do not combat on a daily basis they're going to win and that i would possibly not be remembered.I under no circumstances have a decent grip on fact and do not know what is truly or no longer many times however i preserve considering that one day it's going to all be greater and i am nonetheless right here so i believe its running.
2016-09-05 15:31:28
answer #5
answered by ? 4
If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself then you need to talk to your parents about how you feel. If you cant talk to them, talk to another adult you trust, maybe a school counselor or minister. Nothing in life is ever worth ending your life. You will be fine and work things out. Believe in yourself.
2007-03-25 06:57:05
answer #6
answered by Cathy S 3
dont commit suicide because then you will go to hell.... going to hell is worse than getting made fun of your whole life. ignore everybody because you never know, you can grow up to be very rich!!! AND the pople who tease you can become poor and overweight. They will need help from you and then they'll say that they are sorry for teasing you. you will be the better person. you will be famous and they will get treated like a piece of ****!!!
2007-03-25 06:59:14
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Life, young one is what we make of it. I say this to you because I know what you are going through, because I have been through it my seff, in ages past. Now I am happy with who and what I am, and am leading a very happy life.
What you have to learn to do is quiet worring about what others think or say and find that area in your life that makes you happy for who you are. You can not go through life trying to please others and trying to make them happy. It will never work. Especially if you are not happy with yourself. As for those you wish to be friends with. If they pick and tease you, then they are not worthy of you. A true friend accepts you for who you are, as for the rest, they are nothing but food for the beast. Learn to be happy with yourself first, and the rest will fall into place. Follow your dreams and let nothing stop you in your life. As I said, life is what we make it, good or bad, it is our choice. Good luck to you. l
2007-03-25 07:02:53
answer #8
answered by viper 2
Depending on how long you have been feeling this way or if something happened to trigger this thought, "hating" your life might be how your are feeling right now but it is a situational emotion and not truly how you feel most of the time. If you aren't sure what is going on or why are you feeling this way Well the good news is that you CAN learn to control your thoughts and feelings, it may not happen as quickly as you like but with practice and patience this can be done. It should also be mentioned that the sooner you do learn how to control, the better you are going to be throughout your life. Staying away from situations that trigger unwanted emotions is ideal but not always realistic however you can take an honest look at what part you play in this and what is in your control to make it easier on you. Another suggestion is to distract yourself from the focus of what is causing uncomfortable feelings by doing something else. If you can, engage in something that is enjoyable so that you are more likely to do it.
Remember the core of our deepest emotions are the beliefs behind them, whether it is true or not. By changing your thoughts you may not be able to change the situation but you can change the way you look at it and the affects it is having on you!
2017-03-27 19:54:06
answer #9
answered by boystownhotline 7
when i was in grammar school I was always being pushed around by the class bully. His name was Butch. I was the shortest in the class. we were in 2nd grade. every day he would look down on me, and say nasty things. one day I had enough. i jumped as high as I could and PUNCHED him in the nose. HE Grabbed HIS BLEEDING nose, CRYING HE SAID, HE WAS JUST PLAYING. I TOLD HIM I DIDN'T Like IT. he never bothered me again. no one else did.
2007-03-25 06:59:25
answer #10
answered by J 4