Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Lochness to blow Nessy out of the water. Sir Godfrey of the Nessy Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally.
2007-03-25 05:51:35
answer #1
answered by John Boy 4
I had not heard until recently that Nessie is believed to be a plesiasaur, or a giant eel.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAW when I had a frightening experience in a smaller, nearby loch. I had always scoffed at the monster stories but this left me convinced that it is real and that there must be more. It's been etched in my memory ever since. Three companions and myself went swimming in this nearby but much smaller loch. It was very dark, almost black water with very little vegetation around it and was very still and quiet when suddenly, quite close to me, the body of this enormous thing with a dark and smooth body like an enormous eel - I would say about seven or eight feet in girth) very briefly arched right out of the water without making a sound and disappeared again. Only I saw it and I yelled a warning to the others and rapidly got out. They stayed in thinking I was fooling around even though I was obviously in a state of shock. That was convincing enough for me to have no doubts whatsoever that a monster or monsters lurk in Loch Ness and other lochs. Our intrusion is what made it appear. Had I been able to snap a shot of it I am sure that would have also convinced all those doubters out there. But that's what happens - a sighting is made, no one else sees it and the disbelief is there. I am a scientific down-to-earth engineer, not one who readily accepts anything without positive evidence or proof.....
2007-03-27 09:49:11
answer #2
answered by Mukunda M 7
Dont understand lots approximately Nessie, perhaps. As for Bigfoot, evaluate this: each and every interior sight way of life around the planet in northern lattitudes has bigfoot, or yeti or sasquatch legends. Cultures that by no skill had any touch with one yet another in any appreciate have very old historic memories, long till now there have been outsiders putting concepts of their heads. There are a number of circumstances of early Himalayan explorers speaking with Tibetan Lamas that informed them very rely of factly that there have been Yeti residing interior sight. This grew to become into on the two the Nepalese and Tibetan area of the utmost maximum distant mountain variety in the international. some distance Northern Eskimos have continuously had "furry guy" legends. each and every a variety of memories have very comparable descriptions, risk or mind's eye can not clarify it. there is not any clarification i will think of of different than to think of that categorical, certainly there have been some style of bigfoot like creatures and there very nicely would desire to nevertheless be. i desire so, a international devoid of mysteries and surprises could be boring.
2016-11-23 14:32:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i think bigfoot is more plausible than loch ness. Because bigfoot, being a primate, is smarter so if it didn't want to be found it could hide. but the loch ness monster, being a reptile, wouldn't be smart enough to hide. so we would have found it by now.
2007-03-25 08:00:49
answer #4
answered by annikagyrl 2
Loch Ness Because she has played a major role in our society. I believe she is out there. She just doesn't want to be found is all.
2007-03-25 06:05:23
answer #5
answered by ~*Byrdie*~ 2
I believe in neither of them...their discriptions are to wild...there might some undiscovered creatures out there that might be similar to them but literally they are not real. Its human's misconceptions that blur their views towards these make believe creatures..I'm not believing in any of these make believe myths until there are real evidence in front of me. Saying that some person saw it the loch ness not real proof..and those pictures are too blury and not real evidence anyways because it can also be others things that causes those figure to appear on those pictures...i'm not stubburn just educated in what I should and should not believe in.
2007-03-25 05:55:36
answer #6
answered by RelientKayers 4
Yes to some extend I do.
I mean it seems unknown and cool. But also some other things aren't real that we wish were. You know what I mean.
It seems so old fashion and awesome. To think how long people have seaching to see if those to exsist. I hope they are never to be found, just because of the mystery that lies with each of them.
2007-03-25 07:17:24
answer #7
answered by Evey 6
how can every part of the world have a bigfoot like creature? I think some say no because its the easy answer. NOT all parts of the world have easy access by road beacue of mountains or forests so who know what we may not have discovered yet.
2007-03-25 08:32:03
answer #8
answered by ? 6
yes beacuse they are proof of those things there have been of people being kidnapped bybigfoot an saitings and the lochness are pictures and there was one found inside of a whale
2007-03-25 05:53:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes because its juts fun to believe in legends... who knows if they are real or not. I think bigfoot actaully has some scientific evidence that it could actually its fun to believe in creepy stuff. =)
2007-03-25 05:55:32
answer #10
answered by sunny_babeh 2