If you are smart you will do both. You can save a portion of your income for something you really want or "in case of". Saving is a really good habit to make. One day you might want a home of your own, or to travel, etc.
You can spend but do it in moderation. Having fun in life is part of life, but don't overdue. There may come a time when you really will need or want the money you saved and will be grateful that it's there.
2007-03-25 04:39:19
answer #1
answered by JOANNE C 1
2007-03-25 04:36:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When it comes to money...I save some (I have direct deposit to my other checking account) I spend some (usually on bills and household needs) and give some away ( like letting family members borrow money)...It's a part of life...but if you want to save $2000 this summer...I suggest working a full time job ( as much overtime you're allowed) and saving 75% of your money. Yes, I know most of the rest will go to bills and if you're working you won't have time for fun...but without sacrifice..it won't happen...Good Luck
2016-03-29 03:52:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Maybe try some balance with your money: keep either 10% of what you earn before taxes, or save the before-tax value of what you earn for one-hours work each day. With the money you save up, seek the advice of a financial consultant who can offer suggestions on what's the best way to put that money to use for your short and/or long-term goals.
Good Luck!
2007-03-25 04:40:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I used to save,now i live for the day,as long as bills etc are paid,i get the things in life i want now and enjoy them-spend spend spend
2007-03-25 04:37:09
answer #5
answered by NATALIE W 3
It's smart to save at least 15% of your earnings for a rainy day.
2007-03-25 04:40:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Stuff does not make you happy. You must live within your means and lead a balanced life. Most Americans live way beyond their paycheck and then cry the blues when they hit a rough spot.
2007-03-25 04:39:04
answer #7
answered by lily 6
Spend and live for today..You cannot take anything with you when you die so why not enjoy life money does you no good when you are dead..
2007-03-25 04:55:14
answer #8
answered by Maureen B 5
you need a balance have fun but dont go wild i say go on a vacation at least once a year for at least 3 days but dont go on a date everyday eat out everyday or anything like that
2007-03-25 04:39:17
answer #9
answered by confused 1
save, it never hurt anyone to have some money put away....
2007-03-25 04:38:43
answer #10
answered by MidnightSkies 7